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Ok so I was planning to upload the video I was gonna make, afterwards. But hey ho! :D





I am not where I can watch right now, but I am one of the many wimpy $1 supporters and although I don't think it is really enough I am happy to help at all. If I thought for a minute that it wasn't appreciated I would be heartbroken. It is a shame you've not managed more support but I think we can all agree that you are a bit of an "acquired taste."


The Patreon app on Android really sucks. I can only see the first line of posts. That's why I thought that your comment was in the video.


Nuu please don't say it's 'wimpy', I really do appreciate anything I get. That's why I want to change my patreon thingy to have all the rewards the same, because on a lot of people's patreons, $5 or less donations seem to get overlooked. And it's not reasonable for someone to expect people to give them $10 or more a month. That's quite a lot to some people, every dollar counts.


And yeah I am an acquired taste haha, but also a let down to my supporters sometimes, which is probably why people cancel their donations. But it's my fault! Thank you for your support.


Just do as well as you can and what you feel you "owe" and make it awesome when you do make it to us and we will take care of the rest. Just know that donations aren't to guilt you but "internet applause".