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“Answer, should I run after her?” I commanded.

“I don't know,” Amy replied. “Perhaps she needs some time to process this. I suppose being controlled by you is a kink she just discovered she has and this made it seem very real.” With that she froze in place again.

I stepped out into the shared room.

“Why did she leave so suddenly? She find out you were wearing her?” Joel asked.

I sighed. “Joel, it seems I have some time to explain things.”

* * *

“So, not only can you turn someone into a body stocking that other people can wear and become that person, you can also turn someone into a sex doll that is not only highly realistic, and not only do the dolls believe sex is even more sexually satisfying than sex as a normal person, but you also can command these dolls to do things, like automatons.”

“That's the gist of it.”

“I can buy the body stockings because I saw you wearing Jessica and I heard her voice come out of your mouth. The doll thing is a bit over the top.”

“Go look in my bedroom.”

“Is Amy still in there?”

“No, a sex doll that is Amy is.”

“No way.”

“Go look,” I said.

Joel got up and opened the door to my room. “Why isn't she moving?”

“Last thing I told her to do was freeze.”

“She been standing there this whole time? You've been telling me this stuff for over an hour.”

“Amy,” I called out. “Come in this room and sit next to me.”

Joel had to get out of the way as Amy did as I said, sitting with her legs together and her hand down on her lap, her back was ramrod straight. He sat down on the chair opposite her and I.

“You can speak and move freely.”

“Oh, wow. This is better than I expected.” She leaned back in the seat and crossed her legs. She straightened the seam on her gloves one at a time.

“You're enjoying being a doll?” Joel said.

“Yes. And my eyes are up here.”

“You're a doll with nice looking tits. I'll check them out at my leisure, thank you.”

“That's fair,” she said. She cupped her breasts and held them out toward him. “Feel them. They are obviously fake.”

Joel awkwardly reached out. Once he touched them he felt emboldened and gave them a good squeeze. “These are even better than your real tits.”

“I know. Aren't they great?” She said.

“So,” I said. “Any other questions?”

“Is she staying here? This place could use a good cleaning.”

“That's up to her ultimately.”

“Not really,” she said. “I can do what I want now. But, one word from you and I'm a statue. Or hyper focused on cleaning the room. Or pretending I'm a puppy.”

“Yes, but I'm not planning to do any of those things. Though I had not thought about the puppy.”

“What happens to these commands after she turns back to normal?” Joel said.

“What do you mean?”

“Suppose you tell her she's your personal maid servant and then turn her back to normal. Is she still your servant? Or does that end with the doll transformation?”

“I don't really know. We only found out today that I can command the dolls.”

“You should test that out. Find out just how much control you really have over these women.”

“I'm game,” she said.

“You just want to be fucked,” I said.

“Well, yeah,” she said. “Sex doll here.”

“I could fuck you,” Joel said.

“That wouldn't make me human again,” she said.

“And that's a problem because?”

“I don't want you thinking I'm your girlfriend again,” she said.

“Of course not,” Joel said. “I'm just curious what it's like to have sex with a doll.”

Amy looked at me. “I'll only do it if I'm not free to talk and move.”

“You want me to tell you to just be a doll and then have Joel take you into his room and use you.”

“If I'm just a doll, I don't care who fucks me. If I'm free to choose, I'd rather Joel didn't.”

“I'm fine with that,” Joel said.

“Amy, you are no longer free to move and speak. You are just a sex doll.”

Her body stopped moving. Her mouth opened up into an open circle.

Joel waved his hands in front of its eyes. “Uncanny.”

“Treat her well.”

“I would never do anything to damage your property, Barry.” He picked it up and went into his room.

I could not even argue that she did not belong to me. I was not sure what to do next when I realized I had not had dinner. I grabbed my wallet, put on a shirt, and left the dorm. I stopped into a pizzeria near campus and ordered a few slices. I was sitting at a table waiting for my pizza when a woman walked into the shop and ordered a slice. She down across from me even though there were plenty of other places to sit. “Barry?” she asked. She sat sideways in the stiff chair, her legs crossed at the knees.

“Yes,” I said.

“Maria Vasquez,” she replied. “You did not seek me out so I sought you out.” She had a slight Hispanic accent. She really knew how to roll the r in her name.

“Sorry, I've been busy.”

“I would imagine you would be a busy boy.”

“Why is that?”

“You know.”

“Of course I know. What do you know? Is the question.”

“You tell me.”

“You have seen the sex toy at Kappa Xi Epsilon. And that's all you know.”

She was not expecting that. The waitress arrived with my pizza. “Do you want me to deliver this now or wait until hers is ready?”

“I'll take my dinner now, thank you.”

