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“Welcome to the Magic Shoppe,” the tall, thin proprietor announced. “What can I do for you today, Miss?”

“Hi, my name is Lacy,” the woman said looking around the shoppe. “This must be the right place. My roommate, Shelia, complains about the noise I make when my boyfriend and I are... together. I was hoping you might be able to help me out.”

“Have you tried physical gags?”

“I drool terribly and feel like I’m going to drown if I’m on the bottom.” Lacy explained. “Besides after a while my jaw hurts.”


“My skin usually reacts to the glue on the tape,” she replied. She drew an imaginary box around her mouth, “I end up with lines like this on my face and it’s fairly obvious where they came from the next morning.”

“That could be rather embarrassing. Yes.”

“I was hoping you might have some kind of silence spell,” Lacy suggested.

“I don’t recommend such magic,” the proprietor warned. “Most people find it disconcerting for their mouth to be moving and no sound to come out. But worse is clapping one’s hands together and no sound emitting from them. A silence spell doesn’t just silence one’s voice.”

“Oh, that would be weird,” she said. “I love the sound of his flesh slapping against mine.”

“You paint a vivid picture,” the proprietor said. “How about a deafness spell for your roommate?”

“I don’t think she’d go for it. And it wouldn’t be convenient. She works late and sometime comes home to our cacophony.” The woman explained. “I find out she's home when she shouts, ’Zip it, you two.’”

“That’s it!” The man exclaimed. He bent down and after a few seconds of rummaging stood up and placed what appeared to be a small tube of lip balm on the counter.

She picked up the tube. The product was called “Zip It”. She read the usage instructions. “Oh, this is perfect. How much?”

“For you my dear, $10,” he replied. “But you tell your girlfriend $50 and have her pay you for half of it.” He winked.

“Thank you so much.”

* * *

Lacy lay on the bed in her underwear.

Her boyfriend lay next to her reading the tube of Zip It. “Are you sure about this?” he asked.

“It says on the package it only lasts six to eight hours if you lose the tube. So I’ll be fine in the morning worst case.” She said. “C’mon you apply it.” She formed her lips into a circle.

He held the tube up to his nose and sniffed, “It smells funny.” He ran the tube across her upper and lower lip and watched as she squeezed her lips together to even the coating. He replaced the tube cap and placed the bottom of the tube against the corner of her mouth. “Any last words?” He joked.

“Just don’t lose the tube.” She replied. She watched him slowly lift the tube straight off her face. When the tube was about an inch from her face she felt a light, flat object land against the side of her chin, just below the corner of her lip.

“Holy shit,” he exclaimed as he saw the pull tab of a zipper dangling off the corner of her mouth. He took hold of it and slowly pulled it across her mouth.

She could feel her lips stitching together like the teeth of a zipper. When he reached the other side, he ran a finger across her lips. She would have cooed with pleasure but the only sound she could make was a muffled ‘M’ sort of sound.

He pulled the tab back the other way, “That sounded like it felt good.”

“It actually felt awesome. Now slide it back so we can make some silence together,” she admonished him.

He quickly slid the tab back across her mouth, silencing her once again. “I’m taking the last step,” he warned.

She nodded.

He took hold of the tab and twisted it gently. It came off in his hand leaving behind no sign of a slider on her mouth. He ran his fingers across her lips and they was no obvious place where one would open them any more. Out of curiosity he tried to touch the tab to her mouth but it did not reattach. Her mouth could not be opened again without first recreating the pull tab using the tube as he just had. He wondered what else could be zipped.

He tossed the tab aside and leaned down. He kissed her on the mouth. While it felt somewhat like she was holding her mouth tightly closed, there was also an oddness to the feeling of her lips that made him want to feel it some more. He wondered what it would feel like with his lips locked too.

Lacy could still lower her jaw a little so it did not have that clenched feel she would get when taped or gagged. Feeling his fingers and lips brushing against her lips felt wonderful. She reached down and started pulling his undershirt over his head.

He did not need any more encouragement as he popped the front snap on her bra open and started caressing her already hard nipples with the palm of his hand as his fingers rubbed her breasts

She moaned softly, the Zip It had already made the room quieter than it would normally be. She had never realized how much she use to give him direction during the love making.

He had never been bothered by her giving him direction during sex but that was only because he had never noticed how often she did it before. Silence was his bliss. His hand moved down her stomach and disappeared into her panties. His fingertips searched for her scream button and came up empty. He turned his full attention to her crotch and still found nothing.

She was obviously laughing now though it only sounded like a series of soft “Hm” sounds.

He pulled her panties down and found her labia lips had a zipper pattern running up and down between them. A smile crossed his face. He ran his fingers over the zipper and watched her body shudder in pleasure.

