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The phone rang.

“Hello,” I said trying to see my clock. It was almost 7 A.M.

“I'm outside. Let me in,” Jessica said.

“Come up.”

I went to the bathroom and then opened the door. She gave me a big hug. Maybe Joel was better.

“Who's that?”


“You kissed Joel.”

“He dared me or something. I don't remember. But I wasn't in a good mood so I let that happen. Inflate him if you want to. I need to get dressed.”

“What happened at Amy's? She doesn't answer her phone.”

“Let me get dressed. That is a long story. You have all day to hear it.”

“That's cryptic,” she said as I closed the door to my bedroom.

When I came out again, she was halfway through inflating Joel. I took out my phone and took a few pics of Joel. I started telling her what happened the night before. She interrupted occasionally:

“A sex doll? You can turn people into sex dolls with your... stuff.”

“Well, yes. But let's pause here so we can get Joel up to speed.”

She pushed his valve down and set him down on the sofa.

“What? Jessica? Is it morning?” He looked down and discovered he was naked. He dashed into his bedroom.

“You must have fallen asleep after I went to bed,” I called after him. “Let's get going,” I said to Jessica.

“You're not going to tell him?”

“I don't have time for that now.”

On the walk to the cafeteria, Jessica found out we can talk to body suits by putting them on sex dolls. And as we got into our first lecture hall, I stalled telling her how to revive a doll but had to stop as the professor started his lecture.

“What?” she hissed at me.

“Not now,” I whispered back, gesturing toward the professor.

I paid for this when class ended.

“You had sex with Amy?”

“I had sex with a sex doll.” I said matter-of-factually. “Technically, it didn't become Amy until after I came.”

We didn't talk on the way to our next class. Or after class until we got to our tables in the cafeteria for lunch.

“Okay, so that revived her.”

“And she kissed me afterward, so if we have sex, we'll be able to kiss afterward.”

“For how long?”

“No idea. We didn't really experiment with that.”

“What did you experiment with?”

* * *

“So, let me see if I followed this. There are two sex dolls who are actually people in the dorm that you must have sex with because they forced you to turn them into dolls.”

“Yes.” I said cautiously.

She just stared at me for a few moments before she said, “God, they must be so bored.”

“Oh, did I forget to mention the vibrators?”

After another few minutes of explaining, she said, “God, they must be so frustrated. Good. Hopefully you'll only have to restore them once and this won't happen again.”


“I don't believe it either,” she said laughing.

“You are taking this rather well. Better than I expected.”

“Do you love Amy?”

“I barely know Amy.”

“Exactly. And you haven't actually told me you loved me nor have I said I loved you so I can't really complain. All this only started happening when we kissed for the first time.”

“Can't believe that was just, what? Four days ago.”

“Yeah, as long as you aren't making bodysuits and dolls of every girl on campus, I suppose I can't complain. Maybe you can even learn to not do it so we can have a normal kiss without preconditions.”

“That would be nice. So, you accept that I'll be potentially have sex with other women as long as I'm not doing it indiscriminately?”

“Actually, can you just apply your pre-harvested cum to the dolls to revive them? That might be less fun for you and them but you also wouldn't be having unprotected sex with other women.”

“I suppose I could try that although you realize the unprotected sex ship has already sailed.”

* * *

After walking Jessica back to her dorm room after dinner, I went to Amy's room. I let myself in. The room was dark. I went into Amy's bedroom and the two dolls were where I left them. “Hello, ladies. Sorry it's so late. You just concentrate on your classwork the next couple days and missing this whole day won't be an ongoing issue.” The hum of the vibrators was still present. Not exactly conclusive, but I guess they did not just return to normal after the passage of time. I could not leave them like this any longer, though.

I chose Maya first. Not sure why. When I came, she transformed back to normal with a long, undulating cry. I think she lost consciousness for a moment.

“Maya, are you okay? Maya?”

