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There was no more vibrator. No more restraint. Bethany wondered how long she had been sitting in the chair free of her self-imposed mummification when she regained consciousness. She sat up and looked around. Carol sat slumped in her chair next too, breathing easily. On Carol's other side was a lone mummy but it definitely was not Shahala. It was probably Alex as she had additional vibrators on what were probably the porn boobs. Why she was wearing a helmet seemed like it would be an interesting story. To Bethany's right were two more mummies. The far mummy was tall and she was sure it was Amanda. The near mummy she guessed was Jesse though she did not think Jesse would try this.

Outside pre-dawn light was just starting to peak through the windows. Bethany stretched and stood up. Though she was drenched in sweat, she felt great. “I should have included something about not being sweaty afterward,” she thought as she went to take a shower.

As she arrived at the bathroom she realized she did not have any of her toiletries, a change of clothes, or much of anything but what she was wearing. That would make it harder to get dressed afterward as she could use some of the shampoo and soap in the shower one of the other women had brought here. While she showered she had an idea. Once she was finished, she turned the water off. She reached behind her neck and hit her automaton button.

“Put your arm down,” she commanded herself. Her arm lowered to her side. “Make yourself dry using your ability to change anything about yourself by command.” Her body and hair were instantly dry. “Step out of the shower over to the sink.” When her body reached the sink she commanded, “Dress yourself in a green strapless, summer dress, with sandals. Appear made up like a porcelain doll with hair properly brushed and set.” She spent a few minutes getting her face looking just so. “Shrink down proportionately to twelve inches in height.” Her view of the mirror disappeared. “Reach your left arm behind your neck and press the automaton button.

She regained normal control of herself. She looked around the great big room. She skipped over to the door and with difficulty opened it. She spun around in her summer dress as she returned to Don's room. She crept in. No one was moving in the silent room

She climbed up on to the shelf where there was a mannequin head with her face. She stood up straight and pressed her button again. After straightening her arm she commanded, “Open your eyes wide. When you are not speaking close your mouth and shape it in a slight smile.” Once those commands were in place she continued. “When I finish this command, I will turn into a doll with a pull string in its back. When the string is pulled it retracts automatically. While it is retracting, I may speak freely. Otherwise I am silent.”

She could not speak. She could not move. Looking at the part of the room she could see, she was surprised to see Don frozen in the tableau.

* * *

Carol woke up and stretched. She felt great but she was drenched in sweat. She saw what appeared to be Alex mummified next to her and an empty chair on the other side. Two more mummies were next to that chair. One was clearly Amanda and the other seemed to be Jesse.

She got up and sneaked through Jesse and Steve's room to get to the bathroom. She managed not to be surprised when she spotted them asleep even if she thought Jesse was in the dining room as a mummy.

In the bathroom, Carol stripped out of her clothes and turned on the water. When it warmed up, she got in and started washing hair. As she was moving on to washing her skin, she looked up at the shower head it was high up on the wall with a wide spray fixture. Reaching up, she could barely touch the top of the pipe sticking out of the wall. Wouldn't it be great if I were handcuffed over the pipe? She thought. Her thought turned into her wish and handcuffs appeared around her upraised wrists, the chain looped over the pipe. Confusion was replaced by understanding as she realized her ability to bind herself had just kicked in. Looking around she saw a key to the cuffs in the soap dish she could not reach.

She was excited by her wish working though she now had to worry about the running water becoming cold. I'm not really helpless if I can call for help, she thought. A ball gag appeared in her mouth as she thought it. “HHhhhkkk,” she vocalized.

* * *

Jesse found herself in Steve's arms as she woke up. She heard the shower running in the bathroom and wondered if another Steve was showering. She managed to slip out of sleeping Steve's arms and sat up. She yawned and stretched as she stood up. She kissed Steve on the cheek and went into the bathroom.

The curtain to the shower was closed but someone was grunting oddly in the shower. “Steve,” she called out.

A long muffled howl came from the shower.

She pulled at the shower curtain and found Carolina trussed up under the shower head.

Carolina used her chin and a series of muffled grunts to point at the soap dish.