She held up her hands and made an insistent unzipping motion.

“So I guess this means tonight's one of those rare nights when you want to experiment with the other orifice,” he presumed.

Her eyes bugged out in surprise. She had not considered that reaction when she had applied the Zip It to her pussy before he arrived.

His finger trailed further down her crotch and touched the rim of her ass.

His touch there felt good to her but she had not been expecting to have her ass taken this evening.

“You didn’t bring any lube with you? I’ll go get it from the bathroom,” he said sliding out of bed.

Resigned, she turned over in the bed exposed her ass for him.

He returned with a tube of lube. He was already squirting some lube onto his fingers. He pushed a finger into her waiting hole and she screamed a quiet scream of pleasure into her zippered lips. He added a second finger and she was obviously excited by the feeling. He put a good dollop of lube on the tip of his cock and rubbed it down his shaft. He pressed the head of his dick against her button and slowly entered her ass.

She squirmed and shimmied as it felt like she was being sawed in two by his hard cock. She was screaming "oh, yes" and "oh, god" but only soft “Mmf” sounds emitted from behind her zippered mouth.

Soon he was able to start sliding back and forth in her tight ass. She usually did not go for ass play but he was not going to complain. He was sure she had expected him to unzip her pussy, and he still planned to. But this was an opportunity he could not pass up.

He got up to a good speed now and his pelvis was slapping against her gorgeous ass with a reverberation that rang throughout the room. He always enjoyed that sound during sex.

He came without fanfare, shuddering a bit himself at the tightness enfolding his cock. He pumped her full a few more times before resting.

She bumped her ass against him a couple of times in frustration to get him moving again. She was totally wet and sealed tighter than a drum: she felt zipping her pussy shut had totally backfired on her. She needed his cock inside her other hole and she knew it would be a short while before he could get moving again.

He pulled out. He also washed his hands.

She rolled back over, rubbing her tits distractedly. She tried not to think about walking around funny tomorrow. She wanted to try to get his motor running faster but she did not have a mouth with which to suck him. Zipped lips also meant she could not even pass the time asking him about his day.

He came back to bed and looked her in the eye. “Night not going how you imagined, Lacy?”

She shrugged. She pointed and his cock then at her zippered pussy. Then she tapped her wrist and shrugged again.

“I’m sure they’ll be getting together soon,” he said. He showed her the Zip It tube and he could almost hear her squeal with glee.

He placed the end of the tube against the top of her labia and held it there for two seconds then slowly pulled the tube away from her skin.

The feeling of the tab dropping against her pussy was the most wonderful feeling she had all night. He slid the zipper down a little bit and plunged a finger inside. He quickly found her clit and gave it a few pokes. “You are soaked.”

She bucked with pleasure. She was pleading with him to fuck her but again it only came out as a series of “Mmf” sounds.

He pulled the zipper all the way down. He climbed onto the bed and moved close to her. He lifted her legs to position her better and plunged his cock deep inside her in one stroke.”

More screams of delight were silently muffled. Unable to scream she discovered made it necessary to participate more. She thrust into his own thrusts in better rhythm. She looked him directly in the eyes more often as it was the only way to show her feelings in that moment.

She was nearly startled by the sound of his voice. "I'm going to cum," he whispered in what sounded like a shout in the unusually quiet room.

He felt her thrusts strengthen and lengthen as if she were getting ready to suck the seed out of him if he did not cum soon. With one deep thrust his body locked in ecstasy as he pumped his cum inside her.

Her back arched as he made his last thrust and she felt her body coil in pleasure. Her pussy pulsed and squeezed his cock, drawing his seed in. Unable to gasp for air, she suddenly felt a little light headed. His pelvis rocked in and out of her without a thought to extend that post-orgasmic hypersensitivity in his cock.

After a moment, he slid his weary member out of her and before she noticed, he slid the tab he had felt flapping against his balls up the other way across her pussy, sealing the zipper shut.

She looked at him incredulously and he showed her the tab before tossing it out of bed. She grunted a stream of incomprehensible invectives at him as he laughed softly.

"I love this stuff," he proclaimed holding up the tube.

Her half-hearted attempt to wrestle him for the tube devolved into closed mouth kisses and nose rubs.

* * *

A few days later, they were falling asleep when they were both startled by a cry of ecstasy coming from her roommate's room.

Lacy burst into the room to find Shelia and – What was his name? – Dave in an intimate moment.

"Sorry, Lacy, I had no idea you were in the apartment."

"Just do me a favor," Lacy said as she tossed something small that Dave easily caught. "Zip It."


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