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I have FINALLY created a discord for you! Sooooo I still don't know how the Patreon roles work, but I'm sure we'll get there....

This is the link :)




Did I even need to share that link with you or is Patreon magic? I just don't know anymore


Seems to work fine through the link :)


I came home and was already in the Discord. I believe it must be because my Discord is linked with my Patreon account so it does it automatically. Creeped me out a little bit!


Haha yeah when I set up roles for you all, a few people suddenly just appeared in the discord which was cool! Isn't technology amazing haha

Lawrence Davis

Never heard of Discord previously, but I installed it on my laptop. Yikes! Everytime I put the laptop to sleep and wake it back up, Discord immediately begins looking for updates and running through a number of 'checking this and that' for several minutes. Now I am getting pop-up after pop-up of annoying text-speech, and I can't seem to tell Discord that I only want it to run on demand. I'll see if I can find settings to turn this off, otherwise I will have to delete it.


Oh that's weird, and very annoying! I asked a friend and he said to: go to settings in Discord then near the bottom it says "Windows Settings" uncheck the Open Discord option


there's an option in "Text & Images" in the Discord settings where there's a text-to-speech setting