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 “Ayee! Yahaha! Plehehease!” Lala squealed desperately as she squirmed uselessly where she was bound.

“Please what?” Rachnera smiled back at her. The spider’s façade was convincing, as if she truly seemed completely oblivious of her prey’s plight. Lala was mummified, bound to Rachnera’s massive abdomen by way of the spider’s silks, as delightfully soft as they were impossibly strong. Lala shut her eyes as she tried to stifle her bubbling giggles. Her bared feet, perhaps as soft as the silks that bound them, danced madly beneath the unbearable touch of the feathers Rachnera’s fastened to her legs. As she carried her prey to her lair, the feathers moved with her legs, their gentle kiss mercilessly sweeping against the dullahan’s soles.

With how tightly the silks bound her, and how incessant the feathers moved with Rachnera, all Lala could do was try to protest through her helpless laughter. The pale blue skin of her tender soles was beginning to take on a gentle pink hue from where the vanes made contact with her twitching flesh. Lala yelped and squealed, the ticklish jolts, however light, absolutely maddening in the predictability of their motions. She thought she could get used to them by now, but with her every twitch, her feet shifted position, exposing a different surface for the feathers to abuse.

Mercifully, the feathers slowed to a stop with the spider. Lala took the time to catch her breath, giggling all the while.

“We’re here…”


Lala could barely speak through her gales of laughter. The sound was like music to Rachnera’s ears, made all the better by how much control she had over the melody of her prey. Tears welled in Lala’s eyes as she thrashed from side to side, her ordinarily neat hair beginning to show obvious signs of her ticklish distress.

She had been moved from the spider’s abdomen, set snugly against an intricate web within Rachnera’s layer. The web left a pleasing bounce to the dullahan’s desperate movements as Rachnera cruelly set her fingers upon the bound feet before her.

Thin droplets of sweat lined Lala’s soles. The deep pink shade beneath the pale blue skin was undeniable now, made all the more intense where Rachnera’s sharp claws raked, leaving bright marks in the soft, twitching flesh. The dullahan shrieked with wild laughter, barely able to draw breath under her captor’s cruel touch.

The spider was thorough in her indulgence, the smirk not leaving her face for a second as her claws sank into the unbearably sensitive skin. She delighted in the effect she had on her prey. A finger below the arch produced such a squeal. Scratching above the heel resulted in the most adorable bubbling flurry. Digging between the toes sent Lala writhing in her frantic mirth. And when the spider varied her technique further?

“Save your energy, my pet.” Rachnera’s voice was teasing and cruel. “We’re going to have such fun together…”


Rachnera pleasantly surprised herself as she dragged the bristled string between the second and third toes. Her claws had danced a ticklish inferno upon Lala’s poor, flinching feet prior, to the rhythm of the dullahan’s sobbing hysteria, but something about the texture of the string just achieved so much more.

Lala had no idea for how long Rachnera had been at it. With nothing but the ticklish electricity to look forward to as those sinister claws ravaged the bottoms of her feet, Lala’s understanding of time was abstract at best. The spider had stopped the torment a few times, allowing her prey a blissful minute or two to breathlessly beg as Rachnera rearranged the bindings. The words fell on deaf ears, of course, and the spider wrapped her prey in new silks again and again, adjusting the positioning until Lala was entirely immobile around the fourth re-wrapping, too exhausted to do much else but sob through her panting.

Now, with the string so torturously titillating the supple spaces between her toes, Lala’s eyes shot wide open, throwing her tormentor a despondently pleading look amidst her fresh torrent of howling laughter. One by one, Rachnera brought out more strings, setting them between more toes and sawing them back and forth, to wilder thrashing and mirth.

The spider wondered how her prey would fare another hour. 


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