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Thursday started off like Wednesday, except I knew Sandra was somewhere and she was my responsibility. Jessica and I hung out in her room since her roommate was, as we joked, away. There was a knock on the door toward later afternoon. It was Amy. “Can I come in?”

“I suppose. Jessica, look, it's Amy.”

“Hi, you're looking for Barry, aren't you?”

“I hope you don't mind.”

“Why should I?” She said. “What can he do to you?”

I probably turned red. Amy did. “Um, I was hoping he could doll me again.”

“Why?” Jessica asked.

“You haven't done it, have you?”


“You don't know what you're missing.”

“I haven't even seen it yet.”

“Well, then it's a good thing I'm here.”

“Hold it,” I said. “If you're a sex doll, won't you want to be, uh...”


“Yeah, who do you think will do that here?”

“Well, there's the two of you. Sandra.”

“Whoa,” Jessica said. “What makes you think I want to play with a sex doll?”

“Why wouldn't you want to?”

Jessica opened and closed her mouth a few times. Nothing came out.

“You want him to experiment on other people, don't you?” Amy said.

“Not here.”

“Then bring me back to your place, Barry. Joel would love to give me a ride.”

“That would be the most awkward conversation.”

“You still haven't told him what you can do?”

“I suspect he'd want me to use my ability more indiscreetly than I have been.”

“You mean like a normal horny guy.”

“Not all men are pigs.”

“But most of them like to fuck, Barre,” Amy said.

“I don't think I want to hear any more of this,” Jessica said. She put her arms on my shoulders. “Suit me and doll her. Then just leave her in a closet for a couple days so she'll stop asking. Or keep her in your dorm room till spring break. I don't care. But, I want to do some reading with you later.” She then kissed me and the kiss lasted a few minutes at least before we had to come up for air. Soon, she was little more than air.

“That was hot,” Amy said.

“The kiss, or you being shoved in a closet?”

“All of it.”

I set Jessica down on her bed after separating her from her clothes. “Let's do this in Sandra's room so I don't feel like she's in the room with us.”

“You are so cute,” Amy said.

Soon, I was orgasming and I could feel her swallowing my stuff down. Then, there was silence. I had been holding her head against me. I let go and sat back. She just knelt there with her mouth open in silence. “Close your mouth. You look too willing,” I joked. Her mouth closed.

Her mouth closed?

“Open your mouth.”

Her mouth opened.

“Stand up.”

She awkwardly stood up.

“Tell me what you are thinking right now.”

“Oh my god you can give me commands that I must obey,” she said. That was all she said as I stared at her.

“Um, speak freely until I tell you otherwise.”

“This is so cool. Tell me to do a striptease. Or, or, or, tell me... oh my. This is why I was studying so hard the past couple days. You told me and Maya to study to make up for our lost day.”

“I did? Oh, I did.”

“Get Jessica and see if she can command me. Probably not. It's probably just you. But tell me to forget something and see if it works. Or tell me to um to act normally.”

“Slow down. This is a lot to take in.”

“Oo—Kaayy,” she slurred.

“Damn. Stop going slower. Talk and stuff at normal speed.”

“Wow, that felt strange.”

“I'll bet. Act as if you were not a sex toy until further notice.”

Her body, rigid all this time, visibly relaxed. “I gotta check the mirror.” She left the room and went into the bathroom.

I was about to stand up when I realized I needed to zip up first. Straightening my clothes I followed her into the bathroom.

“Look at my skin. I still look like a doll. But, I'm walking and talking like a normal person.” She turned to me and kissed me on the lips. She did not deflate. “This is how you kiss Jessica.”

“As if she would want to be controlled by me.”

“Well, you have total control of me and so far, you haven't done anything with it. She should trust you more. You're a good guy.”

“How do you know I didn't tell you to say that and then to forget that I told you?”

“I guess I don't. But, I don't believe you did that.”

“I didn't.”

“I know,” she said. There was an awkward pause until she said. “Well, since I can move, I know how I'm getting to your dorm room.”

“My dorm room?”

“I still want to be your doll. And now I can be your maid. I heard what you said to Danny. I would really like to be your maid. Oo, I bet like this I could be programmed to be your perfect maid.”

“I don't need a maid.”

“Not the point. I even have the outfit in my room. If you told me to go get it and meet you in your room at say 9 pm, I'd be out of your hair and we would have fun later.”

“Fine. Do what you just said. Go back to your dorm, acquire this maid uniform but do not wear it. Wear normal clothes when you come to my room at 9 pm. Do not tell anyone you are a doll. In all other ways, act completely normally.”

“Yes, Barry,” she said and immediately left the dorm room.

I went into the other room and got undressed. I put on Jessica and got in bed. “You will not believe what I discovered with Amy,” I said picking up the novel we were reading together.

