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Memories of my roommate making out with me many times in Amy's room flooded my brain and I just stood there aghast. He came closer and must have taken my expression for lust as he kissed me. Amy seemed to take over and soon I was topless on the sofa making out with Joel. It had to be lust. I could not be drunk this time. His hand was going up my skirt before I regained control and decided this was not happening.

“Joel, wait.”

“Don't ‘Joel, wait’ me. You strung me along for a month before we did it and then the next night you're with Thomas. I told you never to grace my door again unless you were going to be mine. Well, here you are. You seem into me and now you say 'Joel, wait.' What kind of head game are you playing?”


“Never mind,” he said standing up. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to my feet like I weighed nothing. “Get out. I want nothing to do with your head games. Get out.”

“Barry. I was looking for Barry.”


“I didn't remember this was your room, too.”

“Barry has a girlfriend. And besides he's not here.”

“I know. He gave me his key. That's how I came in. I need to get something from his closet.”

He was breathing heavily and his face revealed a flurry of emotions going through his mind. He took a few breaths before saying, “Fine. But I'm watching you.” He pointed at the door to my bedroom.

I grabbed my blouse and started putting it on as I went inside and went to the wardrobe. Joel watched from the doorway my every move. I grabbed a bag and took Jessica's bodysuit and stuffed it into the bag.

I quickly fled the dorm. Joel slammed the door as I left. I went to Jessica's room. I had to knock to get in. Sandra and Danny were there.

“Amy?” Sandra said.


“That's three people who've worn Amy.” Danny said. “Even when she isn't in control she's a....”


“I'm just joking.”

“Long story short,” I said. “I had no idea Joel was angry with Amy.”

“Oh yeah. He was kinda possessive and you're a free spirit.”

“Anyway, I have Jessica in here and I don't know what to do next. I think I need to get out of Amy and send her back to her life. Then I'll be stuck naked unless I get into Jess and go back to my dorm and Joel let's her wait for me or something. I'm a bit confused.” Halfway through that, I unzipped Amy and had removed her head so it was just me talking.

“That doesn't get old,” Danny mumbled.

“Sure, Barre, go in there and get changed into your girlfriend.” Sandra said.

I heard the sentence but I did not pay too close attention to the insanity of it. I just pushed into the bedroom and closed the door. After a moment, I took off Amy's clothes and bodysuit. I was halfway into Jessica when there was a quick knock on the door and Danny stepped in unannounced.

“Sorry to intrude. But, um, you know that deal Amy and I had?”

“I know part of it.”

“Yeah, well the part you don't know if that if it worked. She wanted a chance to.. um.. to.. y'know.”

“I don't know.”

Danny stared at me and pretend to shrink to the floor.

“She gets to wear you.”


“So you and I will have to kiss.”

“How long?”

“I have no idea. I usually enjoy the kisses or I'm completely surprised by them.” I held my hand up to him. “But, since you're here. You can reinflate Amy.” I pointed at her bodysuit on the floor.

“Okay. How?”

I set him up to blow Amy up as I finished getting into Jessica's body except for her head.

Danny apparently knew the drill as I was not watching when I heard her say, “That was so cool.”

“Really?” Danny said. “I just told Barry it's my turn I guess.”

“Oh yeah, C'mon kiss him, Barry.”

“You don't care that you're naked at the moment?”

“Both of you have been me. Beside, I can't wear him with clothes on, can I? So just kiss him. Then you put Jessica's head on and it'll just be us girls.”

“Fine. Get over here Dan.”

“How do we?”

“Just close your eyes and kiss each other,” Amy said, laughing.

We did and we did. Danny pulled away as soon as he thought was prudent. “I don't feel different.”

I grabbed his wrist and squeezed. “You will soon.”

“Oh, wow. Should I have gotten undressed first?”

“It won't matter,” I said and soon Danny was a body suit. Amy started squeezing the air out of him and extricating him from his clothes. “By the way, thanks for taking that test for me. It was so cool watching you do the problems so easily.”

“Well, you aren't going to learn anything if I keep doing it. That was a one-time deal.”

“I have to say I do enjoy being worn.”

I finished putting Jessica on and then helped Amy get into Danny. It was amusing. When I put on one of the girls I feel like I'm stretching them out but Amy had to roll up Danny's arms and legs to get into him. When she put the face on and gave the zipper the final pull, Danny shot up into the air at least a foot. He was that much taller than Amy.

“How do I look?” She said. “Oo, my voice!”

“Like my roommate's boyfriend.”

“Hey, you're boyfriend isn't here. You wanna...”

“Put your pants on, Romeo.” I said. “You might have had a chance if I were wearing Sandra. You'll probably have a good chance with Sandra.”

“I know. She's really into Danny. Isn't she?”

“You don't know the half of it.”

“So why should I get dressed?” She was visibly aroused as she went out into the living room. “C'mere, Baby,” she said to Sandra, closing the door. As I left the room they were making out on the sofa.

“Get a room,” I said and realized it was something Jessica had said to them many times.

As I crossed campus again, I wondered how many classes I was going to miss because I was not myself.

* * *

I let myself into my room and found Joel eating lunch. “Hi, Joel.”

“Hi, Jessica. Barry's not here.”

“He isn't?” I said trying to stall. I could not turn back into Barry while Joel was around.

“I haven't seen him all day. Or the previous night.”

“He said to meet me here around one. I guess I'm early.”

“Well, you can stay if you like. I don't have anywhere to be until two.”

