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I've been meaning to say hello and welcome to the newcomers, attracted, I presume, by It Suits Me. I hope it has continued to delight you.

I have sad news. I might not have a new short story for Monday. I have a chronic eye condition that flares occasionally and it is flaring now. The treatment, for which, puts me out of commission for several days. Using the computer causes eyestrain after too short a period of time.

I have a bunch of things almost ready but, most of them are multipart stories. I might release a part of a multipart that isn't finished. Depends how I feel over the weekend.

Once again, thanks for your patronage.



It happens. You might try writing on paper for a novel change that won't strain your eyes as much. If you write on flashcards, you can restrict them to paragraph size and thus be able to reshuffle what part of the story draft goes where. just an idea. ;3


Paper? No, I would want to be able to read it later and my handwriting is atrocious. I do wonder if it would be worse with my current eyesight. :)


Is it possible to turn down the computer's brightness to reduce eye-strain?


I do. And that helps. But My one good eye gets strained over time without looking at the screen just because its doing the work of two eyes. I know that sounds a bit silly. But it's what happens. I am using the computer. Just at a reduced rate to my normal day.