“What else should I know?” Maria continued when the waitress left.

“Why are you asking at all? What is the sex toy at the frat house to you and why does it intrigue you?”

“You aren't what I expected.”

“Same.” I said biting into a slice.

“Do you know who I am?”

“Maria Vasquez. We've established that much. You're probably a senior. If I had to guess, you're a sorority girl, too.”

“Junior. Delta Epsilon Beta.”


“Yes. All the pretty girls join DEB.”

“Rather shallow, isn't that?”

“Only for the guys who drool over them.”

“And I'm supposed to be one of those guys.”

“I was hoping.”

“And now?”

“Different tack.”

“Lay it on me.”

“From what I've seen, you can turn a girl into a doll. There's a rumor that you can also turn them into a body stocking someone else can wear.”

“Suppose this is true. Do you want me wearing your body? Or do you want to be a doll I get to fuck?”

“Hardly. I want you to do these things to some of my sisters. We suspect the person wearing the suit is in control. We could solve some test taking issues this way.”

I laughed. “The power to control others and you want to take tests with it.”

“What have you done with the power?”

“I've had a lot of sex.”

“And you could have a lot more sex.”

“If I were motivated by sex, that would be an interesting offer.”

“What are you motivated by?”

“Not sure, actually. I'm sure you have ideas for motivating people. What would you want someone with these supposed power to do for you?”

“I have a couple rivals and it would be interesting if they were to vote me into power because someone I trusted were inside them.”

“Interesting. I'm not sure how well that would work but I see no reason to say no. We would need to work out the details. What is your timeline?”

“The vote is Monday night. How long could someone wear the body suit.”

“I don't know of a limit but we would not want to do it for too long. The longer someone else wears the suit, the more apparent that the person being worn is acting out of character becomes. And people might notice the wearer hasn't been seen in a while.”

“That makes sense.”

“Come to my dorm room tomorrow night around nine and we can discuss the details.” I finished my last slice of pizza. “I need to go. I hope it will be a pleasure doing business with you tomorrow night.” I reached out to shake her hand.

She hesitated before shaking my hand. “Tomorrow night.”

Back at the dorm, Joel was watching TV in the main room when I arrived. “Didn't hear you go out.”

“Late dinner.”

“Ah. The doll is in your room. I cleaned it up.”


“The funny thing, Barre, is she broke up with me because I was, and I quote, 'too controlling.'”

Shaking my head, I went into my room. Amy was standing at attention next to my bed, wearing the French maid uniform. “We need to experiment. Here's what I want. From now one, when we are in my room and you are not a doll, you must clasp your hands together behind your back. You are unaware that you are doing it and you do not remember me telling you this until I ask you about your arms. Do you understand?”


“Remove your outfit and get in bed. React freely to our sex but be silent until sex is over.”

She stripped and got in bed. This was the first time we had sex where I was not the only moving participant. She was not a passive partner. When I climaxed, her mouth opened but no sound came out. She seemed to have orgasmed. We continued to have sex for several moments before she was finally spent. I rolled off of her and she rolled onto her side and clasped her hands together. “That was awesome. But, why did you turn me back so soon?” She asked.

“An experiment. How do you feel? Who owns you?”

“I'm fine. And I don't feel owned by you any more, if that's what you mean.”

“It does. I was curious.” I got out of bed and she sat up on the bed, arms still behind her. I looked around for the clothes she wore when she got here. “Are you hungry?”

“Not really. Funny, I haven't eaten since lunch. I'm wondering if you need to eat as a doll. If not that's another reason to be a full time doll. Save money on food.”

I picked her bra out of her clothes. “Put this on.”

“Put it on me for me,” she said seductively.

“Take the bra.”


“Why not?”

“I don't want to leave.”

“Who said you were leaving? I was just handing your bra to you.”

“I-- I don't know. I don't need it.”

“Why are your arms behind your back?”

“What?” She twisted as if trying to see her hands holding on to one another. “Oh, my. I can't let my hands go.”

“And thus I can control you when you aren't a doll. Sort of.”

“You may release your hands.”

She tugged on her arms. “No, I can't.”

“No, I didn't give myself a way to fix that.”

“So I'm stuck forever.”

“Only here in my room. Or until you are a doll again.”

“Ooo, a no-hands blow job challenge. I'm ready.”

“You want to do this now?”

“Or you have to dress me because I can't let go of my hands.”

“True,” I said. I pulled my zipper down. “I suppose I have to do this part for you.”

“If you would.”



Another great chapter. Love how freely Amy lets herself be used. Love all the orders given to the doll. Love how Maria wants to use Barry's powers. I loved The Cabin, but this is quickly eclipsing it for me.