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If you haven't read any of the prior Ted's Dolls stories, you should start with Ted's Dolls 1: Jane before reading this one.

Jane came awake slowly until she wasn’t sure where she was. Quickly more alert, she recognized the hotel room she was staying in. Relieved, she looked at her phone. It was after two in the afternoon. She was feeling a little sore in her private parts but it was that best kind of sore. There was no sign of Stockton.

No, that was wrong. There was a handwritten note. “I hope you had a good time last night. And I hope this won’t dissuade you from investing in my fund. My private phone number is…” The note was signed Stockton T. Perry.

She dialed her phone. “Mark?”

“Jane, so good to hear from you. I understand you met Mr. Perry.”

“You call him Mr. Perry.”

“No, I call him Double Dip or Dubs. But, only in private,” Mark laughed. “Long story. Are you going to invest?”

“I really haven’t thought about it. I just woke up.”

“Did he get you drunk?”

“No, we just had a latte at a place called Rizzo’s Cafe.”

“Fancy. That place is the kind of place Dubs can just waltz into and they treat him like gold. In any case, I think he’s a good guy and I hope you’ll invest with him.”

“He seemed awfully interested in Ted. Did you tell him about Ted?”

“He was aware of your background so he must have found out about Ted. He is very resourceful. That’s why he’s rich.”

“Well, I’ll think about investing. I need to get up and get to the show.”

“Okay, call me when you decide and we can see about structuring your income to feed a portion of it into his fund if you like. Bye.”

Jane entered Stockton’s number into her phone as Dubs.

* * *

Walking into the show Jane was accosted by a few photographers and a paparazzi reporter asking her about Stockton. Ivan appeared out of nowhere and brushed them aside. Jane just stared at him nonplussed. Ivan shooed her into the building.

Inside, the woman at the gate recognized her immediately and tapped someone standing next to her on the shoulder. “That’s her.”

The older woman rushed to greet Jane. “Ah, Jane, so nice to meet you. I’m Silvia and I’m the production coordinator for Rose Adder. We are so happy you will be walking our prime design this evening. Come with me.”

She led Jane to an area that was similar to the space she was in the night before. They walked right past that bedlam, through a doorway into a room with a large mirror, vanity, and stuffed loveseat and matching chair. A large bouquet of roses was on a table. “Please have a seat. Martin will be here momentarily with your dress. You’ll be anchoring the show. Would you like something to drink? Coffee? Mimosa?”

“Um, just a water would be fine.” She sat on the loveseat and waited.

A man entered with a mannequin wearing a dazzling, sequinned, Kelly green dress with various cutouts and mesh panels as was fashion of the day. “Hi, I’m Martin. This is your dress. And these are the shoes that go with it.” He held up a pair of very high heeled stilettos in the same color and beading. “Try not to bump into anything while you’re wearing it. The diamonds on it are worth more than even your boyfriend can afford. We’ll help you get into it in about an hour.”

“My boyfriend?”

“Mr. Perry. I saw the photos.” Martin left before she could explain.

Jane got up and examined the dress. What she had thought were beads and sequins were actual diamonds with some emeralds mixed in. This was only her second runway and she was anchoring a show wearing a priceless gown.

Her phone rang and she didn’t recognize the number. “Hello?”

“Jane, hello. Congratulations on anchoring Rose’s show. I’m so sorry I couldn’t be there. I hope you haven’t noticed Ivan.”

“Stockton? I wouldn’t have gotten into the building if he hadn’t been there.”

“Oh, well, then it’s fine that you noticed him. I’m told you’ll be wearing a dress worth over fifty million dollars. Welcome to the big leagues.”

“I’m not sure I deserve it.”

“You hush. You deserve anything the world is willing to give you and don’t you forget that. I can’t talk long. I’m on a plane to Singapore. Just wanted to be sure you were alright. Did you get my note?”

“Yes. It was very nice.”

“And I hope you like the flowers.”

“Are they from you?” She checked out the flowers.

“Backstages are so drab. Gotta run. Break a leg.”

“You, too.”

The phone disconnected. She held her head in her hand. “You, too? Why would I say ‘You, too?’”

* * *

She arrived back at her dorm room well after midnight. She was tiptoeing around until she noticed Emily wasn’t there. She got undressed and flopped into bed.

At lunch the next day, Ted sat down at the table she was sitting at and said, “How’s it feel to be a star runway model?”

“Very weird. I met this hedge fund wizard.”

“Stockton Perry.”

“You know?”

“Mark sent me a link to a couple articles.” After she told him about the shows, he said, “What’s it like knowing one of the richest men in America?”

“He’s almost normal. And then, he isn’t. It’s like he knows how to put on the show of just being normal. But, that’s an act, I think. He even asked about you.”


“He knows about magic and how your family’s brand of magic isn’t well suited to spying.”

“He’s rather narrow minded. Why are you looking around?”

“I’m hoping Emily comes in. I haven’t seen her yet.”

“You haven’t?” He picked up his phone and selected a contact.

“No. She wasn’t in our room last night and I don’t think she stopped by in the morning for, like, clothes or books.”

His phone was playing an answering service message. He hit cancel. “Mind coming with me? You might want to see this,” Ted said getting up and bussing his lunch tray.

* * *

Days ago, Doll was looking at the ceiling. Doll was happy. Doll did not care why. Then Doll remembered human had turn herself into Doll without Owner’s help. No, without Ted’s help. Ted was not its Owner. Doll noticed two men talking quietly in the room.

“I think it’s done.”

