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For a video I’m hoping to get done this month, I have a few more designs I need to do and then I’m. Exceedingly tempted to redo the braixen because I Don’t Like him, but it all depends if I have enough time! Deadlines to meet and whatnot

I have three sponsor deadlines left that’ll hopefully be done by next month, at which point the channel reboot will officially start! Tbh I’m still sorting out those plans but I’m pretty positive they involve uploading deliberately less frequently to spend more time on bigger videos. Which! Is scary! I just hope it pays off!

Anyway have fun guessing the pokémon and which types they’ve become! Most of the pokemon are probably pretty easy to guess, hopefully the types are easy too, the easier to guess the better I did my job sdfghjkl




I think what's been throwing you off with braixens redesign color-wise is both the saturation AND the contrast of colors! look at sprigatitos new design for a great example, that little lad needs more contrast in the dark and light greens right? if i were to give a guess, i think gamefreak leans towards a low contrast deisgn to help it feel more like those original gen 1 watercolor artworks but im not too sure. Instead of the black and grey, a slightly darker and cooler gray on top of a lighter one would maybe work better? great designs all around though! that crab is as good as cannon in my eyes <3


Had a few thoughts for Braixen rewatching the video. 1- knights. They were the partners to knights, their armor fused with their fur, and now they have basically armor dresses. The chest fluff and legs actual plate. 2- metal dust. They took up residence in a *insert metal* mine and the dust got in their fur, eventually melting into damascus, which is stronger then normal steel. Simple shapes replacing large areas, decorated with contrasting designs. 3- jewelry. They were the partners of jewelers and now adorn themselves with jewels they inset into their gold fur. If you ever get back to it, these could be fun.