Jesse reached in and turned off the frigid water. “What happened to you?” She picked up the key and reach up but was not tall enough to reach the handcuffs. She made herself taller and released Carolina's right hand from the cuffs.

Carolina reached around and unbuckled the strap holding the ball gag in place as Jesse unlocked the other cuff. “Thanks,” she said as she started moving her mouth to get the feel of being gagged out of her mouth. “During the game last night, I got a wish to be able to bind myself and the key is always just of reach.”

“But why do it in the running shower?” Jesse asked as she handed her a towel

“Well, apparently I need to guard my idle thoughts better from now on,” she laughed as she toweled off.

Jesse stepped back, “Want me to get you some clothes?”

“Yeah, you have my entire wardrobe.”

“We'll have to get Alex or Don to summon up some more clothes for you.” Jesse returned with some clothes. “I'll go get some coffee started so you can warm up a bit.”

“Oh, when you see the mummies,” Carolina called after her. “Don't touched them and say 'Me, too.'” When Jesse looked at her incredulously, Carolina just shooed her out of the room saying, “You'll see.”

Jesse quietly crossed the bedroom and entered the main room. Five dining room chairs were lined up and occupied by three taped up mummies. She wondered what the story there was. The women were utterly silent but apparently enjoying their predicament. She wondered what would happen if she touched them.

But she made it into the kitchen without touching the mummies. She started a pot of coffee. She noticed the game had not been cleaned up afterward so she returned to the dining room to clean it up. She cleaned up the money and put the cards back on their piles after giving them a little shuffle. She put away the play tokens, wondering where the oil lamps had come from. She dropped the die on the board by accident. It read 3. As she went to pick it up, she saw her hand mirror token was sitting on the start square. Three squares from the start was a Random square. Out of curiosity she picked up the top Random card and read it.

* * *

Josh's mind was torn between absolute pleasure and a burning desire for it all to end. Had it been an hour? Three hours? Was it nearly done? Had it still only just started? He had considered counting orgasms but he lost track after four. Or was it five? Doesn't matter. That was ten orgasms ago. Or was it twelve?

“Josh-Gee,” a voice whispered.

What? Who's there? Am I hearing voices? Have I gone mad? How can I tell?

“Joshua!” the voice insisted. It was a female voice. It was soft like a butterfly yet gravelly too. “How have you been, child?”

A trick. It had to be a trick. His mind had snapped. He better not respond.


No, no. Don't respond.

“There you are, my darling child.”

“Is that really you?”

I said don't respond.

“Hush! Let the boy, or in this case girl, speak,” the voice insisted. “Yes, it's really me. You wished to hear my voice. Here I am.”

“I'm a little indisposed.”

“Nonsense,” she laughed. “I've played the game too. Though we never tied each other up like this.”

“This wasn't my idea.”

“I know, Child.”

“I can't see you.”

“That wasn't part of the wish,” she said with a hint of sadness. “You seem like you're doing well. When are you going to marry that little hellfire whose body you've borrowed?”

“Now you sound like Mom.”

“And how is Heather? She doesn't know you went to the cabin, does she?”

“I never thought to tell her.”

“She'd have told you not to. She had a bad experience with the game. Not unlike your sister Jesse. It's too bad I never met her.”

The was a pause. And Nana continued, “Joshua?”

“Sor—sor—sorry, N-na-na. I- I- Oh, Oh god, Oh yes. MMMMMmmmmm. S-sorr--rry. Oh, god.”

“Just let it out. I know what holding an orgasm back can feel like.”

“Oh fucking yes, yes, YES, YES! FU-U-U-u-u-u-U-UUCK.” There was another pause.


“Oh god, I'm so embarrassed.”

“Dear, this cabin is enchanted to make men more virile and women infertile. Have as much sex as you like here. It is perfectly safe.”

“Is that why we've been able to have so much sex?”

“Yes, it also decreases your ability to resist offers of sexual favor and makes it easier for you to accept liaisons with member of the same sex (or opposite sex if you prefer same sex partners). Grandpa Ed was a wizard. And he loved oral sex. I'm sure you've noticed a higher rate of oral sex over vaginal sex. Be sure you return the game to the closet with the other games. There's a spell in there that prevents people who don't know about the game from finding it in the closet.”

