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To my supporters!!! Thank you so much for sticking around... I'm so sorry this page is always so dead. I am hoping to get back into weekly doodles! I am currently trying to get everything ready for when Down To Earth goes back up... so I'll be busy for a bit. Once I get back into the swing of things I'll be active here once again. Stay patient and I'll be back with lots more content! Hope to see you then!~ <3


Alex D.

For a good series, I'll be as patient as I need to be :P

Brian Renfro

Do you have an ETA of when it might be back


Not yet... Sadly. I think me and my editor will try to have lots done before we launch so I have time to keep up with weekly updates. 🤔 Trust me though I'm super excited for it to go up as well. 😂

Brian Renfro

Thats fine take all the time you need im sure its going to be amazing when its done.🤩👍