* * *

I put the book down. It was quarter to nine and there was no way I was going to get to my room as me. I quickly got dressed as Jessica and rushed over to my room.

“Hi, Jessica,” Joel said. “Barry isn't here. It seems like he's never here when you stop by.”

“Hah, yeah, it does. Doesn't it?” I said. “Amy is coming here to see Barry. Don't be a dick with her.”

“What?” Joel stood up and approached me. “What is she coming here for? And why are you okay with Amy hanging out with Barry?”

I reached up to my neck and opened the zipper. “Because I'm not Jessica.”

Joel backed away from me, hands in front of him. “Wh-wh-what are you?” He backed toward his room.

“Calm down,” I said. I pulled off Jessica's face. “Apparently, I have a superpower. But, I don't have time to explain.”

There was a knock at the door. I stepped over to the door and peeked outside.

“Amy, come in.”

“Hi, Barry. Hi, Joel.”

“Go wait in my room.”

“Okay,” She said, going into my room.

“She's seen you like this before?”

“She's been the bodysuit,” I said. “I don't have a lot of time at the moment to explain. Just stay out of my hair the rest of the night. I'll fill you in tomorrow.”

“Is that really Jessica?”

“Yes. At the moment, Jessica is a hyper-realistic body stocking that I'm wearing.” I put her face back on and zipped her back up. My voice changed to her voice. “And, worn properly, you become the person you're wearing.”

“B-bu-but she has boobs and...”

“And no dick. Yep. I have no idea where my dick goes when I'm a girl. Now, contemplate all that by yourself. I'm busy tonight.” I went into my room without looking back and locked the door.

“You chose now to tell Joel?” Amy said.

“I had to make sure he didn't flip out about you being here.”

“So he's cool?”

“Hardly, he's flipping out, I think.” I laughed. “I wanted to try something. Stand perfectly still.”


“As I figured, I don't control you in Jessica's body.”

“Oh, right. If you said that yourself, I'd be all rigid now.”


“So, what should I do?”

“I'm going to take Jessica off. You should change into your maid costume, assuming you brought it.”

“I did. But, I wanted to surprise you.”

“Okay, I'll turn around.” I stood facing away from her as I got undressed and removed Jessica. I put on a pair of pants and started inflating Jessica. I was starting to redress Jessica when Amy said she was ready.

I turned around. The maid uniform was based on a French maid's uniform. It was a short black dress with a knee-length flared skirt with tulle crinoline underneath. A white lacy apron covered the front of the dress. White stockings and black patent leather pumps adorned her legs. She wore white opera gloves and a black hat adorned with white lace. The dress had a corset built into it with open cups revealing her naked breasts to the world. A seam of plastic ran along the edge of her breasts making it apparent they she was not human. She was holding a feather duster.

“Freeze,” I said. And she stopped moving. I got up and inspected her up close. “How does it feel to be frozen here? I wonder.” I sat down and continued putting Jessica's clothes on her far less realistic body. Once she was dressed, I zipped her up.

“Oh my God,” she said. “What's up with her?”

“I told her to freeze.”

“Where did she get such a revealing outfit?” Jessica asked as she examined Amy up close.

“I have no idea. She had it in her dorm room apparently.”

“She really is a doll. Wow. And you can command her?”

“Amy, silently dust the furniture in here.”

She curtsied and proceeded to dust my dresser, moving items off the top around to get all the dust off.

After a moment I said, “Freeze,” again. Amy paused in mid-motion.

“You're sure she's okay with this?”

“Amy, answer this one question, are you okay with being my frozen maid?”

“Yes,” she replied, after which her face froze again.

Jessica stared at her a bit longer then headed for the door. “I should leave. I don't want to get in the way of you playing with your doll.”

“Wait? What?” I said standing up. “She's not my doll.”

“Isn't she? Amy, who do you belong to?”

Amy did not respond.

“Amy, answer Jessica's question.”

“I belong to Barry.”

“See?” Jessica said. “You turned her into some kind of pleasure bot and now she's your obedient doll. So, so, just play with her. I don't want to deny you your pleasure.”

“But I don't want her. I want you.”

“And I don't want to end up like her.”

“Why would you?”

She unlocked the door to the room and opened it. “Because if I stay much longer, I will.” And with that she rushed out of the room and out of the outer room into the hallway faster than I've ever seen her move.



That doll transformation is a lot more versatile than I thought. All really hot stuff this chapter. Now I wonder if a freely moving doll wearing a bodysuit would have control over the suit, as opposed to the last time Barry tried. Would they still be compelled to listen to orders? Also at the end, I wonder if Jessica is more afraid of Barry forcibly transforming her, or herself wanting to be...