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Hey guys! I'm off on hols tomorrow, so if you wonder where i am, i'm in gran canaria so i apologise in advance for the lack of contact! I'll be back Sunday, hope you all have a good week and don't get yourself in too much trouble while I'm away :) i wanted to upload a video before i went but I've been too busy to get round to it, and to allow for upload time would take ages! Anyway, forgive me.




No need to apologize lady! You are doing all of us a favor with any video you take time out of your days to create and post :-p Have a great trip! Be safe!


Don't sweat it! Enjoy your holiday :)


Bring me back a Canarian knife, locally crafted, and we'll call it even ;) Have a wonderful time! (Seriously, keep an eye out. You might like 'em :P)