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“What? Stop squeezing? I--” Jessica looked around disoriented. “Sandra?”

“I'm Barry,” I said from Sandra's body. “What do you last remember?” I was sitting on a chair in her bedroom as she sat up in her bed.

“You're Barry?” Jessica was still looking frazzled. “You're Sandra. You look like her. You sound like her. Barry's like eight inches taller than Sandra.”

“And yet, I'm Barry. Your boyfriend. And I'm asking you what do you last remember.”

“It's weird. We were kissing and I started deflating.” And then she waved her arms and shook her head. “No, wait. I was not deflating and I wasn't me. I mean I was not in control. And then you said something about ending up with two leotard girls. And I was just wearing a towel. And...”

Barry interrupted. “And then I told you to turn around and I was feeling your neck.”

“Yes, and then,” she paused. “And then I was here on my bed and I'm naked.” She shrieked and pulled the covers over herself.

I laughed. “You ain't got anything I ain't got.”

“But you're Barry, you said.”

“True, but I'm wearing Sandra's body at the moment.”

“What happened?”

“What happened, indeed,” I said. So I recounted the events of the night before. She said she was aware of everything that happened to her while she was being worn properly. But, her consciousness faded immediately when the suit zipper was even pulled down a little.

“I guess that means Sandra is watching what we're doing right now,” I said. “Sandra, can you talk to me?” After a short silence I said, “I guess not.” I continued the story.

She interrupted when I explained how I ended up having a Sandra suit. “She kissed you on purpose, not knowing if I could even be restored.”

I just nodded and continued with my story of self-discovery and exploration.

“You didn't.”

“I did and then I fell asleep.”

“I spent the night as a leotard?” Jessica asked.

“And I spent the night as a woman.” I said. “So, this morning....”

* * *

I woke up and was immediately aware of something uncomfortable inside me. I reached down and found the dildo pretty deep inside me. The less I say about my lesson in proper lubrication, the better.

I got up and looked around. The room felt like it was mine and it felt like someone else's at the same time. I knew what was in the dresser drawers and inside the closet. That was probably how I was able to find the dildo the night before. I wanted to say I found her bath kit and a towel but I did not search for them. I just knew where they should be. I reached for the door handle and part of me did not want to walk naked out of the bedroom. I ignored that thought and went into the common room. On the floor near the sofa was Jessica piled in a heap. “Not yet,” I said for no reason.

In the bathroom, I opened the bath kit and immediately knew how to use everything inside. I started the water in the shower and used a detangling brush on my hair before stepping into the shower. I marveled over all the steps Sandra went through each day in and out of the shower. Suffice it to say it took a while to get clean compared to how long it normally took me. I walked back through the common area. Thankfully Sandra and Jessica live in a two bedroom apartment and did not share a common room with anyone else.

I got dressed. The clothes felt unusual and familiar at the same time. I had not even realized how frilly and girly the blouse and skirt were until I passed by the mirror. I needed to think about getting Jessica back together, not clothing. I thought about taking Sandra off. But then I would want to shower as Barry and I did not want to waste any more time.

I retrieved Jessica's body and went into her room, spreading her body out on the bed. I tried kissing the body suit. Nothing happened. I tried a few things and they did not work. Eventually I tried pulling the zipper up. When the zipper was at the top, I pushed her head back. It flopped forward again but the neck had sealed and there was an inflation value on her neck.

It took about fifteen minutes to reinflate her. I closed the value and pushed it in.

* * *

“At that point, you started to move, so I set you down on the bed. Somehow you started to get heavier, I watched as your body impressed itself against the mattress. Your eyes fluttered open and you started yelling, 'What?' and 'Don't squeeze me.' for some reason.”

“If I hadn't been the suit I never would have believed it.”

“I know.”

“So why are you still in Sandra?”

“It's funny. The longer I'm in her, the more at home I feel. In fact,” I looked at Jessica's alarm clock. “Doesn't Sandra have a Saturday morning class?”

Jessica looked at the clock. “Yes, in the Hadley building in ten minutes.”

“Damn, there's no way I'm reinflating her in time for her to make it.”

“So go to class.”


