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“Just tell her you met someone new.”

“I spent the night out she’ll want details.”

“I could make sure she isn’t too curious,” he proposed. “Or I can add her to my harem?”

“Harem? I have to share you?”

“I’m afraid so.”

“By the way, why did you go after me before her? She’s basically as pretty as I am.”

“She works weird hours. I knew you would be home around 5:30.”

“Great, I’m predictable.”

“You also have a nicer rack.” He joked.

“A nicer rack?” she exclaimed trying to sound indignant. She ran her hands over her bare chest in what she probably thought was a seductive manner had she actually been wearing clothes.

“Yeah, I’ll experiment on her to see if a boob job is possible.” He stared at her as she rubbed her breasts. “You know. What you are doing is so hot because you’re still naked.”

Her hands stopped as she suddenly realized she was fondling her breasts in front of him. “My clothes!”

“Relax, you’ve been naked since the straightjacket came off. I just made you imagine you had clothes on.”

“What a dirty trick.” She turned sideways to cover herself.

He stared at her strangely, “You still have even a modicum of modesty left?”

“Well, yeah, this is still just a first date, sort of.”

“Okay, wear it for real.” As he spoke the outfit she thought she had been wearing appeared on her body.

“It’s really here this time?”

“Yes, you are wearing actual clothes now. And I must say they look good on you now that I’m finally seeing them. I had a feeling I’d like the look of your breasts in a sweater.”

She went over to the bag of wet clothes and fished out her other purse. “I actually saw this outfit at the store Debra works at.” She looked at her phone. “Oh, there are four voicemails and eleven texts.” She went through the texts before listening to the voicemails. “Most of the texts are from Debra asking where I’m at? Or why don’t I respond? The voicemails too, I'll bet. What should I do?”

“Go to sleep.”

Her chin drooped to her chest and she slept standing where she was.

Jon observed her for a moment before starting to write: “When asked, Sandra’s roommate Debra will come to Jon’s apartment without question.

“When engaged in sexual activity, Sandra’s pussy instantly becomes perfectly lubricated to maximize the pleasure felt by all participants engaging in the sexual act.

“Debra has all the same wards against injury and has the same ability to self-lubricate that Sandra has during sexual activity.

“When I start or finish a question with the words ‘tell me truthfully’, Sandra must answer the question immediately, truthfully and without leaving out any important details.

“While Debra is in my apartment, Sandra is free to talk to her about anything I’ve previous made it impossible for her to talk about.

“Debra has all the same verbal triggers Sandra has, substituting ‘Debra’ for ‘Sandra’ where appropriate.

“Debra and Sandra cannot become pregnant without my permission or until one year has passed since we last spoke.

“The next time I wake Sandra up she will not realize she was just woken up.”

Satisfied he said, “Wake up, Sandra. Call her and invite her over here.”

“But she’ll want to know why.”

“I’ve taken care of it. Just call her.” Before she could nay-say again he added, “I command it.”

“Oh, my,” she said in surprise and she started dialing her phone. “I- you- when did…?” She stopped mid-sentence as Debra answered the call. “Hey, Deb.” She listened. “No, you weren’t home when I got home and I forgot my keys so I’m in Jon’s apartment. I got soaked in that freak rainstorm.” She listened. “No, hey, why don’t you come on over? You gotta’ check out his apartment.” She listened. “No, I want it to be a surprise. Just come over.” She listened. “Okay, see you in a few.” She hung up. She turned to Jon, “Where did ‘I command’ come from?”

“I needed something that didn’t warp your sense of reality like the insist one does. Tell me truthfully how you feel about it?”

“I’m totally turned on. I’m quivering on the inside waiting for another command,” she immediately replied. “What? How did I blurt that out?”

“When Deb knocks, you will open the door for her, step back, and twirl in a circle while asking her if she likes your outfit. I command it.”

“You didn’t have to do that.”

“Then don’t do it.”

There was a knock at the door. Sandra was racing toward the door. “I can’t.” She opened the door and stepped back. Before Deb could respond, Sandra spun around and asked, “What do you think?”

Deb stepped in and said, “That looks just like the outfit I was modeling at the boutique last week. Except that one was blue.” She reached out and touched the sweater sleeve. “It’s cashmere, nice? The boutique doesn’t have this in green. Where did you get it?”

Jon stepped forward, “Please come in. I got it for her.” He closed the door.

“Sandra, that’s a $900 outfit. How did he get it for you?”

Sandra ushered Deb into the living room area. “Do you like how he keeps his apartment?”

“Wow, this place is spotless.” She turned to Jon, “I thought you were straight.”

“Funny,” he said. “Sandra said you were going to work later. What do you do at the boutique?”

“I model the clothing. Basically I stand around most of the day pretending to be a mannequin.”

