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So just an update on our lil doggo...

She is fine, had the op this morning...

It was worse than they thought though, her rib was deformed on that side so they had to remove it. She was being operated on for 2 hours and the cost is more than expected but it's all good! 

Not going to have her home until Thursday at the earliest though :( 

She had some dinner pretty much straight after waking up, that's ma girl always thinking of food. 


ASMR Musings

Aww! Thanks for the update. Really nice of you to do this surgery. And I’m glad she’s eating; that’s a great sign!!

Kyle (Fechin)

Thanks for the update. Hoping for a quick recovery


Ah thank you! Well we couldn't just leave her, it was bothering her. It is indeed! She's a piggy wiggy

Doyle Christopher Drummond

Thank Heaven she got through surgery ok. I can't image the financial strain, and I hope things are better in UK than in US when it comes to Veterinary bills. Health care is outrageously high for pets in US.

Virtual Dave

So everything is sorted for Willow? 🤗🤗🤗


Thank you ☺️ yeah it's pretty expensive here too, not sure how it compares though 🙈


Looks like it so fingers crossed she continues to recover well ☺️

Rick Swift

So happy to hear that she’s doing better.

Kevin Lowe

awww. go Wills 😊


Glad she’s well.