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Yo! Thought I would update you all, but first....

Welcome new patrons, you have joined at a time where I have no decent camera to film with. Well, that's a lie technically. Here's the story:

I bought a new camera that is exactly the same as my old one. I have it, it has arrived. However the day before it came in the post I decided that maybe I should see how much it would be to repair the old one. So sent that off. I don't wanna use the new one in case the broken one is fairly cheap to repair and I can return it. 

My old camera has arrived at a salon, not the repair place. 

So that's great. I've either lost that forever and can claim up to £500 back in compo, or hopefully they will take the camera to where it should be. 

ANYWAY. So basically I think I'm gonna sneaky sneaky film with the new camera regardless, cause I could be waiting AGES for mine to be fixed.

Do you know what would have avoided this situation?

Me not being clumsy for a change :(

End of story love you. 

Might do some lofi videos for you as well cause some people liked that about my last video!


Jodie Marie

Awww what a nightmare when it rains it pours!

ASMR Musings

One of the my favorite ASMR artists does everything on their iPhone and it's hard to tell so LoFi videos are perfectly fine. And how could you have avoided this situation? By not being a dumba**. hahaha sorry. That was the first thing that came to mind. Joking. I guess, how did it fall? Was it on a tripod? If so, I would say get a more stable tripod and one with a hook so you can put weights on it.


I certainly wouldn't mind some lo-fi ASMR. It's how it used to be back in the day, before all the new fangled HD nonsense.

Jodie Marie

Trust me I am just as clumsy so I know the feeling. I love you though 🥰 so I hope that helps that shitty feeling


Oh nice, yeah I think a lot do and we don't even know! Haha don't be sorry, you're right :P So it was on top of my home made ears, the ears were on a tripod. The cam was plugged in and i ducked under the wire but it got caught on me and pulled it off :(

Virtual Dave

I hope you can get the compensation to be honest 👍🤣😑🤗

Virtual Dave

I used to like CB radio ASMR before all that stupid internet stuff 🤣🤣🤣

ASMR Musings

Oh, no! At my work, people go a little nuts if cables are not properly taped and secure to the floor. Definitely a safety hazard and a risk of ruining equipment. I'm not sure though if you can do that; might be overkill. But maybe get an extension or a longer cable?

Jodie Marie

No but it softens the blow the blow to know their is love and support behind you 🥰 OK I will stop with my cheesiness I think maybe I'm still drunk 🤣

ASMR Musings

Yeah, still "pished" it seems and super sappy b/c her 100k milestone is coming up. 😂


yeah the cable was too short so it literally got caught on my hair or something lol


Aw it helps more than you know Jodie, don't listen to the haters :P


If you do get stuck with both cameras, I like your idea of shooting other angles or "B" footage. You could also use it for "behind the scenes" shots and bloopers. Maybe if you get a studio audience you can have it on them too.

ASMR Musings

haha 😂 😂 Sorry, Sarah, I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to troll Jodie.

ASMR Musings

eeek!! Yeah, get a longer cable and shave off your head and this will never happen again. 😆 jk


Yeah I was thinking that could be a cool idea! Though I think I'd get a cheaper camera to be the second one aha

Max Powers

I blame Nancy!