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Hiii guys, !

Sorry I’ve been away for a bit! I figured I owed a bit of an explanation and an apology ? But first of all, I really wanna thank you guys so so much for continuing to support me while I wasn't posting. Seriously, it means the world to me. Idk! i’m always like. Really shocked when a new month rolls over and my patreon hasn’t totally tanked. self doubt is something i’ve just always struggled with and like? idk, i really really really appreciate the support. My relationship with my self worth is nobody else’s responsibility, it’s mine 100%! I just wanted to express I appreciate it because my more harmful intrusive thoughts are kept at bay when i can see that it’s like unfounded fears and insecurity over my ability to make content, you know? i guess? if that makes sense?

i dunno! thank you, for real.

Sssss! aa! secondly!!

The truth is that for the entire month of June, I was recovering from some. Idk I guess let’s call it personal turmoil that arose from a conflict that happened amongst friends, and I just kinda. checked out mentally afterwards.

I have a hard time keeping track of the passage of time, I didn't realize I had been so mentally absent for as long as as i was, I should’ve been more proactive about that and I should’ve done it sooner! That’s on me!

I won't be answering questions about the whos, the whys or the whats of what happened, but basically what happened left me feeling very... blindsided? I guess is the word for it? And I’ve removed myself from the situation since it happened! I’ll be okay, no need to worry! I’m good and safe and everything I don’t want to make anyone worry.

But despite the situation being “over” I guess, it hurt more than i expected to the extent that I was in. I dunno what to call it other than ‘mourning’. I was grieving longer than I thought I would be.

And even though it was longer than I realized, I am starting to feel better! I’m getting back on track! My friends have been so kind and supportive I’m going to be just fine.

SO! With my wits now more or less back with me: Most relevant to the platform, I’ve got help getting everything back on track to be uploading to youtube/patreon regularly again! Which I feel like I haven't truly done since the pandemic started.

I have a team with me again and I think we have some really fun stuff being made right now, I really hope you guys will like it!

So as an attempt to make up for my absence, starting today until next Thursday I will be making Patreon posts every other day! After next Thursday, regular weekly Thursday Patreon uploads will resume! There won’t be any streams this month, I think I need just a little longer to feel in good enough spirits that I could justify trying to host a stream. But! The plan right now that me and my producer are playing around with is to start having two streams every month starting next month, and using one of those streams to finally bring back the chance for me to draw some requests for you guys!

(If anyone used to come to my commission streams back when I did those in like? 2015? Plus a couple years? I want to try doing that again but with requests and just doing as many as i can in a sitting!)

Thank you again for supporting me, truly. I will be better!!

see u saturday c: 💗



Did you mean to repost this or is it a patreon glitch?


I hope I can speak for most people here when I say we dont really feel "June hasnt posted in too long, im unsubbing wtf". Take your time, life is often a mess, we will happily wait !!