After a moment she said something in a language I did not understand. Then she looked up at me and said, “That was mean.” She pointed at the vibrator next to her. “I can't wait to do it again.”

“Really? Spending a day as a doll was good?”

“Oh, god, I have never been so sexually satisfied,” she said. She shifted under me and I pulled out and lay beside her. She looked past me and laughed. “You left Amy looking at us?”

“I figured she'd enjoy the show.”

“You really are mean. I love it.” She started to rise. “You're still vibrating, Amy? Isn't that awesome?” She got up and picked up Amy.

“What are you--?”

“Stay there. I'll bring Amy to you.” She groped Amy as she placed her next to me on the bed.

“Who's mean?”

“I didn't get any foreplay. She'll at least have this.”

“You didn't need it.”

“No, I didn't. I've got to leave before I have you doll me again.” She left and went to her bedroom and closed the door.

I looked at Amy and sighed. “I wonder what you're thinking.” She did not answer.

Later, right as she returned to flesh, she grabbed my ass and kissed me. Twenty minutes must have passed while she held me inside her and I think I came twice before it was over. We lay together for a while afterward.

“That was unreal,” she said.

“You're unreal.”

“No, I'm real. Before I was unreal.”

“You know what I meant.”

“I can't wait to do that again.”

“Have we even stopped yet?”

“I mean the whole thing.”

“Well, don't do that,” I said. “I really shouldn't be having sex with you.”

“I'm on the pill.”

“That's good. That wasn't why I shouldn't be having sex with you.”

“I know. But, it's so good,” she said. She rolled to the side and we separated. “I promise not to. But soon, we're doing this again.” She got up and put her book bag on her desk. “I need a shower. And you need to get out of here or I won't be responsible for what happens.”

I got up and got dressed as she grabbed a towel and went to the bathroom.

I went over to Maya's room and looked in. She was wrapped in a towel reading a school book. I peeked in and said, “I'm leaving.”

“Stop by any time, Barry.”

* * *

Jessica and I spent the day together Wednesday. It had been a wholly normal day at college. I had woken up in my own bed and my own body. There were no bodies strewn about the room in doll or leotard form. Almost shocking as I recall.

We went back to her room after our noon classes, done for the day. “I know this is an imposition, but I was wondering,” Jessica said.


“Would you read with me as me?”

“You mean wear you and read your homework to you.”


“You want me to turn you into a body suit and wear you so we can do your homework not just together, but as one.”

“Do I have to beg?”

“Would you?”

“Probably not. But hey, at least you get to kiss me.”


“It'll be a good kiss, I promise.”

“Fine. I'm kind of curious how the book ends anyway.”

We kissed. I noticed she did not start deflating until after we broke the initial kiss. As long as we held that kiss, she did not deflate. After removing her from her clothes and removing my clothes, I put her on. The impulse to get dressed was probably hers. I ignored it. “If I have to be you, I'll be you naked,” I said aloud.

I grabbed the book and crawled into her bed. A few hours of reading passed before we were interrupted. Sandra barged into my room, Jessica's room.

“Hey, Jess, Barry around?”

“Haven't seen him since I started reading my homework.”

“Oh, okay, sorry to interrupt.” She started to close the door but stopped. “But, ya see, his clothes are here but he isn't. Or is he, Jessica?”

“What do you want, Sandra?” I said, setting the book aside.

“Maybe you take her off and we can talk. I don't think she wants to know what we're doing.”

“We aren't doing anything.”


I sighed. “Sorry, Jessica,” I said as I opened the suit. I pulled the head off. “What do you want to do?”

“I want you to turn me into a doll.”

“What do you mean?”

“Danny told me everything and I talked to Amy and Maya. It sounds awesome.

“You realize how that works, right?”

“Of course. But not here.”


“Danny's room at Kappa Xi Epsilon.”

I shook my head. “Do I want to know why?”

“Would you rather have to carry me across campus or have Danny carry a doll that looks like me across campus?”

