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Really, I knew this sort of thing would happen. When I start a new hobby, I have a tendency to go HAM and then burn out, and then it's a matter of adjusting things to a more reasonable pace until I can get back to where I was. Same thing happened with drawing. Whether it was the string of bad commissions or weeklies that made it more difficult to focus or that some kind of magical motivation juice ran out, I dunno. Point is, I need to fix things up and get to a point where this doesn't feel like work, because I actually do want to do this for longer, and I took on more than I was comfortable with.

So, yes, tier adjustments. I'm gonna be doing two Patreon-exclusive drawings now, instead of four, and--you guessed it--they're both gonna be for the $5 reward tiers. I'm no longer offering a poll for $1 and $10 Patrons. There's a few reasons for this. In addition to fixing up the workload, I just didn't think that the transition between $1 and $5 was too smooth. Similarly, the transition of rewards from $5 to $10 doesn't seem smooth either. Maybe $1 Patrons will be getting a sketch reward instead? Maybe I'll continue with $10 Patrons at some point when I can feel like the workload is worth it? As it stands, I just don't think a single picture is worth the $10 shift, and, for the life of me, I can't figure out what would be. 

That's the biggest change. Otherwise, for the $1 tier, I'll still be doing (more) practice sketches and offering higher resolution art files instead. That should be reasonable for a $1 thing. I'll also keep doing the art files thing for the $10 tier, but I also really, really need to think about what I can adjust there.

As for the things I already have planned: I'm gonna finish the Symmetra piece and the Rosalina piece as appropriate over the next little while. One today, one tomorrow? We'll see. I'm gonna post new polls tomorrow. These will consume the previous $1 and $10 options until the two $5 polls stand alone.

And there we are. All the news has been caught up on. Honestly, even just having this all on paper, so to speak, feels like a massive relief. If these changes are going to affect your patronage unfavorably, I'll understand if you withdraw your support. Otherwise, here's to getting back on track again.


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