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I couldn't help myself and wrote a story for the piece :'I Free for all!

The kiss of the feather between her lips was beyond maddening. It was beyond heat, beyond touch, beyond anything she had ever felt before. Where it slid, a rippling wave of pleasure followed, thrumming and dispersing as quickly as it came. She felt each individual vane as if it was a firmer, more precise touch, aware of each minute brush violating her unbearably sensitized pearl. It was still a feather, of course. The sharp, electric haze of tickling was constantly at the background of the firmer, more needful teasing. Her desire to laugh bubbled in her throat, but the sound never emerged, always overtaken by her frustrated snarling and growling. Here and there she screamed when the frustration became too great. Below her belly, her muscles ached and throbbed, half with physical strain and half with urgent desire. She lost count of how many times she had been brought to the edge of an orgasm, only to have the feather slow its pace and relax its touch. She screamed freely then, banging her hands and arms against her restraints, tears streaming down her cheeks as she was denied the release she so desperately needed. When the feather was particularly cruel, it kept her on that edge for as long as it could. Withdrawing its touch and returning again, skillfully bouncing that prize on its surface, always threatening to send it spilling over the edge, but never indulging its captive in that one, towering mercy. The longest it had done so was for several minutes, and agonizing sobs wracked her entire body as every muscle wound tight and desperate. The kiss of the feather between her lips was beyond maddening, and there was naught else to focus on for the past two hours.

Evelynn's bondage was simple enough, but what was it that incapacitated her so? She found herself unable to summon her strength or call her mastery over the shadows to her aid. Her arms were bound at two points, but the rest of her lithe, naked body was left free. Her knees were raised up, almost to her chest, and her ass felt entirely immobile where it was locked. The wood before her seemed simple enough as well, and though she could not see past her knees, she knew her feet and her most vulnerable junctions were trapped within the contraption. When Evelynn first came to, she growled at the way the cool air caressed the sweat beading her soles and the tender surface of her petals. She demanded questions, hurled threats that would send any listeners running, and loosed her voice in feral howls and screams as she struggled to escape.

When the feather first came, it did not assault her petals immediately, as it had done so for the past long while. Evelynn felt its tip glide along the shapely arch of her right foot, and the sound that erupted from her lips surprised even her. It tickled her. She who was unmatched in her brutality and cunning. She who could slip undetected into any stronghold, murder any target, and leave without anybody so much as anybody on duty feeling a draft from an opened window. She was the shadows; the mere mention of her name left a supernatural shiver in the speaker, half dread and half desire, as if she had heard from the shadows. Yet here she was now, unable to stifle the shriek of laughter that followed the brush of a feather.

Evelynn could never remember being sensitive. If even there was a sensation that could penetrate her rigorously trained and deadened nerves, she would still be able to hold it in check. Her mastery over her body was legendary, for her body was as much a part of the shadows she mastered as it was a thing of flesh and bone. It made the feather's touch all the more unusual. It stroked again, this time gliding from the base of her alluringly rounded heel all the way up to the sensuous valley beneath her arches. Evelynn found her foot dancing under the touch, trembling madly from the slow, fiery path it left against her skin. Each singular vane practically a focused point of ticklish contact as she was shrieking with laughter again, barely able to speak under the storm of electricity that ran along her skin.

"It's fascinating, isn't it?" she heard a voice to her right. The feather moved again, a horizontal flourish against her instep. It kept contact no matter how she twisted her foot, and her screaming laughter, rich and touched with a savage growl, filled the air again.

"It was just a regular feather," the voice came again. "The spell I cast upon it, however... that was much, much more specific."

She tried to speak again and was cut off by her own howling laughter, the sound much more frantically ripped from her blood-red lips as the feather began a sweeping dance down the length of her sole. She scrunched her toes and spread them again, her twitching foot waved madly from side to side, but the feather followed her every move, its tip swooping down against the balls of her foot again and again. It was humiliating that this was what she was reduced to, and while her mind was still her own, she found the heat lingering on the feather very curious.

"I didn't capture you to test the feather; oh no. With this spell, it has seen plenty of use."

From the skilled way it slid against her skin, there was no denying the truth of the speaker's words.

"Like the feather, however, I wonder if that is how you came to be."

In one smooth swoop, the feather leapt from where it last kissed her flesh to saw between her middle toes. Already breathless with laughter, Evelynn's peals of feral mirth rushed screaming from her lips. The way it moved there was beyond unbearable. A constant jolting stream of ticklish fire assaulted her senses, made all the worse when she curled her toes against the feather. This only offered more surface area for it to abuse, but she was helpless in her reflex to scrunch her toes anyway. She clenched tightly, but did nothing to impede the silky sawing. Despite the force of her hysteria, she still heard the voice, loud and clear.

"Were you once a human? Corrupted by the Shadow Isles? Were you always what you were? Are you something else? In between?"

Droplets of perspiration were beginning to rise on her skin by the time the feather left her toes and gave her respite. She breathed hard, growling in the back of her throat with every ragged breath.

"I doubt you know. If you know, I doubt you'll tell me. It's not the type of secret that could be extracted through conventional methods. No, I will need to study your body."

"Disgusting worm..." Evelynn's voice rose, a rumbling study in indignant ferocity. "I will bathe in your blood..."

She would have threatened more, but the feather was back again. Her entire body convulsed and her gasping shriek elicited a lingering titter from the speaker. The feather had returned, this time its tip was lazily dipping between her nether lips, tasting the sultry moisture it found there. Warmth overwhelmed her senses, and she shut her eyes, baring her fangs to bite her lip. The moans were stifled, but they were present all the same as the feather began to brush back and forth, taking particular care to caress along the jewel hidden beneath her silken folds. Her ample breasts swayed with her struggle, and she felt her muscles weakening beneath the billowing fire spreading over her sweat-soaked skin.

"Consider our studies begun... I will only release you when I am satisfied. If I am satisfied..." 


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