“Okay, I'll be in his room.”


I flopped onto my bed and wondered what I could do between now and Joel leaving. Jessica would probably do some class work if she were waiting for me here. I opened her book bag and went on autopilot. I ended up grabbing the book she was reading for her English class. I just started reading from where the bookmark was. It was confusing at first but as I pushed into the chapter, I remembered stuff from the earlier parts of the book from her reading of the novel. Images of how she pictured the characters crept into my consciousness. I never really constructed full images of characters in a book when I was reading but in her mind I could see the characters represented by movie stars who fit the character descriptions. As I continued reading, the dialog started to sound like the voices of the movie stars. Was this how Jessica experienced reading all the time?

I looked at the clock and it was after 3 P.M. Had Joel left? I put the book down and went into the common area. The remains of Joel's lunch were in the sink and garbage. There was no sign of him. I kind of wanted to just continue reading the book. But I had a class in less than half an hour and the idea of missing all my classes made me feel uncomfortable. More than usual. Maybe that was Jessica's influence. I got undressed and hung her clothes over a chair. I reached behind my neck and opened the suit.

After laying the suit on the bed, I got dressed. It took a good fifteen minutes to blow her back up. I really needed to get some kind of portable air pump. I covered her body with a blanket before pushing the valve back in.

“That was amazing,” she said. “Reading with you was so much deeper than normal reading.”

“What do you mean?”

“I'm terrible with voices. I always imagine the characters as movie stars. I heard you thinking that was unusual. But I never read the dialog with their voices. You did that.”

“I did?”

“I've never done it before.”

“I wish I had time to explore that more but I need to get to one of my own classes at least once today.” I said. “Your clothes are right there. I'll meet you for dinner in the Caff at six?”


* * *

Jessica and I were walking back to her dormitory when I received a text from Amy. “How did she get my number?” I said as I tapped the notification. “She wants me to stop by her room.”

“Does she say why?”

“No. But there are two 'puppy dog' and three 'hands praying' emojis.”

“I have work to do. Go see what she wants,” Jessica said, giving me a kiss on the forehead.

“You trust her around me?”

She hugged me. “Not really. She thinks you're cute. I trust you around her. Besides, better you should experiment with your weird powers on her than by accident on me.” She grinned wide and went into the dorm.

I shook my head in disbelief before heading to Amy's dorm. At her room I knocked. Danny answered. “Hi, Barry. Come in.” He stepped aside and closed the door as I entered.

“Are you you or Amy?”

“Actually, I'm Maya.”


“It's my roommate, Maya,” Amy said entering the room.

“You told your roommate about this?”

“I didn't mean to but I couldn't explain why Danny was masturbating in my bed when she caught me except by telling her the truth.”

“Once she took Danny off I couldn't wait to try him on. Can you turn me into a bodysuit?”

“Hold on. I really don't want people knowing I can do this. Who else knows?”

“That's not fair,” Amy said. “You blabbed about it to me at the party on Saturday.”

“I was very drunk. I'm guessing you weren't.”

“Still, you haven't been careful.”

“Well, from now on careful is my middle name.”

Maya laughed. “You're parents must be awful.”

“Ha ha.”

“Help me out of Danny.”

I released the value in her neck and the bodysuit went slack as she shrunk a couple inches. She took the head piece off and I realized I did not really know Mara from around campus. She was of Indian ancestry or near India. And like Amy, seemed to have no issues with being naked in front of me. I decided not to look away.

“He does turn bright red,” Maya said to Amy and they shared a laugh.

I turned to Amy. “So why did you text me?”

“It's Maya's turn to be worn.”

“By whom?”

“Danny I guess. Maybe me. It's up to Danny once we blow him up. Just give her a kiss.”

“Come and get me, handsome,” Maya said.

“I have a girlfriend.”

“We know.” Maya said. “And you have a naked girl asking for a kiss, too.”

“Fine.” I felt silly being petulant about kissing a naked woman. But once the kiss started, I did enjoy it.

“I feel so light. This is aweso--” Maya said before becoming inanimate.

Amy picked up Danny and Maya and tossed them on the couch. “Before you restore Danny, I wanted to thank you personally for taking my test.” She started unbuckling my belt.

“You already thanked me.”

“Not like this,” she said reaching into my pants and grabbing hold of me.

“This really isn't necessary.”

“Well I can't kiss you and you've seen me naked. I have just a couple things left to give.” She pulled it free and pushed me down on the sofa. Her hot breath blew across me and I found it harder to think straight. “Just relax. You know you want me to do this.”

I may have protested once or twice more but I do not remember doing so. She knew what she was doing and I could not help but respond in kind. I don't know how many times I said, “Oh, god,” before I said, “I going to...” but she just nodded and worked harder. I came. I lay back flat against the sofa exhausted. I took a few deep breaths before opening my eyes. “That was...” I said before I noticed she had stopped ministering to me but I was still in her mouth slowly getting soft. I looked down and – I should not have been shocked, but – I could not believe it. She was frozen in place. I touched her head and it felt artificial: not like the silky cloth of a bodysuit, but like an expensive sex doll.



Ooh, the scope of his powers increase. I know it probably gets repetitive, but I loved the description of how cheap people look as a bodysuit. I look forward to this story every week.


Love it. At this rate Barry won't be able to make love to Jessica as himself and keep her animate lol. Kiss = body suit, penetration = doll. Hopefully eating her out doesn't turn her into a puppet or something.