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To you,

Hi! I just wanna say thanks for every ones support. I've gotten a lot of new patrons after season 2 dropped. It's very heart warming to know people enjoy my series enough to wanna be here... for real. (That or you're just here for Zaida booty. Either way, I'm happy!)

It also makes me worried because I'm sure most of you know how bad I am at monthly updates and rewards. That being said, newcomers please note: If you feel it is necessary to leave, don't hesitate. You can come back anytime you want to check and see if new posts are available.

Not to say I won't be posting! I'm just really busy with season 2 at the moment. I finish an episode and then I got a new one due! So adding more art on top of the art I'm already doing is a bit much... sigh... I will do my best to keep updating when I can, however.

                                                                                                                            -From Pooker

Now what's this post about, isn't this your old shit?

What is this post you might wonder? As a thanks, and so I don't have to draw anything lol, I gathered a lot of screenshots/downloads/original files of my old version of Down to Earth! Back then it was called DISCOVER, but now they call it CANVAS. Which is where new webtoons will sit until the company decides to publish it.

I regret to inform you I had deleted all my old episodes. So I can't post full length stuff... only small bits and pieces. I'd go back in time and stop myself from deleting it if I could. Trust me. I want to see it too lol...

There might be more screenshots floating around some where on the internet but this is all I could find. I'd figure it would be nice to have these all in one place for those who are curious and want a glimpse of my shitty art from back then. Around October of 2018 is when this all started.

If I do find more content that belongs here I will update this post and notify all patrons.

OH! One last thing... about the old version. None of these are in any kind of particular order, I did try to line up the ones that matched the best. Also, a lot of what you will see here has either changed drastically in the new version or has been taken out completely. To keep things non-spoiler I will not be answering any questions about the plot to any of these screenshots. xD Sorry... I will say; Yes, Zaida used to not be thick. It was sad times. :(

So anyway, hope you enjoy! 💖

Updated 3/3/21 [4+ screenshots]




To me, Zaida seems like a girl instead of a big woman.


my husband and i have been following along since it was back on discover and we were both just talking about how we would love to go back and read the original! i’m so happy to see that we can find and see at least some of the old story! 🖤🖤🖤


How cute!!! I'm so sorry you guys... I'd love to go back and read it all again too. Several big oops on my end.


Okay I’ve been following since the Discover days and it’s amazing to see how far you’ve come! So proud of everything you’ve accomplished ❤️ miss the original so it’s such a treat to see these! 😍 I’m so in love with this story and can’t wait to see more 🥰

Axel Asuka



Even in just these screenshots it's cool to see your style develop!

Erick Sheldon

I remember it like it was yesterday - around April of 2021 I remember seeing an ad for this series on Snapchat and thinking “ah this is gonna be cringe lmao.” I then started to read it, and then as soon as I got to episode five and zay told kade “You are very ugly” I uncontrollably bursted out into laughter. I was hooked right then and there. I then immediately downloaded webtoon JUST for this series, and ended up binging it for the next two hours or so. I’d have my alarm set early in the morning for whenever the newest episode was released on fastpass. I absolutely adore this series and everything about it. Thank you so much for everything, Pookie. Your work is truly out of this world.


Whoooooa I’m new to the series, and it’s so cool and inspiring to see your older works! Thank you so much for sharing, keep up the good work Pookie-Senpai! ❤️✨


Man I hope to see some of these ideas in the comic, like Kade’s Ma, Zaida’s horn things, and her short hair. You’re art looks like it’s always been super cute but I love the current style the most for sure haha. Thanks for sharing these, it’s great to get these little glimpses of how it all began

Erick Sheldon

my god seeing Zay bite him had me going wild 😳😳😅

Cringe Master

"It's beautiful. *looks into camera* I've been looking at this for five hours now."


Kade's jawline was a genius turning point in this series.


Zaida was a vampire confirmed


man this takes me back. makes me wish i had ripped a backup from back then of everything lol. story has gone pretty differently, probably for the best. tho I do hope we see the hot mom again sometime, even if only as like an art here or some thing (I wouldn't say no to lewd art of her lol). fr tho, been around since discover and its been great to watch you and the comic grow. looking forward to the future of it all!


Dear pookie I love seeing the old comic and all but it just reminded me about something very very VERY...important thing that you kinda forgot about.. it's zays ship is that thing still invisible broken in the woods? Like ain't it important to go find again maybe hide it somewhere else or have zay try to scrap it for parts? Idk if I was Kade I'd probably want to make sure that advanced spaceship isn't just lying in some woods lol.

Jeremy Roberson

Booty or no booty, this is one of my favorite comics. Thank you.



Dead Mercy

Non-thicc Zaida is also super cute!!a