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I can't wait till Down To Earth launches. I'm anxious to know how old readers will react too the changes. Honestly, I feel it's much better now. Not just the art but story too. When I was on the discover side I was just throwing the reader around left and right but now everything feels more... on track. Sadly, I can't show anything or say dates but I want to thank you for being patient with me. 🥰



Heather McKnight

I absolutely love this visual so beautiful especially with how her hair cradles over Kade's

S3nd H3lp

The comics are Great! Keep working hard, Pookie Senpai!


I love this so much!!! I wonder is there a way I can read old one also? 💖


Sorry Im late! Sadly, no. I deleted it to avoid spoilers. I have some old pages but not enough. :\