“Go to class for her. She's inside seeing and hearing what you see and hear so she will still be attending. You'll just be attending too.”

“But...” I started.

Jessica pulled me into Sandra's room. “You're already dressed and wearing makeup, apparently you know how to do that, too. Just take her book bag.”

I put on a pair of comfortable low heels and grabbed my book... her book – Philosophy Today – I guessed I was going to a philosophy class. Could be interesting.. As I walked past Jessica before leaving I kissed her. “I'll see you in a few hours.”

At first she was surprised to be kissed by her roommate, but she still managed to say, “Good luck,” as I left. She also did not deflate I realized later.

Down a flight of stairs and out of the dormitory, I was walking across campus before it hit me that I was outside as a woman. This was not something I ever expected to experience. I wanted to concentrate on the task at hand but Sandra did not rush to class. She sauntered. Thankfully, the campus was not busy as few students took Saturday classes. Mostly because they lasted three hours. I was not even sure where the class was until the building and classroom number just popped into my head.

About halfway across campus I noticed a lot of the guys I passed were smiling at me. Usually guys did not look me in the eye when I passed them on campus. But, today, a bunch of guys were making sure I knew they were making eye contact with me today.

I entered the classroom and found Sandra's usual chair on the left side near the back. I straightened my skirt and made sure it was tucked under me as I sat. I did not know why I paid attention to that detail. It must have been muscle memory from Sandra. I crossed my right knee over my left and my right shoe was dangling in the air off the end of my foot.

I leaned forward in my chair and set my right leg swinging slightly. This caused a tight feeling between my thighs and I was not sure why I was doing this. The professor entered and began the lecture. After a few moments a tingling feeling developed inside me and I realized my body was subconsciously trying to get itself off. I stopped swinging my leg and sat back.

The professor's delivery was a bit dry but the topic was fascinating and I raised my hand to participate. He seemed surprised. He looked Sandra's name up on a seating chart to call on me. My response must have been good as he repeated parts of it to make sure the class heard it. I continued to participate and he seemed rather pleased.

When class ended I was focused on getting back to the dorm and almost did not notice the professor calling me over. I was not use to being called Sandra. “I'm glad you finally decided to participate, Ms Farolli.”

“Oh, yeah, thank you,” I replied. “I don't think I was getting it before.”

“Perseverance,” he said. “A fine quality to nurture in oneself.”

I thanked him again and ended up being last out of the room. I was taking a turn in a hallway when a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me into an alcove. “I've missed you, Darlin',” said a deep voice from above my head.

I looked up into the eyes of Danny Pruette. They were so beautiful I wanted to just gaze at them forever. But Danny decided to kiss me instead. I did not mind. I eagerly got on tiptoe so our lips would meet as he was at least a head taller than I was. My eyes closed and I was awash with intense feelings of contentment and desire. I felt my body pressing into his. His hand was squeezing my ass and I was squeezing his. He smelled divine. I just wanted to run my nose all over his skin. After a while he broke the kiss and my eyes fluttered open to look up at him again. “You didn't answer your phone last night. Are we still on for tonight at the Kappa Xi Epsilon party?”

“You and me? Of course.” I said.

“Great, I'll pick you up at eight tonight,” he said as he started to walk away. “Remember there's a wet tee contest tonight, so no bra.”

“Okay,” I said, still in a daze. I stood in the alcove for another minute before I stopped woolgathering. He scent lingered and I took a moment to breathe more of him into my body. “Wet tee shirt contest?” I said aloud. Did Sandra agree to that? Well she just did apparently and I was Sandra.

As I walked back to the dorm, I found myself looking at the various guys staring at me. I wondered what they smelled like and how they kissed. Would I be as over the moon around them as I had just been around Danny? Just the thought of his name and my mind spaced for a few seconds.

I managed to get back to the dorm room without further incident. When I let myself in, Jessica was sitting in the common area waiting for me. She said something about homework.

“What am I going to do?” I said.


“Sandra has a date tonight with Danny.”


“She wants me to go on that date. She had me promise to stay her all day and to try her out.”

“Sounds kinky,” Jessica joked. “So are you worried being kissed by a boy will make you puke or something?”

