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Hey sweet cheekies....

I'm wondering whether to put my prices up a tad. So the lower tier I wouldn't mind being £2 and then the second tier possibly £4 or £5?

I want to run it by you first of course cause I'm thinking of perhaps doing 2 youtube videos a week instead of 3 and try to make the third a Patreon and YT membership video. So hopefully you'll get more special content :)

Lemme know! 



I can still make that work with my budget so I say do it!


I would be happy with a £5 a month fee for some more exclusive content 👍🏻 - not uncommon to have options like this available, alot of other content creators have like 3/4 tiers in some cases.


You could possibly put forward some potential video options and let people vote for the preferred ones for a bit more participation in the higher tier - seen it done elsewhere so is just a thought.


Ah that's good, I might make it £4 haha, I just don't want things to be out of reach for people.


Woo! Thanks, the $1 tier gives me like 50p with fees I reckon haha. So I hope people don't mind a little more


Yea I get where you're coming from, whatever you feel is best


£5 is fine with me. I always thought you're missing out not putting those mouth sounds in a separate third tier, like FabledFawn. I think her tiers are £2/£4/£8.


I joined on both YT and Patreon because $3 seemed too cheap anyways. I can't speak for anybody else, but I don't donate to get anything special in return. It's just about supporting artists I like.

Virtual Dave

Take my money 💴 💵 💰.


Love the content, happy to be a supporter😊

Lawrence Davis

You are mentioning pounds and I am thinking dollars. I am a 'Destroyer', whatever that means in pounds, and I think you should do whatever you need to do. I've been around a while, and not planning on going anywhere. What is the percentage that Patreon claims? I can bump up a dollar or two or whatever to cover the fee you are charged.


Hi -I tried to change my tier and ended up sending you 0.5 cents and cancelling my support. How do I support on YB (sorry I find all this stuff rather confusing.


It's now £5.50 to be precise haha, I put it down in dollars so it just converted it to that. I really appreciate that 😊 I should probably look but I'm not actually sure. Patreon are pretty good I think, they don't take too much from what I've seen


Oh blimey that's really weird! Maybe the tiers have sorted themselves out now? If not I think on YouTube there's a button underneath my videos that says support, or something like that.


I’ll rejoin Patreon. I think I can make it work this time!