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Saturday morning, I felt tired. Like I had been overdoing it the past few days. I probably was. I got up and showered. I still had to deal with Libby. I wonder what Maria told her that made her so willing to become a doll. I went into Joel's room and the two dolls were still actively having sex. I guess when you do not need to eat or sleep you don’t run out of stamina.

“Freeze,” I said. The resulting tableau was stunning: two woman locked in an intimate embrace. You had to look closely to see the women were dolls.

“Amy, get off the bed and come to my bedroom.” In my bedroom, I added, “Act and speak freely.”

“FUCK!” She cried out. “That. Was. Insane!”

“Enjoyed yourself?”

She stared at me like I was crazy. “If you were trying to convince me not to be a doll for the rest of my life. You failed big time. Send me back in coach. I'm ready to play.” After a second I could see her connecting the dots in her head. “How did you land Libby Titelbaum? She's in Delta Ep isn't she?”

“Yes. While you were in the closet last night, I convinced Maria Vasquez to be mine.”

“Okay, start at the beginning, this must be an amazing story.”

After filling her in, she was ready to burst. “You got Maria to blow you and you got Libby as a bonus. What kind of fucking luck do you have?”

“Very little with my own girlfriend.”

“Oh, yeah, what did she say when you caught up to her?”

“She's been avoiding me.”

“I'm sorry,” she said. “I feel like it's my fault.”

“If it hadn't been you, it would have been Maya or Sandra.”

“Or Libby now. I'm sure she'll want to be your doll again after last night.”

“Oh, I forgot she was still in the other room.” I started for the door but saw disappointment in her eyes. “Amy, stand over there with your hands on your hips like you're a superhero and freeze, no talking, no moving.”

She quickly went to the spot I indicated and posed as specified, freezing in place. I hoped she was happy.

I went into Joel's bedroom. “Libby, follow me.” Back in my room, I said. “Stand there. You cannot talk loudly. But otherwise, you can talk freely.”

“That was fucking amazing,” Libby said, she looked at Amy. “Can we do that again?”

“Not now. Now, I need to get you ready to go back to your life.”

“You're freeing me?”

“Not exactly.”

“I didn't think so. What did Maria do?”

“You tell me. She said you're the smart one.”

“Okay,” Libby said a bit surprised by my comment. “She wants to usurp power from Diana and Sophia. She plans to have me and probably Laura pretend to be those two. I have no idea how she is going to get you to kiss them though.“

“Maria has you all under her spell.”

“The hypnosis? Yeah, I know. It's fun. But it doesn't make us do things we don't want to do.”

“How can you be sure?”

She thought about it a moment, “I guess I can't.”

“Am I any better?”

“You are more up front about it. Or you're a liar. I don't know which yet.”

“That's fair. I will have to mess with your head a little.”

“Just a little?”

“What do you mean?”

“I expected you might change me a lot.”

“As I told Maria, I don't want to turn you into a bunch of idiots. And the less I press against you the less, I hope, you will seek vengeance.”

“Why change me at all? I like this feeling of being a sex toy. I want you to do it again. If I do anything to upset you, let alone harm you, you won't do this to me again.”

“I can expect you to drop by my room from time to time to voluntarily blow me and have yourself turned into a sex doll.”

“Absolutely. Hell, I might bring Buffy and Laura by so we can be dolls together.”

There was a knock at the outer door.

“Hold that thought,” I said. “Pose yourself like Amy there standing next to her then don't move or talk till I say so.”

Libby did as I asked, or commanded, I guess. I threw on some pants and a T-shirt. I closed the door to my bedroom and opened the outer door. For the third time in a day, a beautiful woman was standing there. “Barry?” she asked.


“Hi, I'm Laura. Is Libby still here?” She was wearing a plaid men's shirt tied at the waist with a white halter top underneath. Jeans that could have been painted on revealed every curve of her legs and ass. She wore open-toed black shoes with a chunky heel.

