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What an exhausting day... but also deeply productive. Plenty of time to think about what I want to (and can do) with Patreon stuff. It feels like it's a never-ending process to find that sweet spot where I feel I'm valuing the tiers correctly while also producing the appropriate degree of work. As such, I'm going to try a little experiment. I'm going to raise my lowest tier to $3, and I will be adding new features to the tier itself. Or maybe raising the lowest tier to a $2 tier and putting the new features into a separate $3 tier. This is hard.


1. Fees blow. I get 66 cents on every dollar pledged. While Patreon itself isn't responsible for these fees, Paypal's processing nonsense is taking a huge bite out of how things go with a flat fee. Raising the minimum helps me out with covering these fees. By adding one whole solid dollar to what I make at my base tier.

2.  Ultimately, the end-result of my $1 tier experiment hasn't been as successful as I'd like. There just aren't a lot of people subscribing for this tier overall. I thought the low price would be more of a draw. I'm hoping the jump from $1 to $2 or $3 will be a small enough leap that some who were interested in joining already will take the time to join.

3. I'm gonna be adding variants to my stuff. WIPs and daily sketches are lovely and I deeply enjoy doing them, but if working on this piece has taught me anything, it's that these variants are gonna give me the opportunity to play around with a lot of new things I need practice with. Different clothing options, nudity options, and feet textures :^) Maybe in the future I might even play around with expression variations.

4. Polls. That's right. They're coming back, baby. Maybe a sketch poll at this tier and a color poll in a higher tier? We'll see. One thing's for sure, I do want the option around again, and I want to stress significantly less with it.

The change will be live sometime tomorrow. When I'm done with the Stardew Valley piece sometime tomorrow too, I'm gonna send y'all amazing people the finished product and the variants. Otherwise I will be posting it in the new tier, and I will be unpublishing the $1 tier. Or turning it into a $2 tier and making the variants tier a $3 tier Idon'tknowwhatI'mdoing.

Please share your thoughts! I love hearing from you and have no idea how to conduct satisfaction surveys.


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