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If you haven't read any of the Ted's Dolls stories before, you should start with Ted's Dolls 1: Jane before reading this one.

Earl arrived at Rob's apartment with Rhana as a doll for their weekly poker game. Rhana was not gray in color nor stony in texture for the first time at the poker game.

Rob shook hands with Earl after Rhana was set down next to Beverly and Whitney, also dolls.

“No Emily doll?” Burke said.

“She didn't contact us today,” Earl said.

“Richard will be disappointed,” Murat said.

A few moments later, Richard arrived with Emily, also a doll. “Hi, guys. Hi, dolls.”

“So? Things worked out?” Earl said.

“Yes, they did.”

“What worked out?”

Richard told the guys about his weekend with his doll as the game got underway.

“What do I have to do to get a doll to want me?” Murat said.

“It’s unfortunate that you are unlucky at both poker and love,” Burke said.

“I'd settle for a small infatuation and a modest payout tonight.”

“You can always rent one from Tedd.”

“If I didn’t lose all my money here, maybe I would.”

Later, Earl and Richard were both out of a hand early and in the kitchen area. “Ya know, Earl. Emily was joking that I should join your game tomorrow night.”


“She was telling me the story. It sounds really cool. She suggested I could be the knight who was rescued from the gorgon.”

“Sir Lyle?”

“That's the name.”

“I'll have to talk about it with Rhana. You remember when I first mentioned the game it was just an excuse for us to spice up the bedroom.”

“I wouldn't want to be a third wheel.”

“You mean fourth wheel. Has Emily mentioned all the stuff she and I have done? I don't want it to get awkward with you there.”

* * *

The doll known as Emily enjoyed the poker game, although, there was certainly a lot less getting rubbed for luck tonight. Even Murat had only high-fived the dolls when he managed to win a couple hands. The guys teased him about his luck. But even the doll could see he had so many tells, luck had nothing to do his poker woes. As the evening ended, Richard carried the doll back to his room.

“I don’t know if you were paying attention,” he said after sitting her up on his bed. “Earl said he would talk to Rhana about my joining the game. He gave me a bunch of background data on Sir Lyle Wentworth and some ideas for making Lyle my own character.” He prattled on about Sir Lyle for an hour when he could have been making his doll happy, the doll thought.

But once he was finished with something on the computer, he joined the doll on the bed and helped the night pass quickly for it as it zoned out in pleasure before he fell asleep.

She was still unaware when she returned to flesh and blood around six the next morning. He woke to find her tucked within his arms. He kissed her neck and soon she came awake with a giggle. “You don’t have an early class, do you?”

“Not one I haven’t been late to before.”

An hour later she left his dorm room with a smile that seemed tattooed to her face.

* * *

That evening, Rhana answered the door to her apartment and gave Emily a big hug as she entered.

“It seems unusual having you answer the door, Rhana,” Emily joked.

“It has been a little over a month since you took over the game. And how are you, Richard?”

They hugged. “I’m very good. A bit nervous about tonight.”

“Oh, don’t be like that. We don’t bite.”

“You bite,” Earl said sharing a hug with the two newcomers.

“Only you,” she said, giving Earl a smooch. “I hope you two are hungry. Earl made a banquet feast.”

“It is an appropriate amount of food for four to six diners.”

Emily walked toward the kitchen, which was covered in serving dishes. “When they say diners, they mean people, not a fast-order restaurant, Earl.”

“Well, you have to eat. There isn’t room in the fridge for a lot of leftovers.”

Soon dinner was settled and the table was cleared by Rhana and Earl. Emily and Richard took turns going into the bathroom. When Emily came out she was fully dressed up in her Elven Princess costume. Richard was wearing Renaissance Fair quality armor. “These pantaloons are so loose.” He said.

“You didn’t have to dress up,” Earl said.

“I wasn’t planning to dress up,” Rhana said. “Give me a minute.” She raced around the apartment grabbing a few things that were stored in odd locations about the apartment. She came out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a long baggy T-shirt.

“Rhana!” Earl said.

