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Sandra was trembling, seeing a thoughtful look cross Jon’s face.

“You see that dress in the window?”

The men looked and the man with the money said, “We aren’t interested in a dress.”

“No, you don’t look the type. But I know the owner of the store and you guys just looked at one of her surveillance cameras. If anything happens to me or the lady here, the police will know where to look first. Now, I was joking with the other man. I am not joking with you. We are not exchanging anything.”

The men looked conflicted. After a moment, the leader said, “C’mon, guys. There are plenty of sure-things down at Cahill’s.”

There was a slap and Sandra exclaimed, “Oh!”

The leader looked at his friend who had smacked her ass.

“The other guy smacked her ass. Why can’t I?” he said as they walked away.

“Yeah, Tony, it’s not like the guy is doing anything about it.”

Jon shrugged, saying, “I don’t want any trouble.”

The other two also smacked her ass before they walked away. Jon stepped up to Sandra and unlocked the padlock holder her hands in place. “Let’s go,” he said, dropping the leash.

Her heart was pounding in her chest. The few seconds she had to stand there until he was far enough away were an eternity to her. She barely remembered being groped on the way back to the subway.

At the bottom of the stairs, Jon took the leash and after he walked through the turnstile he swiped his transit card again so she could enter. He did not let go of the leash until they were on the train headed back to their block.

She looked at him and pointed to the leash. When he did not react, she put her hands under the leash and tried to project it at him.

He was looking away when the leash hit his arm. When she tossed it toward him again, he asked, “You want me to hold the leash?”

She nodded quickly.

“Okay,” he said as he took the leash. He whispered in her ear. “I command that you may stand any distance from me.”

Except for some gropes, the return trip was uneventful. Jon opened the door to his apartment and indicated she should enter first. As soon as he closed the door she rushed into his arms, kissing him awkwardly though the fabric and then pulling them together for a strong embrace.

To abate her trembling, he held her back. “It’s okay,” he said, patting her gently on the back. He held her for another moment before saying, “There was never any danger.”

Her arms stopped squeezing and she looked at him.

“Let me show you the paper.” He extricated himself from her grasp and went to the desk.

She followed him there and read the sentence he pointed at. She dropped to her knees in blessed relief. After a moment she rocked back on her heels and shook her fists in the air violently because he had known all along that they were safe. She saw him writing something.

He looked at her, “Go sit on the sofa and I’ll get you out of that thing right now.”

She shook her head and pointed to her crotch.

“Zentai expose zentai,” he said.

A sudden coolness brushed her crotch as part of the zentai suit disappeared. She turned and looked at the mirror. A rounded oval opening provide full access to her private parts. The leash swayed and the cold metal of the D-ring striking her crotch was shocking.

He stepped up behind her and caressed her breasts from behind.

She wanted to touch him but could not feel him through the leather mittens. She gave up and let him fondle and caress her. The feel of his hands through the suit was amazing. She was surprised when she emitted a kitten-like purr.

He came around front of her still rubbing her body. He said, “Sandra spread Sandra.”

Suddenly her legs spread apart and her arms were straightened out and above her head. She pulled and found her arms were attached by the mitten D-rings to something. She wanted to lift her legs and found them similarly secured.

He knelt down and blew hot air against her pussy.

She shuttered in anticipation. Her body reacted to his tongue like it was statically charged. She wanted to lean into his face. She hoped he was the type to just go for it. She was not in the mood for an Old McDonald-like here a lick, there a lick. He did not disappoint.

His tongue plunged into her lightly wet pussy. He was glad to experience a pussy that did not get sopping wet while he worked on it. He realized she must have been extremely horny because she was breathing heavy only a few minutes into it.

She wanted it to last and last but his tongue and lips were not deterred by excessive moisture. She had never had a guy who could stay in place for a long time without drowning. Her breathing became shallow and she tried to escape him by pulling upward on her chains. But nothing she did could slow her body’s reaction to his ministrations. She orgasmed hard, lifting herself off the floor at the height of the orgasm.

He did not stop as she came and he had to follow her upward to keep in contact. After a moment she sagged on her chains as the pleasure wave receded. Jon made sure she experienced the feel of rock hard nipples against spandex, satisfied by the shudder she made as he did so. As he got up he noticed the adhesive vibrator on the floor. He touched the tip to her pussy and pushed it in slowly. He set the knob to 40%. Another involuntary purr escaped her lips. “Zentai censor Zentai,” he said and the opening to the zentai suit vanished as if it never existed. It tented outward where the vibrator extended out from her pussy.

He went to the desk and wrote: “When the adhesive vibrator is inside Sandra and she is encased in the zentai suit, the vibration rate knob to the vibrator remains outside the suit. A small hole in the suit allows the shaft of the knob to remain accessible. Only the knob remains outside her pussy, unlike normal operation of the vibrator that leaves more to grab onto outside her pussy.”

Sandra moaned as the vibrator slipped deeper inside her.

Remembering something from earlier, he wrote: “The adhesive vibrator never makes a sound as part of normal operation.”

The low humming in the room vanished. He got up and tested it out. He lowered the vibration to zero and back up to twenty. Then he turned it to full power.

