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“Read the note,” she said just before her expression became vacant and she was no longer a person, just a body suit. It read:


I know you were Sandra last night at the party. When I talked to Sandra she wasn't herself and so when I asked her why she says, “Call me Barry.” I thought she was nuts but I went along with it and she tells me this story of how this Barry can turn people into wearable suits and become them.

Well, I had trouble believing this story but she was so unlike herself I started to believe she was a guy wearing a Sandra suit. So you said come here and see for yourself. And I was so turned on. I know what you and Danny did so I know you won't mind being me for awhile.

I wasn't sure until I saw Sandra a little while ago and she confirmed your story. So this is either a big prank or magic. Either way, it's cool. Be me for a while. Also, I have a math test tomorrow and I hear your good at math so please at least take my test for me. Please.

Amy Krantz

As I finished the note, memory of the conversation with the girl at the party returned. She had come in third in the wet t-shirt contest. I remembered while we were waiting to start the contest she was surprised Sandra was so ready for the contest. I must have been pretty drunk. I told her who I really was and she asked me about it several times during the night afterward. I thought I had sex with Danny right after the contest but apparently I had spent some time talking to Amy.

Right! She even kissed me that night thinking it might affect her and she was disappointed that it did not work while I was in another bodysuit. Damn, was she more into this than even Sandra?

By the time I finished the note, she was mostly deflated. He clothes were piled up beneath her. I picked them up and laid them out on the bed: a blue, knee-length pleated skirt, taupe tights, brown chunky heeled shoes with ankle straps, a brown belt, a gray T-shirt with a Dead Kennedys logo, a denim jacket, two necklaces, and a brown purse.

“So it's true,” a male voice said.

I spun around and saw Danny standing in the doorway. I realized I had not heard the door close. Thinking fast, I said, “What's true?” He stayed back from me. And I could confirm he did not smell divine when I was myself.

He looked back into hallway as if checking to see if anyone were watching. Then he closed the door behind him. “Amy there. You turned her into some kind of inflatable doll or something.”

“More of a bodysuit, really,” I said. “You seem okay with that?”

“I don't know. Were you really Sandra last night?”

“Do I want to answer that?”

“I'm not going to punch you or anything. If that's what you mean.”

“I was,” I said. “Look, I don't know how I do this. And it only started Friday night. Sandra demanded that I wear her yesterday.”

“You're a fucking good lay, Barry.” He paused, possibly waiting for me to react but I out-waited him. “When Sandra said she would do the T-shirt contest I knew something was up. She hates that. But last night she was a completely different person. So, yeah, when I said something to Amy this morning, she told me what 'Sandra' told her about Barry. Amy came up with the idea of coming here and getting herself... whatever you call it that you do to people?”

“I've only done it twice. It's not really something I talk about casually.”

“That's fine, I guess.”

“Did you talk to Sandra?”

“Not yet. I'm going to talk to her next. But first, about Amy.”

“You want me to put her on?”

“Well, I was wondering. Can someone else wear her?”


“Yeah,” he said, looking downward and embarrassed.

“Sandra wore Jessica so I assume you can wear a suit too. Can I ask why?”

“She suggested that I ask Sandra about being worn as Amy rather than as me since she might be reluctant to tell her boyfriend that he had sex with a guy in her body. If that makes any sense.”

“Being the guy in question, I was able to follow it. You will have to strip out of your clothes before you get inside her.”

“I figured as much,” he said as he took off his shirt and began to disrobe.

“I will warn you. When I was Sandra I found you irresistible. As myself, not so much. So whoever turns Amy on, you might find yourself drawn to them.”

“Thanks for the.. um.. warning I suppose.”

When he was naked, I handed him the Amy suit and said, “Start with the legs. Don't worry, the suit will stretch. I'm six or seven inches taller than Sandra but she wasn't any taller when you saw her, right?”

“So I'm going to end up as short as Amy?”


“What about my...”

“I have no idea where it went when I wore the suit. It just seems to be gone.”

“That's freaky.”

“It's all freaky.” He had the suit mostly on. “Let me zip up the back. Okay, now put the head on. Once you do, I can finish zipping you up and you'll become Amy.”

“Here goes nothing,” he said and he worked the face onto his face. “It just feels like a mask.”

“Until the zipper gets to the top. Last chance to back out.” He gave me a thumbs up. I pulled the zipper up the final pull and tucked the pull under the flap. Instantly, the body shrank, the skin tightened, and all evidence of Danny was no more. There was just Amy. “How do you feel?”

“I have tits,” Danny said, grabbing them.

“Classy. She is aware of what you do while inside her.”

“She is?”

“Yep. She went unconscious shortly after the kiss. But once the suit activated, I suppose that word works, she became aware again. She has no control. But she can hear what you're thinking, feel what you're feeling, etc.”

“Sorry, Amy.”

“And she cannot respond in any way. It's very one-sided.”

“I should go talk to Sandra so I can get out of this suit as soon as I can.”

“You might want to get dressed first.”


I laughed as he reached for his shirt.

“Oh, I should wear her clothes,” he said.

“Yeah. They're here on the bed.”

Danny got dressed, starting with the tights. “Where's her underwear?”

“I didn't see any.”

“Typical Amy.”


“Yeah, I know you can hear me and I'm going to call you a slut anyway. She's such a slut.”

I laughed.

“You know, you're kind of cute.”

“Thanks, Danny.” I said emphasizing his name.

“Crap, why'd I say that?”

“I'm not cute?”