“Sure, come in.” I opened the door wide. She stepped in and looked surprised. “What's wrong?” I asked.

“The room looks so clean.”

“The maid was here yesterday. Haven't had a chance to mess it up again.”

She laughed. “Maria didn't tell me you were funny.”

“What did Maria tell you?”

“That you were going to help me impersonate Sophia Castronovo.”

“And did she say how we would do that?”

“She did mention you had to kiss Sophia. I have some ideas about how we can arrange that.”

“That's good. What else did Maria say?”

“She said we had to do something first as part of the payment. From the way you are acting, I'm guessing she wasn't kidding.”

“Probably not. But I’m curious, did she tell you what would happen after we did it?”


I sighed. “Diana and Sophia are going to be turned into bodysuits that, when worn, are indistinguishable from how they normally look. It will happen when I kiss them.”


“Seriously. Have you seen the sex doll at Kappa Xi Epsilon?”


“That will be you after we do what you came here to do.”


“Go look into my bedroom.” I pointed at the door.

She got up and opened the door. The first thing she saw were two naked female bodies standing arms akimbo, ready to save the world, though motionless at the moment. “Libby?”

“Go in. Touch them.”

Hesitantly, she touched Libby's stomach. “It's not her. It feels like plastic or vinyl.”

“Libby, look at Laura and tell her something only you and Laura would know.”

Libby's head turned to face Laura. She said, “We go off campus to have sex together so no one finds out we're bi.”


I said, “Libby, you can speak freely and can move freely.”

“You didn't take her?” Libby said.

“Take her?” I said. “What am I a body snatcher?”

“You know what I meant.”

“Yes, I do. And I've had a change of heart. I want you to convince her to go through with what she came here to do.”

“You have got to blow Barry,” Libby said.

“How do you know about that? What the hell is going on here?”

“Keep calm. Magic is real and I'm some sort of conduit of it,” I said.

“Calm? You basically said, 'Hi, I can turn you into a fuck toy.' I'd say you were crazy if she wasn't talking.”

“Here's the thing. Maria asked for my help and she was willing to make you part of the payment. Now, I've decided to give you a choice. I want to demonstrate the benefits of being a sex doll. Libby, a testimonial if you would?”

“Last night, Amy and I did what you and I do when we go out of town. It lasted over ten hours and was mind blowing the whole time.”

“How could it last ten hours?” Laura said.

“We were both sex dolls. Dolls don't cramp, they don't get tired, they don't sleep. Now, admittedly, Barry didn't give us the ability to stop doing it. We would still be doing it now except that he stopped us so the lack of control could be an issue. But, while we were doing it, it was fucking fantastic fucking.”

“Amy, Libby, demonstrate what you did last night.”

Amy and Libby lay down on the floor next to each other and started stimulating one another.

“But, they're just dolls carrying out orders. How do I know you didn't tell them to say it was great? For all I know they aren't feeling anything at the moment.”

“True,” I said. “But, watching them is mesmerizing, isn't it?”

She did not respond for a moment. “Okay. But, while I'm doing you, they do me.”

“As you wish. Dolls, pleasure Laura as she pleasures me.” The details of what followed are a bit hazy. At the point I was about to cum, Amy was sucking on Laura's breasts and Libby's face was between Laura's legs.

Laura froze in place. “Suck it all down. Good. Don't move while Amy and Libby continue to pleasure you.” I pulled myself free of them and watched for a moment as the two active dolls fondled, caressed, and sucked on the inert doll.

I left the room and lay down on the sofa. I must have dosed off because I woke with a knock at the door. It was Maya. “Well, hello,” I said letting her in.

“You know why I'm here.”

“What took you so long?”

“I tried to resist. Is Amy here?”

“Since Thursday night.”

“You gave us commands.”

“I know.”

“And we could not resist them.”

“And you want me to do that again. The commands even work when you are human.”