She grunted. She was off balance and tried to get her feet under her but she could not pull them together. The vibrations were driving her to orgasm quickly. She came a moment later bucking hard against her chained limbs. As it faded another started. She came several minutes later and the cycle repeated. She was becoming faint. She knew that using a vibrator like this would normally causes numbness but she could not become numb. Normally it would rub her flesh raw causing pain but she could not be rubbed raw. She just felt pleasure from the vibrator. Over and over she rose to orgasm without relief. Pleasure without end. It became hard to think as the orgasms started coming closer and closer together. She thought she might be moaning and shouting. She could not tell. There was only the rise and fall of ecstasy followed by rising pleasure.

He watched her buck and kick several times. She purred a few times. Sweat marks stained parts of the zentai suit. Moans escaped her mouth and after about twenty minutes she moaned or shouted inarticulate Ohs continuously. Soon the whole suit was wet with sweat. “Go to sleep,” he said and her body immediately sagged. But she still made the occasional moan. He got up and turned the vibrator off. He grabbed her under the arms and said, “Sandra unchained Sandra.” The chains disappeared and she slumped into his arms. He dragged her to the sofa and put her down. “Wake up, Sandra,” he said. “Are you okay?”

She did not know how she got to the sofa. For that matter she was not sure what day it was. She tried to speak but could not. She shook her head and pointed to her mouth.

“Oh, I forgot. Sandra speak Sandra.”

“Where am I?” she croaked out.

“Do you know what happened?”

She paused a moment and said, “Oh, yeah, I almost orgasmed to death. What were you thinking?”

“What do you mean? What happened?”

“You combined a few commands poorly,” she berated. “I can’t go numb or get rubbed raw during sexual encounters, right?

“Well, the only reason anyone stops using a vibrator is they go numb or they get rubbed raw. Without those limits, there’s nothing stopping those vibrations from feeling good. Was I moaning? I thought I heard moaning. Any longer and I might have forgotten my name.”

“I’m sorry.”

“And the worst part is, part of me wants you to turn it up to full power again, right now.” He reached toward her and she pulled back, saying, “Please don’t.”

“I was kidding.”

“I am thirsty.”

“I believe that,” he said getting up. “The suit is soaked with sweat.” He got a glass of water and returned and said, “Sandra catsuit Sandra.”

The fabric above the collar on the zentai suit vanished along with the wig.

Sandra blinked at the sudden brightness. Then she stared at the glass.

“Hold your head still,” he said. He put the glass to her lips and tipped it up slowly.

“Don’t you think this outfit has served its purpose.”

“Not until you’ve had to have help getting a drink. Now it’s served its purpose.” He explained. “How was the humiliation?”

“The sex afterward more than made up for it. I’m not sure if the vibrator thing was a plus or a minus. Now say whatever you have to say to get rid of these stupid mittens.”

“I didn’t put that command in. I can make you naked if you like.”

She sighed. “Why do I get the feeling that was planned? Go ahead.”

“Sandra naked Sandra.” He held out the glass.

Naked once again, she took the proffered glass and drank it quickly. “Finally, my feet can flex once again.” She looked up and around the apartment. “Where did the chains attach?”

“They made their own attachment points when they appeared. I was curious how you felt about the bondage.”

“More water please,” she said holding out the glass. “It’s not a high priority kink. I don’t want to be tied up and left somewhere. But restricting movement during sex can be good. You did fine.”

As her returned he asked, “What’s that on your back?”

She reached around and found a business card. Flipping it over she discovered it was a woman’s business card advertising discrete clothing design. She laughed.

“What is it?”

“A woman asked me how I attached the wig to the suit while I was chained to the lamppost. She chatted for several minutes implying she was into zentai. She played with the wig before she left. She must have put the card in the hair.”

He handed her the glass. “I was never really behind you so I wouldn’t have noticed it.”

She drank the water, then asked. “Okay, so what’s with the Sandra something Sandra stuff?”

“Just some shorthand commands. Some are specific to the zentai suit and other are specific to you. Expose makes you accessible and censor covers you back up. Those are zentai specific, though they also work with the catsuit. Catsuit removes the hood, naked removes the whole suit, and zentai returns the full suit.”

“Returns? I thought it was gone.”

“I liked how it looked on you,” he said. “Continuing, speak removes the mute condition and silence enables it.”

“You did those with Sandra speak Sandra so they aren’t part of the suit.”

“Nope, they always work. I’m going to add a pair for the vibrator next. Having your name at both ends of the command means I can’t accidentally say it in normal conversion.”

“Okay, having these little commands you can hit me with is hot. You left out Sandra spread Sandra.”

“And its opposite, unchained. Spread causes you to spread your arms and legs and for chains to appear, holding you spreadeagle. I see some D-rings are still in the ceiling and floor. I’m going to have to make unchained cleanup after spread a bit better.”

“Though I fear leaving you alone with the pen too long, I am exhausted. Walking in five-inch heels for a long time is a work out. Orgasming your brains out afterwards doesn’t help. Now where are my clothes?” They looked around. “How long has it been since I was wearing my clothes?”

“Since we got back from introducing Debra’s new ability to Ms Beed about six hours ago.”

“It was only six hours ago?”

“’Fraid so,” he replied. “Sandra clothed Sandra.”

She was wearing the clothes she had on earlier that afternoon.

“Surprise. Go get some sleep, Sandra.”

“Goodnight, Jon.”



This'll be the last episode of the Truth for about 5 weeks as I have something else streaming soon that will take up the Saturday slot. More info Jan 16.