“Don't mess with my head,” she said wagging her finger, wearing nothing but tights, and looking up at me.

“Now that was cute. But I was just reminding you that Amy's mind is pushing against yours. It's not like I woke up Saturday morning wanting to fuck Sandra's boyfriend.”

He needed help with her bra.

“Don't think about putting it on. Amy's body knows how to do it.”

And in a snap, the bra was in place and she had adjusted her boobs so they were in the cups properly.

“Walking in those heels will also require you to let Amy loose a bit unless you want to turn an ankle trying to walk in them yourself.”

“Is this everything?” she asked, looking herself up and down.

“One last freak out. Take your purse. Go into the bathroom and fix your makeup. Just let it happen and it will.”

“Should I?”

“Amy will kill you if she walks out that door looking like that.”


He disappeared into the bathroom. I picked up all of Danny's clothes, except his underwear.

Amy came out looking lovely. How much makeup did she carry? “You look great, Amy.” I said, emphasizing her name.

“Thanks, Barry.” She said. “What about Danny's clothes?”

“Well, I assume you are coming back here tonight. Amy has a math test tomorrow. Do you want to take it for her?”

“No way. I'll be back in an hour or two.”

“Just do me a favor and put your underwear over here with the rest of your clothes.”

“You can't pick up underwear?”

“Do I look like your maid?”

A funny look crossed Amy's face.

“What?” I said.

“If I hadn't thought about it first, I would have said, 'I'd love to be your naughty maid.'”

“Amy is also kinky it seems.”

“I had no idea how much.”

“Good luck.”

Amy dropped the underwear on her other clothes and retrieved her purse again. She then gave me a quick kiss and walked out. He probably did not even realize he did it, I thought.

* * *

A few hours later, there was a knock at my door. I opened it more cautiously lest someone steal an errant kiss. “Let me in,” Amy said as I slowly opened the door.

“You never know who might be out there ready to steal a kiss.”

“Like this?” She said and again she kissed me deeply.

“Um, Danny?” I said.

“No, he's with Sandra right now. When the girls figured out he wasn't really Amy. He confessed and they released him from the body suit.”

“So you're Amy?”

“Am I?”

I thought before responding and realized we had kissed and she was still solid. “No, someone else is wearing Amy. Otherwise she'd be deflating now.”

“Got it in one,” faux-Amy said. “So who am I?”

“Presumably Danny and Sandra are spending time together so you're Jessica?”

“Got it in one again. You are so hot.”

“Is that you talking or Amy's influence?”

“You want it to be Amy?”

“Not really. But I am curious. Jessica's never call me 'so hot.'”

“I haven't?”


“Let me show you how hot you are.”

* * *

In the morning, I was woken up as Jessica was getting out of Amy's body. “Wake up,” she told me.

“I want to sleep.”

“You promised me you'd take a... you promised Amy you'd take her math test for her. Forgot I wasn't her any more.”

“Yeah, that can be confusing.”

“Well, either blow her back up so she can take her own test or get in the suit.”

“Fine.” Getting into the Amy suit was easy. “What am I going to wear? She's worn these clothes all day.”

“I went to her place and put some essentials in her purse. Just get the suit on and you'll figure it out.” She grabbed me and gave me a kiss.


“I have nothing to wear. So after the test come back here and bring me back to my room for reinflating.” She said, managing to finish her sentence before going inert.

I quickly deflated her and hung her up in my wardrobe. Seeing her hanging on a hanger, head lolled back, looking like a stocking was arousing.

After zipping up into Amy, I finished putting on her clothes and makeup on autopilot. I stayed on autopilot so I could find where this test was going to be. I was thinking I should charge for attending classes and taking tests if this became a habit.

At the classroom, Luella, Amy's friend, waved me over to our normal seats in the class. “I thought you were going to miss the exam. I couldn't find you all weekend,” she said.

“I was busy.” I said hoping she would not keep asking where Amy had been. Knowledge from Amy about her friend Luella informed me she would not drop it.

“Who was he?”

“Concentrate on the test, not my love life.”

“It was a he. Dish!”

“Not now.” Thankfully, the TA entered and started handing out the exam papers.

The test was easy. I had placed out of Calculus and this was the normal Freshman math class. Because it was easy, I started explaining to myself and Amy how I was doing each step. Hopefully she learned something during the test. I was done early but I did not think Amy was the type to finish early and leave so I started looking around the room. Kent Perry sat to her right. I was flooded with memories of Kent making out with me. His hands were so strong and somehow delicate. They way he could... I looked away and found myself looking a Tyrel Richards, a tall drink of water with a southern drawl and a “Party Zone” tattoo just above his... I looked down at my paper and rechecked my work.

“Time's up,” the TA called out. I got up to hand in my paper with the sea of other people in the class. Another guy winked at me and my face was smiling back before I realized it. Saved by Luella, she grabbed my arm and started walking and talking about who I spent the weekend with.

“Barry Green. I spent the weekend with Barry.”

“The nerd? I thought you preferred jocks.”

“Barry's cute enough. He just helped me study for the test.”

“All weekend?”

“Well, just Sunday. I was at the kegger Saturday.” I figured I should not leave that out in case Luella knew about it.

Luella and Amy shared two more classes in the morning and I ended up attending them. I was beginning to think Amy really owed me one but I was not sure I would ever collect. Once we split up, I rushed back to my dorm.

I opened the door and there was Joel, my roommate. “Amy?” He said. “I told you what would happen if you ever came through that door again.”


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