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Hey! Sooo this is ma new setup, kind of. Sometimes if I can be bothered to go there which I hope I can :D Hope you think it's groovy! Anyway, how y'all doin?



Uploaded by ASMR Attack on 2016-11-10.



Sweeeeert serturp, Sararh! I am happy to see that you finally got your dedicated place to film! Perhaps if you used a staple gun to put up the lights (they are lights, right)? Either that or a fake-wood magnet. BTW, I think the background could use some good conspiracy yarn and non-sequiturian newspaper articles, too... Did it bother anyone else that the panel seams weren't parallel to the screen view? ..."I spied her," said the spider.


I really like the new setup. Also your hair looks amazing :D

Lawrence Davis

Inexpensive chromakey fabric for your wall: [ <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Prism-Backdrops-pre-shrinkage-Chromakey-Background/dp/B004EKAJ1M/ref=pd_lpo_421_lp_t_4?_encoding=UTF8&amp;psc=1&amp;refRID=ZV5RR0VTHEQMKV19S6G2" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.amazon.com/Prism-Backdrops-pre-shrinkage-Chromakey-Background/dp/B004EKAJ1M/ref=pd_lpo_421_lp_t_4?_encoding=UTF8&amp;psc=1&amp;refRID=ZV5RR0VTHEQMKV19S6G2</a> ] This is a link to Amazon US. If you have trouble with the link, then go to Amazon in UK (or Mars, or wherever you are) and search for 'Prism Backdrops by Ravelli'.


Ooh thanks! Though I reckon if I bother, I'll get a normal colour and not worry about green screening. I find them to be too much work and I never seem to make them look decent xD