“Still, I'm embarrassed to be trussed up like this while we are talking.”

“Well, it doesn't affect embarrassment. And next time you don't want to end up like this, don't turn your girlfriend into a monosyllabic green monster.”

“Now I'm more embarrassed. You know about that?”

“I'm in your head. I know whatever I want to know.”

“Wait. Why aren't you blocked by the magic?”

“Because I'm not here to help you escape. I'm just here to chat and then I'll be gone.”

“Gone? No.”

“Dear, I'm already gone. This is but an echo, a mirage. Or perhaps you have gone mad. In any case, you wished to hear my voice. Was it what you expected?”

“No, Nana, it was better.”

“Of course. Now get ready. It's been over seven hours so you are almost done.”

“Are you sure?”

“You could have known how much time went by with your own magic abilities. They still work. Just not when you are trying to escape.”

“Thanks, Nana. I love you.”

“I love you, too, Joshua. Tell your mother that I told you that guy Herbert is just after her retirement money and that I'll see her soon.”


“I'm kidding. I don't know when she'll die. I always liked teasing your mother. Your Aunt Barbara could not handle being teased so I left her alone. Ed knew how to better push her buttons. But Heather was my little girl to torment.”

“I don't know if I wanted to know that.”

“Hey, all these orgasms: who knows how much of this you'll remember.”

* * *

Steve heard the women talking and slowly got up. Carolina found him sitting on the bed as she walked out of the bathroom. “Mornin', Good Sir,” she drawled.

“How was your tape bondage?” he asked.

“Divine,” she replied. “Ah feel great, especially now that Ah have the sweat off me.”

“Yeah, I do feel a bit sweaty,” he muttered. “Have you seen Jesse?”

“She went to make a pot of coffee. Will you join us in a cup of Joe?” She asked, heading for the bedroom door.

“Yes, let me just take care of some business in there,” he replied pointing at the bathroom.

“Of course,” she stated, stepping out of the room.

He had not gotten off the bed when he heard Carolina exclaim, “Oh, dear!”

He hopped out of bed and rushed out the door. Carolina was standing in the dining room next to a stone statue of Jesse, who seemed to be reading something in her hand. “What?” he exclaimed, surprised that something could still surprise him after the weekend he had had.

“Ah don't know, Steve,” Carolina began. “We didn't clean up last night. But, why would she start playing by herself?” She handed Steve the card as she pointed to the hand mirror token sitting on the Random space.

He read the card aloud, “Medusa! Lose two turns as a statue. Check the Outcome Orb on the next turn you can take.” Then added, “But, the game box says you can't play solo. Minimum three players.”

Carol inhaled sharply and pointed at the starting space.

Steve looked down at the board and saw his bird tokens, Shahala's oil lamp tokens, and Carolina's star tokens on the two starting spaces. He slumped his shoulders and retrieved one of the unoccupied dining chairs from mummies' row and pushed it toward Carol. “Well, obviously if Jesse could, she would turn herself back to flesh. So I guess we have to play the game to rescue her.” He pushed seat under her as she sat down. “Shahala, attend me.”

“How gentlemanly,” Carolina said thankfully.

Shahala appeared at his side, “Yes, Master. Oh my! What has transpired?”

“Ah guess it's my turn.” Carolina said. She rolled the die and collected fifty dollars.

“Have a seat,” Steve commanded. “Somehow Jesse read this Random card while cleaning up the game and a game seems to have started itself.” He pointed at the start squares. “We didn't put those tokens there. They just appeared.”

“This game is highly magical.” Shahala stated picking up the die as she sat next to Carolina. She landed on a Random card space. Steve and Carolina both felt a little dread though Shahala fearlessly drew the card. “I can just hold this card. Your turn, Master.”

Steve rolled and drew an Action Card. “Artistic Wish,” he announced. “This was Don's wish the first game he and I played in. I think I'd like to be able to play any musical instrument well enough to play along with other musicians. Nothing flashy.”

“Why would you need other musicians?” Carolina asked. “You could be your own band.”

