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Hello hello everyone!

First off just wanted to say I’m sorry I didn’t manage to get to the streams last month! I’m still in the thick of moving and there’s been complication after complication,

I don’t know exactly when I’ll have my equipment set up in my new house to be able to stream again, but I’m trying to prioritize getting the things I need to my new house asap so I can get a schedule going for you guys, I wanna try to have something like a weekend long stream extravaganza or smth like that to make up for the lost time, I’ll be back to update again as soon as I can!!

Streams WILL resume this month though regardless! Exact dates are just tbd!



Honestly was expecting some delays just because of my experiences with moving so don’t feel bad. It’s appreciated that you want to make up for it, but just do what you can feasibly manage. Hope the unpacking and getting settled up goes well :)


Dont worry June you post enough art to make the patreon worth it imo, but looking forward to streaming again no rush