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Thank you for being patient with me while I've been killing covid. I'm hoping to be back at filming tomorrow, as I'm still positive so I can't go back to work, so I will have the whole day to myself. Watch my plan not go to plan...

Enjoy some pics that I forgot I took ages ago lolol. There will be some more as well that I forgot about cause I'm good like that. 

I also have a fanhouse, only $2.50 a month cause let's face it, I ain't gonna have time to be uploading loads....

What is on there will be similar to what I'll put on here, but as I take more pics you might see more on fan house than you do on here. If that makes sense... Also pics with more of my body in as well, not nudey but just more of it. You get me.


Loves ya!




Fanhouse? Never heard about it, like onlyfans I assume? Think Jodie M. just made a post about adding that to her product line :)


Cute and silly, a winning combo!


I've never heard of this Fanhouse either. Maybe it's a new startup developed by Sarah? Lets all contribute!

ASMR Musings

Fanhouse is like Twitter but highly monetize-able since followers can pay for subscriptions and tip on posts and pay for locked content. However, people do say it’s the SFW version of OF since Fanhouse doesn’t allow nudity or porn.

ASMR Musings

“Pics with more of my body”; love it!! 😆😆 You and Jodie just know how to get me to join. (joking) 😆 And haha “not nudey” 😂


You're such a weirdo... in a good way. 🙂


Silly Girl. lol cute pics!