“No, I already kissed Danny.”

“Really? Where?” She pushed her books aside and pulled me onto the couch next to her.

I pointed at my lips absentmindedly as I recalled the kiss. “He grabbed me after class and...” I was not sure how to continue. But already the memory of those kisses was doing something to my ability to think straight.

“And what? You can't stop there.”

“He was dreamy.”

Jessica just looked at me with her mouth hanging open.

“He grabbed my ass and I wanted him to rip my clothes off and fuck me right there.”

“You're serious. Oh, my goddess. My boyfriend turned into a girl.”

“No... um... No, I didn't,” I said uselessly trying to sound deeper than Sandra's voice could sound. “Just inside this body around Danny. Did Sandra ever tell you how nuts for him she is?”

“Well, yes, but she says that about everyone she dates.”

“Well, I'm telling you, she isn't lying if she says his kisses make her weak in the knees. Or she can stare into his eyes and see forever. Or....”

“Or what?” Jessica said. I think she snapped her fingers at me. “Earth to Barry. Come in, Barry.”

I said, “Yes”, I think.

“You have to take Sandra off.”

“I do? Why?”

“Because you're completely loopy for her boyfriend.”

I shook my head and cleared away a few more cobwebs. “Oh, wow, I am.” I giggled. “Can you help me pick out my clothes for our date tonight?”

“Are you sure that's the question you have for your girlfriend?”

“Just think how much better at treating you I'll be if I find out how men treat women from the other side.”

“That... is an excellent argument,” Jessica said. “But, I don't want some guy kissing and groping my boyfriend.”

“Oh, it's a party. We won't just be kissing.”

“A party? What party?”

“The Kappa Xi Epsilon party.”

“The wet t-shirt contest party?”

“Oh, yeah, I forgot that part,” I said. “Danny did mention no bra.”

“I'm sure he did. Are you sure you want to do this?”

“You said you were going to be busy working on a big paper tonight,” I said. “We weren't going to see each other tonight, if I remember correctly.”

“And I'm way behind since I wasn't here all of last night,” she said watching me look through Sandra's closet. “How about we go to lunch first? It's just after noon, now.”

“Okay, are you ready?”

“Be a couple minutes.”

On the way to the college cafeteria, I noticed as we passed the boys they were looking at both of us rather equally. I did figure out though that what I thought were friendly smiles earlier we actually lecherous grins. I had not noticed until I saw how they were looking at Jessica. Men.

A few hours later, we were back in the dorm and I was wearing a black bikini swimsuit under a plain, white, sleeveless t-shirt and a red mini-skirt. I had a black leather bolero jacket over that. White stockings covered my legs. And I was practicing walking around in a pair of mile-high red stilettos. My face was painted for the war of the sexes and I had some strategic jewelry on. My purse was emptied of daily needs and contained a change of stockings, panties, a bra, and a blouse. My makeup was flawless. Jessica even marveled at how well I had achieved the smokey eye with a hint of emerald green in it. Finally, I put on Sandra's favorite perfume, spraying it in the air and walking through it. Then applying some directly to my neck, wrists, and an inch or two below my belly button.

The doorbell chimed at 7:45 and Jessica opened it for Danny. “Hey, Jess,” he said. “Where's my girl?” He was dressed casually, in jeans and a muscle tee that was probably a size too small so it would show off his abs.

“She'll be out in sec,” Jessica said, letting Danny sweep into the room.

That was my cue. I opened the door and strolled into the room with a spin. “How do I look?” I asked.

Danny's eyes darted between my boobs and ass so fast I thought they might fly out of his head. “You're a knockout, as always.” He stepped up and kissed me and I felt myself melting against his body. My high heels helped with the height difference. The kiss lingered and I started thinking about schoolwork to stop myself from tearing his clothes off.

I broke the kiss and picked up the purse that was waiting by the door. “G'night, Jess,” I said.

“Oh, you are invited you know?” Danny said.

“I know. I've got a big paper to do.”

“Suit yourself,” he said, taking my hand. We walked across campus hand in hand. He talked about how dope the party was going to be and how much booze they had scored. I was still thinking about schoolwork to keep my mind free of his wonderful scent.


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