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Ive been sat down and trying to get organized and figured while I was at it I could give a small update here, accompanied by some drawings I havnt finished in the past couple months. Some of which I previewed on the patreon discord chat before! Not all of it though! (If youre not in the discord chat you really should be!! Check out this link if you need hlp! https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-rece )

SO!  Ive gotten to a point where I bit off more than I could chew!  So for a while now my focus has been p-abysmal and Ive had next to no concept of time. I'm looking into getting some really structured work trackers to keep me in line and trying to only focus on two projects at a time! Since I want to focus on my nuzlockes, that means 1/2 of those "two at a time" is always gonna be a comic page. I guess this isn't super important for you guys to know, but it's just where my mind is at!
I'm really sorry that I totally lost the last request batch! I'm gonna put out a new prompt soon and tackle requests with a fresh start! If you have any suggestions for things you'd like me to try and do to make your patron experience better I'd love to hear it! Your support really means the world to me, I don't want anyone to think I'm ungrateful while I'm fumbling around in the dark like this.

Wash your hands stay safe pls join the discord!!! <3




dude i WANNA see the Dice one finished


IS THAT IZUMI SHINICHI FROM PARASYTE???!!! My respect for you just jumped up by millions!