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Sometimes things do go wrong y'know. Like books are too heavy to hold easily....I mean really. It is a pretty fatass book. D:



So I wanted to do my intimate reading video standing up and moving around the camera. The book was too heavy to be comfortable....



Suuuuuuccess! You learned what works and what doesn't...What I think works well here is the contrast of your voice to the background noise. It sounds great! It seems to depend on the proximity to the mics, however.


I was digging the black and white, and I think it would have worked well, if the book was lighter.


I love your faces to pieces. You remind me of...well...me. I make faces at just about everything for any occasion, most often with some ridiculous voice attached. You should splice all of your 'fails' together into a montage of failure - add a canned laugh track and sell it for huge buckets of cash. Big hit, best seller. I guarantee. I'd buy one...or two if necessary.