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Hard To Look At is the second** story I've written in Morpheus' Twisted Universe. It is about 20 parts or about 60,000 words, a short novel. I started writing it over 12 years ago when stories in the universe were fresh. It's too bad the universe isn't better known or contain more stories. I suppose part of that is my fault for sitting on a story for 12+ years. Morpheus only spent three years making stories for the universe.

My other MTU story is called Hold That Pose is over five years old. It's about a young woman who enjoys being a living mannequin so much that she becomes a mannequin as part of her twist. Twist, you ask? In the MTU, a genetic mutation caused by conquered virus causes descendants of the original outbreak to twist: an event where their bodies and/or minds are reimagined as something else. There are more details in the stories and in the writer's guidelines for the MTU.

Hard To Look At will be serializing here twice a week for the next ten or so weeks on Tuesdays and Saturdays. All other story updates will be on hiatus until it finishes. The next chapter of The Truth starts a new "phase" of the story so it's a good place for a hiatus. Mondays will occasionally contain a photo manip or caption.

Why now and in this format? I'm hoping to build my following by posting more on BigCloset.us, a place for TG stories. Hard To Look At is about a young man who turns into a young woman with snakes for hair and the trials and tribulations that entails. I'll probably serialize it on BC and deviantArt in May or June.

** I have started a third one. At this rate it should be ready to release in 2031 or so.

Links to all the parts will be collected here as they become available. I can't decide if the chapters should have titles. I'll be posting the titles here and in comments on the chapters as they release.


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