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Just want to let you all know I won't be hurt if you decide to delete/edit your pledges. With everything going on right now I'd completely understand! 💕 And when you decide to come back there will be content here for you. I will keep posting either way. 😁 Also, I'm gonna edit my NSFW tier to $10 so any current patrons on this tier please edit the price to the amount you'd like. Thank you all so much for your support and please stay healthy! ✌🏻👽

NOTE: Okay, so as of now I have the new NSFW tier up for $10. The 20 dollar tier will be deleted on April 1st. (I will be putting the old illustrations into this new tier on that date along with a new illustration.) This will give you guys time to make the necessary changes and to get everyone informed. If you're confused or have any questions leave a comment or directly message me.


Alex D.

Thanks Pookie! Keep up the good work. :D