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The fraternity house was situated on a street lined with attached row houses. Long, wide staircases led up to a small porch before leading into the house. All of the campus Greek houses were located on this row of four story apartment buildings. The individual apartments in each house had been turned into a set of bedrooms on the upper floors and common areas on the main floor.

Once inside the Kappa Xi Epsilon house, the noise and staleness of the air made it easier for me to keep my head and we danced on the tiny dance floor as a DJ blasted dance music loudly. I was not a dancer but apparently Sandra was and her body knew how to move. Guys were drooling over her dance moves and I think Danny was getting off on how jealous the other guys were that he had this hot girl dating him. After a few songs, he shoved a plastic cup into my hands and I drank it before I realized it was beer. As I drank he dragged me to a quieter room where he introduced me to a few of his frat buddies. My stomach was still empty and I was immediately buzzed by that one beer. Sandra was such a small girl. The names of those guys was a blur although I know I had seen them around campus before. They did not smell like Danny.

I noshed on some finger sandwiches. Actually, they were hot dogs, cut to look like a finger, nail and all, baked inside crescent rolls. They were okay dipped in the mustard. Danny was kind enough to get me another beer which I sipped slowly. After some more dancing, Danny showed me his room in the house. Closing the door, he convinced me to leave my leather jacket and purse in a cabinet where they would not get lost. We were kissing for who knows how long when an air horn went off.

“Time for the contest,” he said. “Get that top off and let's go.”

I removed the bikini top without thinking about it and took off my tights and skirt, putting them in the closet. I walked through the house with just the t-shirt and bikini bottoms. I was a little too buzzed to care about the attention this drew toward me. Four other girls were lined up on a platform near the bar. Three of them were far more drunk than I was. The other girl just did not care who saw her body. One of the brothers was announcing the rules. The first girl stepped into a large, tin washtub. Two frat guys holding beer balls sprayed her with beer from neck to thigh. She was soaked as she paraded around the tub, her largish boobs displayed perfectly by the thin, beer soaked fabric she was wearing.

The second girl seemed more interested in drinking the beer being sprayed at her but she too was soaked in the end. Though she did not show off her smaller breasts as well as the first girl.

The third girl raised her arms before they sprayed her so she went from dry to soaked in seconds. Before they stopped the spray, she lifted her shirt up so they could spray her boobs directly. That got her a lot of cheers from the assembled crowd.

It was my turn and not to be outdone I also showed off my breasts even before the spray of beer started. I pulled my bikini bottoms forward to make sure some of the spray got in there. I had them spray my face. And once the spraying was done, I grabbed my boobs through the t-shirt and made them bounce a lot. That got a really big cheer. I suppose I was not less drunk than those other girls.

I do not remember what the last girl did as I was twisting the bottom of my shirt and sucking the beer out of it. This probably exposed my breasts some more but I did not care. I do remember them calling me and the first girl up for a cheer off to find the winner. She strutted down a makeshift catwalk, making sure everyone got a good look at her breasts. When it was my turn I pulled my shirt down so my boobs popped out of the neck of my sleeveless t-shirt and I jiggled them with my hands as I walked. At the end of the catwalk, I bent over and smacked my ass a couple times before standing up, tucking my boobs back in my shirt, and walking back. I won by a landslide.

Danny swept in and escorted me up to his room again and I think I saw someone shoving money into his hands. In the bed room, I remember saying, “I won, Danny. I told you I'd win.”

“Are you ready for your prize?” he asked and he took off his shirt.

“But Danny, I'm wearing these wet things. I don't want to mess up your bed.”

He just smiled as he pulled off my top. My skin immediately puckered into goosebumps in the cool air. He picked me up and pulled my bottoms down to my ankles. He removed my shoes and the bottoms dropped off. His hands rubbed my clammy flesh. He produced a wet sponge from somewhere and washed my face and neck, my chest and stomach, my thighs and the area in between. “Don't need you smelling like stale beer, now, do I?”

Washed, he had me lay down on the bed. He stood up and removed the rest of his clothing. His member somehow was not fully erect. He lay beside me and we kissed. His natural scent was again overpowering my senses. And I was kind of drunk. “What can we do to get me hard?” He asked.

The thought came to me unbidden. It was an answer that would produce the correct results but it was not an answer I had ever wanted to entertain until now. I smiled and said, “I suppose I should take a closer look.”

“Okay,” he laughed. And he slid up a little to make easier for me to bend down.

* * *

“You didn't!” Jessica demanded.

I had found my way back to Sandra and Jessica's dorm room around eleven o'clock the next morning. Jessica insisted I tell her all about last night. I was hungover and her demand had been a bit too loud.

“Shhh,” I moaned, holding a plush toy over my eyes to make the room darker. The cool fur also felt nice on my brow. “Yeah, I think I did.”

“No way.”

