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- Tablet broke for 15 days and I had to replace it mid month, so these rewards are holy miracle cow jesus themselves. -  

PATREON TWEAKS:  All changes are reflected on the rewards bar, here's a rundown:

- Choco Expresso will have some more updates on the Patreon feed, yay!

- NSFW content is posted from now own, BUT not in HD nor all the different versions of the artworks.

- Ero & Xtra Frapp will have exclusive NSFW content that will not be posted anywhere else.

- Xtra Frappucchino will receive step-by-step gifs of my artwork from now own! - As always, Xtra Frapp can claim a past reward in HD and suggest a lady to the lewd poll.



My pledge went through, but I don't seem to have received the rewards.