“Oh, yeah. Even better.” He picked up the die and passed it across to Carolina. “Okay, Jesse skips her first turn, I guess. Here you go.”

Carolina rolled and collected a card.

Before Shahala could roll there was a loud moan behind her. They all turned to see the tape covering what appeared to be Alex with the porn star boob disappear. “How do you feel Josh?”

“Josh?” Carolina whispered.

“Long story,” Steve explained.

“I feel great and sweaty.” She said standing up. “You're playing ag-- Hello? What happened to Jesse?”

Carolina quickly ran through how the game started and then said, “Why don't you take a shower and wait for us to finish?”

“I can't shower,” she replied. “Not with these things.” She poked at her boobs and bit her lip to stifle a moan. “I've orgasmed enough in the last eight hours, I think.”

Shahala asked, “Should I continue my turn?”

“Absolutely,” Josh-as-Alex replied. “I need Jesse to undo this. I should get some clothes.”

Shahala shugged, “Why don't you join us?” She picked up the card she was saving and read, “The More The Merrier. Invite someone observing the game to join. He or she starts with an amount of money and fulfillment equal to the player(s) with the lower amount of these assets.”

“Why not?” Josh-as-Alex replied. “I'll be right back.”

Steve found the brain tokens and placed them on the board as Shahala finished her turn. When Josh arrived wearing a bathrobe she handed the die to him.

“Six,” he announced. He drew an Action card and kept it.

Steve took his turn and landed on a practice square. “Great.” He looked around and spotted a couple spoons. He picked them up and clacked them together rhythmically. “Perfect, I've just picked up an instrument and played it.”

“Does that count?” Carolina asked.

“We shall find out on his turn,” Shahala replied.

“This is Jesse's second skipped turn.” He reminded everyone as Carolina went. She drew a random card that she could keep.

Shahala drew a wish card. She read it aloud, “Personality Wish. If you have already made a wish, discard this card and draw again. Is there some personality trait that you wish you had or had more of? Is there some personality trait you would remove or reduce? Choose a personality trait and decide how much you would like it changed in you.”

“That was one of the wishes Jesse lost,” Steve pointed out.

“I know exactly what I want. I wish I could attune my likes and dislikes to match those of my master, but only if I choose to do so.”

“Wait,” Josh requested. “A genie gets fulfillment and joy from making her master happy. But she doesn't automatically like the same activities and topics her master likes.”

“Yes, Joshua,” Shahala agreed. “That is the hard part of being a genie. A master with unusual tastes can be impossible to please when you cannot keep your distaste from being noticeable.” She hand him the die.

Josh rolled and drew a wish card. “Reset Wish. Tired of a change you want to undo. Maybe you should reset it.” He laughed. “That's perfect. I wish I could end magical effects on myself or others whenever I want.”

“Tired of being Alex?”

“Tired of having these boobs, or the fellatrix tongue inflicted on me.”

Steve rattled the spoons a few more times then picked up the Outcome Orb and shook it. “Steady. +2 on the fulfillment track.” He rolled and drew an Action card he could keep. “It's Jesse's turn so the Medusa effect should end.” He met her stony gaze.

She was unmoved.


“Her mind is very sluggish. I can barely sense it let alone read it,” Joshua told them. “I think it'll take her a moment to register that it's her turn.”

Carolina got up. “Oh, she was going to make coffee. Ah'll go see if it's ready while we wait.”

“Shahala, can you help Jesse?” Josh asked.

“If Master asks me, I can try. I do not know.”

“Shahala, I wish Jesse were restored to flesh.”

“Oh, no,” Shahala face twisted in horror. “I cannot undo her petrification. It is part of the game and I cannot affect the game.”

Josh was staring intently at his sister trying to contact her mind. After a few moments, he succeeded and pushed her to try to get free.

Carolina arrived with a tray of coffee mugs and the pot of coffee just as Jesse's body stretched and the stone seemed to crack and fly off. Though afterward there were no bits of rock strewn about the room.

“Cursed game!” Jesse released a stream of invectives to rival an angry drunken sailor.

Carolina said, “Let her sit down and catch her breath while Ah set out the coffee.”