“It wasn't bad, I think,” I said. “I was a bit drunk, I guess. And Danny smells so good. Even his... you know. Anyway, afterward he returned the favor. I learned a few things about doing that from him.”

“I don't know how I feel about you learning how to do that from my roommate's boyfriend.”

“Yeah, I should take Sandra off.” I started fumbling with the back of my neck.

“What else happened last night?”

“What? Oh, um, then we had sex and I passed out afterward. When I woke up in his arms....”

“You had sex? You let him put...”

“I think I begged him,” I said sheepishly. “It was amazing.”

“Did he use a condom?” Jessica asked, agitated.

“Well, I know he did this morning. But...”

“You had sex twice?”

I just nodded.

“But did he have one on the first time?”

“Not so loud. My head hurts,” I said. “I don't remember. I'm sorry Sandra. I'm an idiot.”

Jessica was surprised when I said Sandra's name. “You don't think you need to apologize to your girlfriend.”

I stood up in a huff. “Well, I didn't possibly get you pregnant so I'm sorry if I was thinking about Sandra first,” I was mad and I was not sure I should be. “I'm going to go shower. I don't want to give Sandra her body back smelling of beer and sex.”

Jessica just nodded. I grabbed Sandra's bath kit without thinking about where it might be or look like and showered. After rinsing out the loofah, I got out of the shower to towel off and blow dry my hair. I went back into the bedroom with a towel around my body. I looked around and found the clothes I arrived here in two days ago. In as coquettish a manner as I could, I said, “Do you mind stepping out while I slip out my skin?”

“Really?” Jessica asked as she sighed and left the room.

After feeling around the back of my neck, I found an odd depression and pressed into it. When I felt my neck again, there was a zipper. I pulled it down my back. As soon as I started pulling, I grew a several inches taller and the mask on my face separated. I pulled her head off and felt my face. It was mine. I pulled my arms and legs out of the skin suit and sat on Jessica's bed for a moment before reaching for my underwear. I quickly got dressed. When I was decent, I opened the door and motioned Jessica in.

She picked up Sandra and shook the wrinkles out of her arms and legs. “This is what I looked like? Not very flattering.”

“Zip her up,” I said tying my sneakers.

When the zipper reached the top, I tucked the pull under a flap. An inflation valve appeared above it on the neck. “Now what?”


“I've got to blow her up?”

“You want me to blow your roommate?”

“Funny. You just spent the day with tits and you think this would bother me,” she said tossing Sandra's body at me.

I sighed and set about blowing her up. Jessica watched as I did so. “I wonder,” she said. “Do I still have a zipper on me?”

I stopped and looked at her. “Want me to check?”

“I'm not sure.”

“Well, let's wait on that. I don't want to have to blow you both up now,” I replied between puffs. “Besides, I'm sure Sandra will try that.”

“Well, at least she isn't aware of the idea yet.”

I continued filling her.

“Do you think I could wear her?” Jessica asked. “You've worn both of us but you also somehow caused this.”

“She wore you. Want me to stop?”

“No, I should ask her first.”

Fifty-eight deep puffs later, she seemed fully inflated. I closed the valve and pushed it into her neck.

“Whoa!” Sandra said. “That was... You fucked my boyfriend.” She swatted my arm playfully. “And you liked it.”

“How do you know that?”

“I couldn't read your thoughts. But, I could feel your emotions, I think. Maybe I was projecting. I don't know now.”

“He did,” Jessica said. “Look at him.”

“I did.”

“I can't believe you let him....”

“I don't think Jessica wants to hear the details,” I said interrupting whatever she was going to say.

“That was fun until you fell asleep. I was awake all night while you slept in Danny's arms.”

“That would suck,” Jessica said.

“It did.” Sandra said. “You have to kiss Danny and wear him.”

“I'm not kissing Danny.”

“You did more than kiss him yesterday. Why can't you kiss him?”

“When I was you, Danny smelled amazing.”

“Doesn't he? I've never smelled a guy like that.”

“I don't think he smells amazing,” Jessica said.

“Well, I have to get back to my dorm. I have homework that I didn't do last night.” I looked a Jessica. “I don't think I should kiss you goodbye.”

She gave me a hug. “This is safe.”

I went back to my dorm room and showered again as I was a little ripe. Not as ripe as I would have expected for wearing a skin tight skin-suit for almost two days. After the shower I started doing the homework I had not had a chance to get done the day before.

Thankfully my roommate was at his parents' house for the weekend. He lived nearby and did not stay on campus most weekends.

I was starting to think about making some dinner plans when there was a knock at the door. As I opened it a young blond coed with a familiar face shoved a piece of paper in my hand and then kissed me full on the lips.

“Oo, I think it's working,” she said as I realized I should not be kissing this girl and pushed us apart.

“What?” How did she know? “Get in here.” My hand closed completely around her wrist and I dragged her deflating body into the dorm room.



This bodysuit story has been very fun so far. The transformation itself, but also the subtle ways the person seems to come through while being worn.