“Didn’t you take more than that into the bathroom?” Emily noted.

“Last time we played, Lady Elswood had just spent several years as a naked statue. She has little clothing but this loose tunic given to her by Sir Abraham.”

Richard’s back was to the bathroom and he didn’t watch as she approached the table and sat opposite him, with Emily on her left at the foot of the table, and Earl on her right at the head of the table. She smiled lasciviously at Richard as she sat down, pulling the shirt slightly down put extra cleavage in the V-neck of the T-shirt.

“Don’t tease poor Richard,” Emily said.

“I’m not,” Rhana said.

“Okay, let’s get started,” Earl said with some command in his voice. “It’s been a busy day since Lady Elswood and Sir Lyle were rescued. The men-at-arms had established a camp just outside the walls of the garden at the request of Skurg, the blind ogre gardener.

“The blood of the gorgon was able to revive four other statues. Lyle and Abraham had chosen the people based on how well preserved the statue was and whether any heraldric symbology could be seen on the statue.

“First to be revived was Lord Tomar of East Urant. He was pompous and did not believe Mylya was a princess as he had been a statue since before her birth. Yddregal StrongFist was a dwarf who stumbled on the monastery during a rain storm a decade ago. Adia Rye was a sneak thief. She was hoping to find treasure in the monastery a few years ago. Garand Orlack was also trying to find gold and glory in the monastery. He adventured with other treasure seekers who abandoned him when they met the gorgon thirteen years. His childhood friend was also still a statue in the garden, weathered nearly beyond recognition.

“As the sun sets, the princess, the lady, Sir Abraham, Sir Lyle, and the four newcomers are sitting around one of the fires while the various men-at-arms are sharing two other fires. Sir Abraham says, ‘Princess, we sent a group of men to investigate the tunnels it seemed the gorgon lived in. They managed to find clothing and bed rolls that should be sufficient to protect our newcomers from the elements. Unfortunately, being snake shaped, the gorgon did not have a supply of footwear.

“’It is an outrage that the beast apparently threw out our clothes,’ says Lord Tomar. ‘Some of my clothes were of the finest silks from far off Lucen-Ko.’’

“’Clothes? Who cares about clothes?’ says Garand. ‘It’s been 20 years. Were you married Lord Tomar? Will your twenty years older wife be glad you return? Will any of your children, who are perhaps now older than you recognize you? You have more to worry about than clothes.’”

“’The man is wise,’ Mylya says.”

“’Who are you to talk to me in that manner?’ Tomar says.”

“’Lord Tomar,’ Lady Elswood says. ‘Don’t take your anger out on the man speaking truth. Besides, what were you doing here so far from Urant?’”

“’East Urant. That is the private business of my liege. I won’t share it with the supposed offspring of some Baron down in Norford,’ Emily, make a history check,” Earl said.

“17,” she said.

“You know there was a coup in East Urant about five years ago. It is doubtful this man’s lordship remains intact.”

“What’s the current ruler’s name?”

“Magister Ryland.”

“’You know, East Urant’s regent died five years ago in a bloody coup. A Magister Ryland is currently the ruler of that land.’”

“’What?’ Tomar explodes with anger. ‘That sniveling toad! He’s older than dirt. How has he lived another twenty years?’ He continues in what is for most of you an incomprehensible diatribe about the Magister. Sir Abraham gets up to stretch his legs.”

“I follow him,” Richard says.

“’Lord Tomar,’” Emily says. “’I’m sure there are plenty of things that are different given how long you’ve been gone. But, you will not solve those problems here in these woods. I am going to retire for the evening.’”

“’Wait up,’” Jaina says. “I accompany the Princess to our tent.”

“The two of you go into the tent. A few minutes later Adia Rye pokes her head in the tent. What does she find?”

“We’re probably getting ready to snuggle up together,” Emily said. “I probably pull away from Jaina.”

“I don’t let her pull away. Let the thief know we are intimate.”

“’Oh, sorry,’ Adia says. ‘I thought this was the women’s tent. Not your private tent.’ She moves to leave.”

