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In Danny's room, I had Libby and Laura reinflate Diana and Sophia. Gerald was kind enough to let the girls come with me. While they did that, I looked for a listening device.

Between puffs, Libby said, “What are you going to do? You can't let Gerald win.”

“Well, that's out of my hands at the moment,” I said. “Just blow them up. Gerald may have won this battle but hopefully the war is still within our grasp.”

Sophia came to life first as Laura finished first. We told her to wait on the explanation of why we weren't in the sorority house. Once Diana was revived we filled the two of them in on the mess we currently were in.

“So while we were concentrating on Maria, Gerald was allowed to do as he pleased,” Diana said.

“Probably why he sent Maria my way in the first place,” I said.

“I still don't understand what the big deal is,” Laura said. “So Gerald controls the Greek Council. Last I checked the Greek Council wasn't a nuclear power or anything. What difference does it make?”

“It's the principle,” Libby said. “Right?”

“Well, the Greek Council Chairman is also allowed to sit in on board of director meetings for the university. I assume that's where his ambitions lie,” Diana said.

“But what kind of mischief could he get into there?”

“Let's focus on the here and now. I need to take control of Diana and Sophia and order Diana to vote as Gerald desires and Sophia to not complain about Diana being controlled. Either that or you get to spend the year as stockings.”

“We aren't stockings now. Can't we just leave?” Sophia said. She got up and headed for the door. Libby and Laura barred the doorway.

“We can't let you leave,” they said in unison.

“Does that answer your question?” I said.

“Just say their control word and get them to step aside.”

“If you do that,” Libby said.

“We will attack,” Laura continued. “Gerald has changed the key phrase.”

“Great.” Diana said.

“I find I need to ask you,” Sophia said. “What will be best for you, Barry?”

My own light programming came to the fore. The other girls nodded as Sophia said it. I was already in control of them. I could just give them orders right now.

“Right, best for me,” I said. “Diana, in the Greek Council, if Gerald tells you he needs you to vote yay or nay on a resolution, you will do as he asks gladly. How you wanted to vote will still be in your mind, but your vote will align with his. This will not bother you in the slightest. You may be fully invested in the outcomes but you will never compare those outcomes to how you voted.

“Girls, how Diana votes in the Greek Council is of no concern to you. You may be fully invested in the outcomes but you will never compare those outcomes to Diana's votes.

“None of you will discuss this with anyone or with each other. Do you all understand?”

There was a half-hearted consensus of yeses.

I opened the door and told the brother who was casually watching the door to go get Gerald.

He arrived faster than I would have expected. “Excellent, Barry.” He said. “I knew you come around. Well, you ladies are free to leave.”

“Go,” I said, pointing at the door. The girls left the room quickly and silently. When they were gone I said, “And Sandra?”

“Insurance. After a few votes and everything seems to be going smoothly, I'll consider letting her leave.”

“How generous.”

“I think you've outstayed your welcome. Please do not return to the House without my personal invitation.”

“Fine by me,” I said and started walking out. No one stopped me. No one spoke to me. And I did not see Danny.

Outside, I could see Libby and Laura walking toward campus and Diana and Sophia toward their sorority house. Maria was walking toward me.

“So, you did it.” She said.

“Did what?”

“Forced Diana to be Gerald's puppet.”

I did not answer.

“I was going to go along with his schemes because it benefited me to get on the Council. Does Diana deserve to be a puppet?”

“Don't get all holier-than-thou on me. You kidnapped my girlfriend.”

“Girlfriend? You've fucked more girls since declaring her your girlfriend then you ever did in your life and she's not one of those people. She isn't your girlfriend any more than I am.”

“That's not fair.”

“Fair? Life's been pretty good to you so far. What are you going to do to fix this?”

“Maria, you aren't able to talk about this subject any more. You can't discuss it with anyone.”

She opened her mouth to say something and nothing came out. Her eyes went wide. Then narrowed in anger. “Fuck you, Barry.” She stormed off.