“Really? Please sit down.” Jon had a thought. “Sandra, you should tell Deb about your evening last night. Don’t leave anything out, I insist. Debra, you must listen to whole story without interrupting, I insist. And you’ll forget I’m even in the room while Sandra tells her amazing tale, believe me.”

As they moved over to the couch to sit down, Sandra begins her tale with her trip home on the subway. While that goes on, Jon takes out the pen and writes: “Debra’s body can attain a state of absolute rigidity. While in that state, she does not need to eat, drink, or excrete. Her body maintains itself at a steady temperature regardless of the temperature around her and she will not perspire. Regardless of how she is posed she cannot become cramped or sore and could maintain any pose indefinitely. No force can modify her pose, including the position of her fingers or the expression on her face. She is immune to all damage. She is fully aware of her surroundings, hearing any sound she would normally hear, seeing anything that moves into her field of vision, etc. She can place herself in this state by thinking ‘I am rigid’ three times. She returns to normal by thinking ‘I am flesh’ three times or by my saying to her ‘Debra, return to flesh’. If I say, 'Debra, become rigid.' she becomes rigid as described except that she cannot return to normal by thinking 'I am flesh'. I can also make Sandra rigid and return her to normal by saying her name instead of Debra's.”

By the time he had written that out, Sandra was finishing the part about the blowjob. “Perfect,” he thought. “Now I’ll find out what happened after I fell asleep.”

Sandra continued, “I continued to lick his dick for several minutes before I realized he had fallen asleep. I lay there for a while with my face in his crotch unable to do anything because I was waiting for a command. It must have been around 9pm when he fell asleep because I lay there for at least three hours. And you know my fantasies. The whole time I was hoping he’d wake up and tell me to do something. Around midnight I thought I should get up and do something, so I got up. The evening was over and I was no longer his. I was wet from anticipation all that time so I masturbated for about an hour. It is amazing how incredible masturbating is when you can’t become sore.

“When my lust was fully sated, I got up and came into here. The floor was still a mess so I cleaned up the wet towel and floor. When I was done with that I went over to the desk. Jon had been glancing toward it all night. In the center drawer I found papers with the strangest writing on it. It had sentences that said things like ‘Sandra will do anything I say if I start or end the sentence with “I insist”’ He’s used these triggers on you and me a few moments ago.

“Shortly after that…”

Jon interrupted, “Shortly after that I woke up, caused breakfast to appear, encased Sandra in a straightjacket and made her think she was dressed when she wasn’t as well as making the outfit she’s now wearing appear from nowhere. Then I commanded her to get you to come down here. What do you think?”

Debra blinked, “I think most of that is fucking awesome. Sandra’s told me about her mind control fetish. She hasn’t called you Master so I see it didn’t go that far.”

“I’m not really into that,” Jon replied flatly. “I am curious what you are into. Suppose you could maintain your pose at work for hours.”

“Really? Do it.” She said standing up.

“I already have. Just think to yourself, ‘I am rigid’ three times and your body will…” Before he could finish her body obviously froze in place. “Interesting.”

“Debra?” Sandra stood up and wove her hands in front of Debra’s eyes. They did not blink.

“She’s immune to all damage. You can probably tap your finger on her eyes without harming them.” Jon explained.

“How does she turn back?”

“She didn’t ask me that. Did she?” He laughed. “She likes to dive in headfirst, I see. I want to leave her like this for a while so when she can move again she’ll see she’s perfectly fine.”

“What if I pushed her?”

“I suppose she’d fall down, no worse for the fall.”

Sandra gave Debra a shove and her rigid body fell over and rolled onto its right side.

“Couldn’t help yourself, could you?” Jon said as he crossed the room and picked up Debra.

“Take her in the bedroom and put her in front of your mirror. She’ll love that,” Sandra said.

Jon stood Debra up where she was and faced her toward the mostly blank wall in the room. He went to the desk and wrote: “When I finish this sentence, a floor to ceiling mirror will appear on the wall to my left. When I finish this sentence, Debra’s body will pivot so that she can see her reflection in the mirror.”

Sandra gasped, “Oh, that’s very nice. Did she move?”

“I turned her so she’s facing the right way to see herself.”

“I bet she is wet.”

Jon laughed. “Probably not. Remember your request for self-regulated lubrication. I did that to you and to her. So she’s probably bone dry unless someone is fondling her down there.”

Sandra purred, “That explains why I’ve been dry all this time. If you were hard and tried to enter me, I would become suddenly wet?”

“I believe that’s how it would work. And only wet enough to maximize our pleasure.”

“I am extremely horny. Are you going to do anything about that?”

“I thought you were impressed that I didn’t fuck you – how’d you say? – six ways to Sunday?”

“I’m passed that now.”

“Okay, I command you to prostrate yourself in front of me and beg for sex.”