“’No, stay,’ The Princess says. ‘It would be unseemly to have any woman sleeping on the ground when there’s room here for her.’”

“She looks at Jaina for confirmation.”

“She doesn’t get it at first. Mylya was always telling me to be more friendly. I say, ‘Please, come in.’”

“She crawls in and lays down as far away as she can in the cramped space of the tent.”

“We go to sleep,” Emily said. “Unless she starts talking.”

“’I wanted to thank you again, Princess,’ she says. ‘I never thought I’d breathe again when I saw that gorgon.’”

“’Technically you should thank Lady Elswood for also getting caught by the gorgon. I wouldn’t be here if not for her.’”

“’Always trying to help the little people,’ Jaina says. ‘I am so proud of you, Mylya. I did not think you had it in you to mount an expedition like this.’”

“’You aren’t the only one. Sir Abraham repeatedly tried to get me to stay back, stay away. I doubt you would breathing now if I’d listened to him.’”

“’Men,” the thief says.”

Rhana laughed.

“In any case, the ladies chat. Richard, did you follow Abraham to talk to him?”

“I did. ‘Abraham,’ I call out to him once we’re a bit away from the campfire with the blowhard.”

“Abraham was headed to one of the other campfires. ‘It’s getting late,’ he says to the men there. ‘Sunrise always comes too soon.’ There’s some light-hearted grumbling but the men are professionals. He turns to see you’ve followed. ‘Sir Lyle? Ready to sleep?”

“I say, ‘I feel like I’ve slept forever.’”

“’It is fortunate the Princess is stubborn.’”

“’She seems so sedate now. I’m surprised she would do so much just for a Lady of the court.’”

“’Lady Elswood is far more than a Lady of the court.’”

“’I had heard she was something of a spy for The King.’”

“’That’s somewhat well-known. But not what I was referring to.’ Abraham says glancing at the ladies tent.”

“’Oh,’ I say and I look embarrassed. ‘Does the King know?’”

“’He wishes he didn’t. Princess Mylya will not be married off to some old man.’”

“’Good for her.’ I say and then I look around the camp. ‘Where am I bedding down?’”

“Abraham shows you to a tent that you share with him.”

“I stay awake to watch the thief for a while,” Rhana says.

“You don’t trust her?” Emily said.

“Should I?”

“Regardless,” Earl said. “In the morning, the men efficiently break camp. A wagon was found in the monastery that needed only minor repairs. The men use it to stow extra gear for the trek back to civilization. The wagon also allows the newcomers to ride, rather than walk, given their lack of footwear.”

Before long, the evening had slipped away and it was time to break for the evening. Emily and Richard went back to his room. On the way, he was talking excitedly about the game. “Pompous as that Lord Tomar was, he was good in that fight against the bear owls. So was the dwarf, though we never really spoke to him.”

“I’m glad you had a good time,” she said. She sat on his bed as he turned on the computer and sat down at the chair.

“I have to get a couple things done before bed.”

“That’s okay. I can read something while you work,” she said, reaching for her book bag. She went to the bathroom to get ready for bed and then lied down in bed to read. After a few moments she found herself staring at his feet. “It’s too bad I’m not a doll. I could use one of those foot rest tit rubs.”

“As often as you’ve been a doll, I’m surprised you haven’t learned how to do it to yourself.”

“As if.”

They continued studying for nearly an hour but Emily was distracted by Richard’s observation. Why couldn’t I do it to myself? She thought.

Richard turned off the computer and got up to get ready for bed. When he got back he said, “Scooch over so I can lay down.” When she didn’t react he said, “Emily?”

She looked human, but there were signs that she was turning into a doll.

Richard picked up his phone. “Ted? Richard. You might want to come to my dorm and see something.”

She looked human, but there were signs that she was turning into a doll.

Richard picked up his phone. “Ted? Richard. You might want to come to my dorm and see something.”



ooh, cool to see the other side of that call at the end. Ted's dolls definitely has some of my favorite tfs in your stories. Love how creative the characters get with them all