That made me feel good for a second. Then I felt terrible about it. I have to remember to undo that.

I went to Jessica's dorm. When the door opened Jessica smiled wide, “Barry!” She threw her arms around me. “I wish I could kiss you.” She said as she stepped back. She led me into the room.

“I should tell you what's been going on.”

“Something's going on?”

I sighed and told her everything. She sat silently in the aftermath. Finally, she said, “You have to fix this.”

I bowed my head. “How? If you can tell me how, I'll do it. I don't know how.”

“I don't know either. But this cannot stand. Sandra is stuck as one your love puppets. Diana's mind is probably all fucked up. Maria will probably still seek out revenge. I can't believe she forced me to be kind to her brother. She only had to ask. He's such a good soul.”

I had no words. She looked at me and gave me a hug. We sat there for a few moments before she said, “Can we read my book?”

“It's late.”

“I know. Just a little bit. I love hearing the story when you read it for me.”

I nodded and she kissed me. We kissed for several minutes before she broke contact.

* * *

I woke up a few hours later to her alarm clock. It was Tuesday morning and we shared a bunch of classes. It was late and I had no time to shower. I got dressed on autopilot and left the dorm. It was only at this point when I realized I was not going to meet up with Jessica in class because I was Jessica. I checked myself out again. I was wearing her clothes, carrying her book bag, and outside her dormitory. “Well, Jess, if I go back inside we aren't making it to class on time. I've attended classes as someone else before. You'll get to see how it goes.”

The morning zipped by. I tried to participate in class at a level Jessica would do so. Before long it was lunch time and Annette and Moira, two of Jessica's friends, dragged me to the cafeteria for lunch. We were seated together at a table.

“Haven't seen a lot of you lately?” Annette said to Jessica. “You and Barry getting along well.”

“We're close,” I said.

“How close?” Moira asked. “You weren't around for classes since Thursday.”

“Close,” I said. “We haven't … if that's what you're asking.”

“You've been teasing that boy since the semester began.”

“Ease up on her, Annette,” Moira said. “It's October now. Any plans for Halloween? I'm hoping to find three people to go as a witches' coven.”

“A sexy witches' coven?”

“What other kind of witch costume is there?” Moria laughed.

“You game, Jess?”

“I'll think about it. Probably. If Barry wants to do something as a couple, I might be out,” I said hoping Jess would agree.

“That makes sense.”

Danny approached the table.

“Have you seen Barry?” he asked me.

“No.” It was not a lie. Mostly.

“Everything is all fucked up because of him.”

“He knows.”

“You've seen him.”

“Last night, yeah. He didn't go to any classes this morning. I'm worried about him.”

“Well, if you see him, tell him I need to talk to him.”

“Okay,” I said and Danny left.

“That was kind of rude,” Annette said. “What was that about things being fucked up?”

“Isn't that the guy with the sex doll?” Moira said.

“You know about that?” I said.

“Everyone knows about the frat with the realistic sex doll.”

“Do you really believe some kid in college has a realistic sex doll?” I said hoping to distract Annette from her question.

“I can't believe it's as realistic as they say,” Annette said.

“Yeah, boys tend to exaggerate. And I'm guessing most of them are unfamiliar with what realistic would look like,” I said.

“You're probably right,” Moira said.

“Maybe Sandra will be a witch if I can't,” I said.

“I haven't seen her in a week. Do you know what she's up to?”

“I thought she was with Danny all this time. She hasn't been to our room in a while.”

“Should you report that to someone?”

“I'm sure she'll turn up soon,” I said.

The topic shifted and soon lunch was over. We said goodbye and I went to Jessica's afternoon classes. Afterward, I went back to Jessica's dorm. She had another fifty pages to read in the book so I sat on her bed and read to her since I figured she would not want me to restore her and then turn her back into a body stocking again later.

When we reached the end of the assigned material, I took her off and restored her. When she animated I said, “How was your day?”

“Funny. You did pretty good being me all day.”


