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...from another emergency sabbatical. And just in time too. The other day I saw we were just about to hit the limit for a monthly drawing and I was going to say "fuck it let's just do it" and then I come back and see we actually did hit the limit.

So I don't know what to say. My anxiety with art and my omnipresent depression have been getting the absolute best of me and I'm deeply touched and honored that you guys continue to show your support. I want to see if keeping up with at least a monthly dedicated drawing and poll system will get me motivated to keep moving forward. What little drawing I've been doing has only been through drills and exercises. A lot of what I struggle with, constantly, it feels like, is my methodology. I want to feel comfortable in my process and while some parts are going well, other parts are... less so.

I want to figure things out but it's not fair to you guys to be kept hanging as such. Tomorrow I'll get to work on the poll, and I'll slowly start easing my way back. You're all absolutely the best, and I'm sorry for needing to have so much time away. I deeply appreciate your support and patience <3 


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