“Hold that thought,” she said. “I have a question. Remember we tried you kissing Amy's nipples and nothing happened. What if it isn't your lips that cause people to become a suit. What if it's our lips? My lips touch your lips I become a body suit. My lips touch your dick and I become a sex doll. What happens if my lips touch you somewhere else?”

“I hadn't thought of that. But is it my cock or my cum for that latter change? I think it's the cum.”

“But, it's still my mouth. Not yours. Our mouths are the consistent part.”

“So, you want to rub your lips on my elbow or something?”


“It makes as much sense as anything doesn't it?”

There was a knock on the door. “Investigation will have to wait.”

“Hi, you're Barry, right?” said the guy at the door. “Kenneth S. Rivera.”He held his hand out for me to shake it. He was wearing a proper dress shirt, baby blue, a solid red tie, and a pair of khakis. He had short black hair and was cleanly shaven. “Can I come in?”

“Sure,” I opened the door after shaking his hand.

He saw Maya and said, “Hey, I'm not interrupting anything, am I?”

“No, it's fine. Come in. What can I do to you, Kenneth?”

“I believe you know why I'm here.”

“I do.”

“I don't,” Maya said. “What's up?”

“Mr. Rivera needs to prove his loyalty to Maria Vasquez by giving me a blow job.”

Kenneth was surprised by my candor. Maya was surprised by the implications. “Does he know?”

“I doubt it.”

“Do I know what?” Ken said.

“Libby and Laura have already been here to do what you expect to do.”

“You're saying you need some time. I can come back in a few hours,” Ken said.

I laughed. “No, you know about Maria's rivalry with Diana and Sophia. She asked me for help and put you and the others up as a down payment, basically.”

“That sounds like Maria. So what is it I don't know?”

“After the blow job, you’ll turn into a sex toy. A life-sized doll with a lust for sex.”

“So basically myself but immobile?”

“Unless I command you to do something. Then, you obey me without question.”

“That's a bit over the top. I've seen the Sandra doll in Kappa Xi Epsilon. Heck, I've done the doll in Kappa Xi Epsilon. You're saying I'd be like her? That she's your puppet who will do anything you say?”

“Yes, and yes.”

“When did Sandra become a doll in Kappa Xi Epsilon?” Maya said. “Why wasn't I invited?”

“You were studying as I had commanded.”

Maya took a moment to realize she had obeyed my command to study.

“She's been a doll?” Ken said.

“She was the second doll. She's human now.”

“And can't wait much longer to be a doll.”

“Ah, she's here to help sell me on being a doll.”

“No, I wasn't expecting her to be here. What's happening behind that door to my bedroom is designed to sell you on being a doll.”

He pointed at the door and I nodded. He got up. Maya got up too. As the door opened both of them eventually said “Holy, Fuck,” or something like that.

“Barry, why didn't you invite me to the orgy?” Maya complained. She came over to me and grabbed my belt.

“Dolls,” I called out. “Stop what you are doing and help Ken out of his clothes. Fuck him.”


Maya had my cock out and was busy trying to make me orgasm. The three dolls entered the room and grabbed Ken by the tie and dragged him back into the bedroom. It did not take long before I came. “Don't swallow it all. Wipe my cum out of your mouth and off my dick and shove it into Kenneth's mouth. Then join the girls in pleasuring him.”

Doll Maya obeyed silently. After a moment I stood up and followed her into the bedroom. Ken was on his back, dollified and not moving. “Freeze. Move away from Ken, Girls.”

He looked like a man made of that doll vinyl seen on toys. His cock was an erect, featureless dildo that stuck out of his pelvis at basically the proper angle. I got dressed while they were immobile. Before I left the room, I said, “All five of you, have sex with each other until I say otherwise. Do not leave this room.”



Great new part. Unfortunately the wait for a new part is always that long. A whole week 🤯


The doll orgy grows. At this rate, the whole school will be one massive pile of dolls. Not that that's a bad thing ;)