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I've started an acrylic painting for our living room, it's gone better than I thought so far but I'm so scared I'll ruin it 😂




Did you ever watch "The Animals of Farthing Wood"? (childhood memory) I feel like its missing some cute animals. Fluffy ones. Unfortunately I'd end up with a manbearpig if I were to draw it XD


Wow, that was a surprise. Really impressive! How was you able to do this? The leaves, the depth that drag you into the landscape, artwork. Got no words. ..or maybe I got two... dreamy, beautiful.


Ooh yes! Haha I'm not sure how good I am at drawing animals. Hopefully once I've put the grass details in and some more nature it'll look more filled out!


Ah thank you! I still might ruin it as yet haha. Listening to music helped me feel a vibe :P


It is understandable. Aks yourself; "Why did I paint this?" I think you find your answer there. (By the way, it dosen hurt to make a mess if your a kid. Still you old enough to probably know your limits. Haha, not a easy choice. But, asking yourself why you painted this will give you an ide of what to do.)


This is fucking WONDERFUL. It reminds me of some of Dali's less surreal work. Very sensual and absolutely beautiful. I hope you share more of your art.