“Neither, actually.”

I convinced her this could wait until the evening. A few hours later, Jessica and I had finished the book and she was her whole self again. Eventually, Sandra and I were walking over to the frat house.

“I can't see what so fun about being so helpless, being a thing.”

“That can be a bit boring. According to Amy and Maya, the sex is like hundreds of times better than normal.”


“No joke. I'm surprised they aren't bugging you to do it again, too.”

“That is odd. I didn't see them at all today.”

“I saw Amy in a class. She left immediately after class was over.”

“Was she with Luella?”

“Actually, she told Luella she was busy.”

“Also odd,” I said. “After we do this. How long do you intend to remain a doll?”

“Till Sunday?”

“I have no classes Friday, and nothing is due Thursday.”

“Sunday? Well, that'll tell us if there's a time limit, I suppose.”

“Time limit?”

“If I never restore you, you are potentially a doll forever. Anybody can restore the bodysuits. But apparently only I can restore a doll.”

“Forever a doll. That could be cool.”

“If you say so.”

We arrived at the frat house and Sandra managed to get me in the door. I had not been in Danny's room since the night of the wet t-shirt contest. Danny was at his desk doing some homework.

“Oh, look, my girlfriends.”

“Ha, ha.” I said.

Sandra gave Danny a big kiss. Memories of kissing Danny became vivid in my mind. Sandra seemed a bit far away as they separated. Danny said, “Are you sure you want to do this?”

Sandra nodded vaguely.

“Sandra,” he said again.

“Yes,” she said. “Why does everyone keep asking that?”

“Most people don't want to be a fuck toy.”

“Most people are uptight imbeciles,” she retorted.

“I'm not really happy with other guys doing you,” Danny said.

“This isn't my idea,” I said.

“I don't mean you. You're respectful.”

“Who do you mean?”

“She didn't tell you?”

“Tell me what?”

“Tell him.”

“It's not important,” she said. We both just stared at her. “It's not.”

“She wants me to allow the other brothers here to give her a spin while she's a toy.”


“Why not?” She said. “I get lots of mind blowing sex that way and can't get pregnant.”

I looked at Danny and he seemed unhappy. “She wouldn't have known about it if you hadn't told her.”

“I'm completely aware of that.” Danny said as he got up from his desk, “Fine. Do it.” The door slammed behind him.

“He's upset.”

“He'll get over it,” she said. She reached for my belt buckle.

“Why do I feel like I'm being used?”

“You are performing a service. But, not until I perform one on you.”

* * *

“Have fun,” I said to Sandra as I left the room. Danny wasn't around.

I was headed out of the frat house when a voice called after me, “Barry.”

I turned and saw someone I did not know, an upperclassman from his demeanor. “Yes?”

“May I have a word? I'm Gerald Avignon, the chapter president.” He led me into a room off the kitchen. It was a small office probably used for the frat's accounts and legal paperwork. He pointed to a chair and we sat down. “You have an unusual gift, I hear.”

“Heard from whom?”

“No one specifically. But, I know what happens in my house.”

“Good to know.”

“I heard a most peculiar conversation on Saturday night. Like most party conversations, I was going to dismiss it as drunken nonsense. But, well, let's just say I'm not surprised by what I found in Danny's room a moment ago. A room, I believe, you were the last to exit.”

I just nodded.

“I'm not asking you to do anything now. But, in the future, I'd like to think, if I were to ask nicely, you might be willing to ply your unusual abilities for a favor.”

“Depends on the value of the favor and the ability you want employed,” I said.

“Doesn't it always?” He said standing up, reaching out his hand. “I believe we have an understanding.”

I shook his hand. “I hope so.”

He led me to the front door, talking about the history of the frat like I might become a member. At the door, he whispered, “Maria Vasquez. Look her up.”

I resisted the urge to ask why because I could tell he would not have explained.



Barry might need to start charging for his services, otherwise he might end up with too many commitments.