Sandra dropped to floor in front of him. “Oh, please, fuck me. Fuck me any way you want. I am begging to feel your manhood inside me.”

“Stand up and remove your clothes. Then kneel with your ass resting on your feet and your hands resting on your lap. Wait like that to receive my manhood.”

As she practically tore her clothes off, he noted she had not been compelled to comply. She settled on the floor as requested and waited.

“Close your eyes and open your mouth slightly.” After she complied he continued, “Sandra, become rigid.”

As her body locked in place, Sandra became even more horny by her lack of control.

He opened his robe and shoved his partial erect dick into her mouth. He grabbed her head with both hands and proceeded to fuck her mouth like it was a sex toy.

She so wanted to lick him or suck him but she could not move a muscle.

When he was fully erect, he picked her up under her arms and lay her over the back of the sofa with her face on the seat and her legs hanging in mid-air bent in a kneeling position. He shoved his dick into her unprepared dry pussy. After less than a single dry stroke, her pussy was suddenly perfectly wet. He tried not to cum too quickly but every time he tried to slow down, her pussy became slightly drier, increasing the pleasure of friction to the point that he had to speed up his stroke again. Not too long after it started, he felt the head of his dick explode with pleasure. The surge of adrenaline made him pump into her harder, driving his seed deep inside her. Finally the rush subsided and he pulled out of her.

She remained unmoving, her legs bent hard at the knees, her face planted in the sofa cushion.

He went over to the desk and sat down. He wrote: “When I finish this sentence, an eight-inch long vibrating dildo, gel-style is fully inserted into Sandra’s pussy. An adhesive safe for use in human orifices holds it securely in place. The adhesive only releases when I give Sandra permission to remove the dildo. The adhesive reattaches automatically when the dildo is fully inserted. She cannot modify the intensity level of the vibrations without my permission. The batteries on this dildo never die. The moving parts on this dildo cannot break. When this dildo is inside her, Sandra cannot orgasm. When I finish this sentence, the dildo will turn on at 25% full power and Sandra is no longer rigid but she cannot move until I say she can.”

Sandra's slumped over the back of the sofa. But she still could not move.

Jon remembered she still could not move. “Sandra, you may speak only to respond to my questions. I command it. How are you feeling?”

“I was feeling lonely until something filled me up. Then it started humming and I didn’t feel so lonely.”

“Any questions?”

“This position would be perfect if I wanted to get pregnant. Is there anything you can do about that?”

“You don’t want to get pregnant?”

“With a guy I’m not even really dating? Not especially.”

“Fear not. When I modified your pussy earlier I also took the liberty to temporarily make you incapable of becoming pregnant.”

“How temporary?” she asked with a hint of alarm in her voice.

“Well, you could ask me to remove it at any time. Or we could not see each other for a year and the restriction would go away on its own. Okay?”

“Very thorough and I suppose thoughtful as well. One more thing.”


“Not that I mind now that I have a friend, but how much longer will I be hanging like this?”

“I haven’t decided. I kind of like how your voice sounds muffled by the pillows.” He laughed, “Anything else?”

“I had something you might want to try with Debra.”

He let her hang for a minute before saying, “Okay, I’m curious. You can move.”

Sandra’s knees unflexed shifting her center of mass so it took her a bit of effort to extricate herself from the couch. “Wow, that thing didn’t move.”

“What didn’t move?”

“The vibrator.”

“Oh, so what am I to do with Debra?”

Sandra looked over at her friend who had not moved since she basically arrived. “Like mind control for me, she’s always fantasized about actually being a mannequin.”

“Like that?”

“No, as in made of plastic, remove my arms to take off my clothes. As in, take off my head and leave it in the back room while my body is out on display type of mannequin. As in, break me down, stuff my parts into separate shipping boxes and mail me to Hong Kong where they put me together for a trade show then break me down afterward and mail me home. That kind of mannequin.”

“Make her an inanimate object?”

“Well, yes and no, even though she’d be made of plastic she’d still be fully aware of her surroundings.” Sandra reached for her crotch and stopped short. “Um, Jon, why can’t I touch the vibrator?”

“Of course you can, turn it up to half, I insist.”

She reached down and turned the exposed knob. “Woah, that’s getting intense.” Her hand waved around just short of her crotch. “I still can’t touch it.”

“You like it when you lose control, I thought.”

Sandra’s eyes widened. “That settles it. You are evil. Please may I take it out or at least turn it off?”

“Okay, you may turn it down to 10% for the next three seconds.”

Her hand quickly turned the knob down. She sighed. “That’s not what I asked.”

“That’s what I’ve permitted.”



Heck yeah, working our way up to inanimate tfs. Loving all the rules he's written so far. Pretty creative

Mike K

I love this story. Sorry to be picky-in this chapter you spelled "tale" as "tail"