“I was only vaguely aware of what was happening around me,” Jesse eventually explained. “I could not really see anything but shadows and light and my hearing was extremely muffled. There was probably a time effect like turning into metal.”

“It is your turn and you have to check the Outcomes Orb after losing two turns.” Josh said.

“I lost two turns? How did a game start? I was alone.”

They explained how the pieces just appeared on the board when they entered the room.“We had to play the game or donate you to a museum,” Steve finished. “I don't think carrying a statue up the stairs to our apartment would be safe for the statue.”

Jesse picked up the Orb and said, “Stiff performance, +1 influence. Well how else was I supposed to be a statue? Damn game.” She rolled the die. “Never wanted to play it again. Wonderful, another random card. Maybe I'll be turned into a puddle of water this time.” She read the card. “I get to keep this card.”

Carolina rolled and drew a card. “Occupation Wish. If you have already made a wish, discard this card and draw again. If you could choose any job, what would you want to do for a living?” She paused after reading it aloud. “Ah have no idea. It's the kind of thing Ah thought Ah would have time to think about when we went back to the city.”

“So what do you want to be when grow up?” Josh asked.

“Ah have no idea,” she drawled. “Ah was born passive. Ah don't know what Ah'd be good at.”

Jesse quipped, “And it has to be something where accidentally tying yourself up won't interfere too much.” When asked, she explained how she found Carolina this morning.

“Ah may have glossed over that part,” Carolina admitted.

“How about a singer or an actor?” Josh suggested. “You seem like a theater person.”

“Ah'm a bit shy for that, Ah think.” She paused. “Ah know. Ah wish Ah would be a successful romance novelist.”

“That fits perfectly,” Jesse stated.

“Successful novelist,” Josh added. “Nice qualifier there.”

“Oh, let me play this other card,” Carolina added. “Deferred Practice. If you have not already received your wish, you may practice immediately on the turn you get your wish. Ah'll be right back.” She got up and went into the bedroom.

Shahala picked up the die. She landed on the Practice space. “So, Master, what do you like?”

“I don't know. Lots of stuff.”

“Oh, you are impossible,” Jesse interrupted. “He's a football nut. Watches all the games and gets involved in like three different fantasy leagues.”

“I can work with that.” Shahala said as her silk outfit was replaces with a t-shirt with logos of his favorite team.

Carolina returned with a pen and pad of paper. She was writing on it. As she sat down she saw Shahala, “Is it football season already?”

“Two more weeks,” Shahala and Steve said at once.

“I think it's my turn,” Josh said. “Practice. Okay. Jesse, could you turn me back to me?”

“Certainly, brother dear.” Jesse said and then frowned. “Or maybe not. Alex wanted you like that, right? I can't undo it.”

“My turn,” Steve announced as he rolled the die and drew a card.

“Carolina, might I impose upon you to grant a wish?” Josh asked.

“You may.”

“I wish I was physically how I was before Alex turned me into a porn boobed clone of herself.”


Josh patted down his chest to make sure he was himself. “Thank you, my dear.”

Jesse drew a card. “Ghostly Wish. Go bump in the night. Wish for something ghostly.” Jesse frowned. “At least it wasn't a Medusa. I wish I could choose to move through solid objects whenever and only whenever I really want to.”

Carolina picked up the Outcome Orb: Good Read, +1. “How does it know?”

Josh picked up the die but was interrupted by a moan of pleasure. Steve-as-Jesse was released from her mummification. Steve stood up and absorbed her. “Sorry for interrupting but I've been waiting to be whole again all morning.”

The game was about to continue with Josh's turn when he disappeared from his chair.

* * *

Don blinked at the sunlight on his face. When he had frozen himself it had been dark outside. But now sunlight was pouring into the room. He felt the urge to reset all the footlights on the display since the external lighting had changed. But first he wanted to see the pictures. He summoned Alex to his hand. She was dressed in jeans and a thick sweater. He took the camera from her hands and looked at the pictures she took. The tableau had been perfect with him in it. The spot he had told her to teleport to had been a great place to snap a few pics.