As we were studying, Danny knocked on the dorm room door. He was a bit frantic. “Gerald stole Sandra. I don’t know what to do.”

“I don’t know either, Danny,” I said. “Is there any way you can do something within the fraternity to influence Gerald?”

“He’s the chapter president. Short of someone else getting elected, my hands are tied. And our election was Monday. He ran unopposed. I can’t wait a year.”

“I’m sorry. There’s nothing I can do for Sandra.”

Danny left in a huff.

The next few days were mostly uneventful compared to Monday. I restored all the other dolls’ humanity. Ken seemed to enjoy the sex a lot. The last person I had to deal with was Roxie.

Roxie answered the door and hurried me in. Sitting in the living room were Diana, Sophia, and Sandra.

“Sandra,” I exclaimed.

“It's October. You set me free at the end of the month.”

“It’s October third.”

“Well, I didn't know it was October at all until midday today. But as soon as I knew I could move again.”

“Where did Gerald have you? Are you alright?”

“I'm fine. He had me in a cupboard in his office. It took me a while to sneak out of the frat house. I was in the backyard when Sophia spotted me. She suggested I should come here as it might be safer than my dorm room.”

“Good thinking.”

“You will not believe this – well maybe you will – Gerald is like you. He has unusual abilities.”

I stared at her slack-jawed.

“He can't transform anyone, that I know of. He can see through other people's eyes. If he has a hair or something, I think, from someone, he can observe what they see and perhaps hear from his comfy office chair.

“I heard him from my storage spot muttering to himself about plans to blackmail various people. For example, he knows about a professor who is dating a student.”

“That's how he knew what our plans were.”

There was a momentary pause as what I said sank in.

“What does knowing this do for us?” Sophia asked.

“Well, we don't feel so bad for being played. But other than that. Not much.”

“More importantly, what does Sandra escaping do for us?” Diana said. “You can undo what you did now. It was under duress. Now you can fix it.”

“He could be listening in right now.”

“He probably is since he probably knows I escaped.”

“Does he see and hear what his target is seeing and hearing or is just visual or just auditory?”

“Or other senses,” Roxie added. “What if he feels what you feel and you're fucking?”

I laughed. “Whatever gets his rocks off isn't the issue.”

Sandra said, “I'm not really sure how much he experiences. I wonder if it's like the VR experience of being worn as a bodysuit.”

“How much time did he spend zoning out in his chair?”

“A lot,” Sandra said. “He would do something that I couldn't see and then the room would be quiet for a while. And then I'd hear him move and he'd get up and walk around before the room would go quiet again.”

“So he's not immune to circulation problems due to sitting still too long,” Diana said.

“Anything else?”

“Occasionally he would fail to reach people and curse your name so I figure he can't connect to us when we are dolls. Have you made any bodysuits recently?”

“Well, that could have been when Diana and Sophia were dolls. Checking up on them is probably something he would do.”

“When would he have gotten our hair?”

“I'm sure you haven't been meticulous about making sure no one has your hair.”


“He probably got mine when I first spoke to him. He did touch my shoulder. I doubt I would have noticed if he picked up a stray hair,” I said.

“Best case, he's just clairvoyant and can see what we see maybe also hear. Worst case, he experiences life as if inside us and has access to our memories. And his only limitation is time and access to stray hairs.”

There was a short silence.

“You have to turn us into dolls,” Diana said.

“All of you?”

“If there's a chance he cannot possess us when we are dolls then we cannot retaliate unless you turn us into dolls.”

The others were nodding. “We don't know that for sure.”

“We could even be made bald and wear wigs so he can't get any more hairs.”

“What?” I said. “Now that's a bit extreme. What's the goal of this exercise?”

“Getting you to doll Gerald and command him not to use his power any more,” Sophia said.

“What gives us the right to do that?” Roxie said.

“Knowing that if he isn't stopped now, no one will ever stop him.” Diana said.



Wow, Jessica returns to the action, and even gets a quick tf in. Still loving the story and all of its turns