Doll heard one of the men get up and stand above it. It was Owner. Not Ted Owner. This was Richard Owner. Doll hoped Owner would fuck it. Maybe other human could also fuck it.

“Emily?” Owner said. “You’ve turned yourself into a doll.

Ted was also standing over her. “Congratulations. Yer a wizzard, Em’ly.”

Doll was not wizard. Doll was Doll. No, Doll had turned itself into Doll. Doll was Wizard. Doll could turn back but could not imagine why it would.

“It took you at least eighty minutes to transform. If you keep doing this, that time should get down to something reasonable. I’m going to turn you back as I want to talk to Emily,” Ted said. “3… 2… 1...”

The next thing Emily knew she was human again. “Did that really happen?” She said sitting up. She clutched her head and took a sharp intake of air. She fell back on the bed with a groan. “Did a bus run me over?”

“It did. You cast a spell. What you’re experiencing now is backlash. How did it feel being a Doll?”

“It felt just like when Ted does it. And please speak softly.”

“Just like?”

“Yes, why?”

“Were you you or were you a doll?”

“I was m--- No. I was Doll.”

“Was afraid of that,” Ted said. “You might find yourself stuck if you aren’t yourself after the transformation. Was I your owner?”

“No, Richard was.”

“I was?”

“Of course, you were my Owner.”

“Well, you need to make it so that you’re your own owner or you might end up stuck as a doll if I’m not around. Also, your head is pounding because you cast the spell like I would. You aren’t an Ionescu. I don’t know what the source of your magic is. But, you need to find out or you’ll always have this backlash when you cast a spell. When you’re feeling better and I’m not busy with Alumni Weekend preparations, I’ll help you discover what your magic is.”

“Maybe,” she said, finally able to sit up. “Maybe, I’ll refrain from spell casting for a while.”

“You aren’t going to do it again?” Richard said.

“Who am I kidding? Of course, I will.”

Ted laughed. “You probably should practice. And while you’re her owner, you should tell her to turn back to Human Emily frequently.”


“I hereby relinquish ownership of Emily Doll to Richard,” Ted said.

“Why did you say that?”

“Consistency. And I can now turn you into a doll and it will be just like you had done it to yourself. Just faster. I suspect you both wish Emily were a doll at the moment.”

They were looking into one another’s eyes and just nodded.

“3… 2... 1... I’ll be leaving.”

* * *

Owner removed Doll’s clothing before removing his own. He mounted the doll and began fucking Doll. As he reached orgasm, Doll wanted Owner to be a doll too. And he started transforming. Doll was so happy Owner was becoming a doll that Doll blissed.

* * *

With the help of Burke, they managed to get into Richard’s room. On his bed were two naked dolls, one male, one female, frozen in the act of fucking.

“You said Emily first did this Sunday night,” Jane said. “Today’s Wednesday. Have they been like this since then?”


The three of them separated the dolls and got them dressed as best they could. Ted restored them. A few moments later Richard grunted and Emily yelled, “Fuuuuccccckkkk!” before cutting it short as she realized they weren’t alone.

“What happened?” Richard said.

“Jane? Shouldn’t you be at the fashion show?”

“Been there and got back. It’s been three days.”

“Three days?”

“I warned you about getting stuck. Why did you dollify Richard?”

“I was wondering if I could and then it became the most important things for me to do.”

“And then three days passed.”

“My head isn’t exploding.”

“Spending three days as a doll probably allowed the excess energy to bleed off gently.”

“I was blissing.”

“That probably helped.”

“I think I was blissing as well,” Richard said. “Emily, Emily Doll, I forbid you from dollifying me until I instruct you otherwise.”

Jane mouthed the word “until” to Ted. He shrugged.

“Yes, Sir.” She saluted. “It’s Wednesday? Cool, I can walk with you to Rob and Beverly’s place for poker and transform there.”

“As long as you don’t try to transform anyone else.”

“Party pooper.”

* * *

Jane and Emily were in their dorm room as Jane finished telling the story of being a runway model.

“I’m surprised you had sex with him. I mean he’s hot, he’s rich, and he was offering to make you rich. Okay, maybe I can see why you had sex with him. But, it still feels a bit out of character for you.”

“I’m not really sure why I asked him to stay the night. One moment we were talking and I wanted to get to sleep and the next I thought it would be fun to see if he’d come up to my room.”

“And since you said you two fucked at least three times, I suppose it was fun.”

“He was unstoppable. And I hadn’t had sex since Ted Dolled me the first week of the semester.”

“You hadn’t?”

“Unlike you, I don’t spend a lot of time as a sex doll.”

“I could remedy that.”

“What did you promise Ted?”

“I didn’t actually promise anything.” Emily said. “How about it? I could use the practice. I turn you into a doll and then go to the poker game. I’ll restore you in the morning.”

“I don’t know. You could get stuck again.”

“I promise you. I will not get stuck. You won’t miss any of your Thursday classes.”

“I suppose you can’t make me a mannequin.”

“I have no experience as a mannequin. Even I don’t think I should try that experiment. Dolls I’m familiar with.”



* * *

Mannequin stood looking out the window. Doll knew it wasn’t actually a Mannequin. Doll had not seen Owner leave but Doll knew Owner would be back after sunrise. Doll waited. People walked in and out of the building outside the window where Doll stood. Doll wanted Owner to fuck it. Doll waited. Some of the people outside had cameras and were taking pictures of the building. Doll wasn’t sure why it thought that was peculiar. Doll waited.

Doll waited.


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