Looking up from the camera he spotted something new in the room. He stepped over to the shelf and picked up the Bethany doll. “Now how did she do this?” Turning her around his saw the plastic loop on her back. He gently pulled it.

There was a whirring sound that came from Bethany's back as she intoned, “Hi, Don. I'm sorry but that's a secret.”

“And you can talk?” When she did not respond, he pulled the string.

“Only when you pull the drawstring, Silly. Don't put me back to...” She was cut off as the string had pulled all the way back inside. He pulled it again and she continued, “Don't put me back to normal. I want to spend the day like...” He pulled the string, “Like this. Why is Alex....?”

“Why is Alex here? Well since you're a captive audience, I'll tell you what happened while you were mummified last night.” When he finished telling her about all the antics he had read about in the transcript and about having Alex take picture of him while he was frozen in time in the window display, he pulled her cord as he said, “Any questions?”

“You should release Alex before she kills you. I can't believe...” “I can't believe that was Josh with the porn boobs downstairs.”

“No, I have a better plan for that,” he said putting down the doll. “Alex, walk over here and stand facing away from the door. I need Josh right here behind her.”

“What the--” Josh exclaimed.

“Calm down, Josh. You get to release her from automaton state since you convinced her to become one. I'll be downstairs.” He bent down and snapped a pair of cuffs around Josh's ankles. An large nail and hammer appeared in his hands and he nailed one of the chain loops into the floor. “Don't want you running away.” He picked up the doll and went to the door. “I'll leave as soon as you push the button we can't see on her neck.”

Josh reached up and touched Alex's neck where he knew the button would be.

Don quickly closed the door and then hung the bathrobe Josh had been wearing on the door knob. He walked downstairs. Only one mummy remained. Oddly she was not struggling and gyrating. “You are playing the game already?” He accused.

He sat down at the table and when he set the doll down on the table, Steve said, “We aren't explaining why until you explain that.”

“What Bethany? This was not my doing,” Don replied.

He pulled the string. “Hi everyone,” Bethany's dolly voice intoned. “I did this. Isn't it awes...” He pulled the string again. “Awesome? I'm spending the whole day like this.”

Don said, “When I asked her upstairs she wouldn't say. Who's turn is it?”

Carolina said, “Ah suspect she doesn't want to explain how she did it but Ah'll hint that the game we played last night helped her do it. And it's Josh's turn. Did you steal him away?”

“Oh, yeah, I left him with Alex. Someone turned her into an automaton and gave her to me last night. Since we have time we'll trade stories.” He summoned the camera from his room. “I got some great shots of my window thanks to Alex.”

* * *

“Candy floss.” Josh said as Alex spun around. He relaxed as she went to sleep. “Want these cuffs to disappear, please.” The cuffs disappeared. “Summon some clothes for me. Now, I'm going to wake you up. When I do you will not be able to use your magic powers, will not be able to move below the neck and will not make a sound louder than your normal talking voice. Wake up.”

“What did you do?”

“Calm down. It was your idea to prove to me you could put an automaton switch on your neck. Don't blame me because I tricked you. You've already had your revenge. Now, can I release you and you'll remain rational?”

“Only because you didn't give me to Don. Yes,” she reluctantly answered.

“Sleep,” he commanded. “When I wake you again, you will be able to move and speak freely. You will not remember how to make a helmet or other device that blocks my mental powers and you will never use your powers on me without my permission unless not doing so would put me in danger. You will not remember these stipulations. Wake up.”

He kissed her on the lips gently, “Let's go downstairs. It was my turn in the game.”

They walked outside as Josh started telling her about Jesse getting petrified by the game. As they arrived in the living room Alex gave Steve a nasty look. “I'll deal with you later--” and then she squealed. She lunged forward and picked up Bethany. “She's so cute!! Oo, can I keep her? Why is she beeping?”

“Pull the string,” Don said.

“Hi, Alex,” Bethany said. “How do I look?”

“Too cute.” She clutched the doll to her bosom and squeezed her time. “I want to...” She summoned a piece of paper and handed it to Jesse. She went into the living room and summoned a kids' table with four kid sized chairs out of view of the dining table. Two of the chairs were occupied, one by a plush dog and and the other by a plush elephant. A plastic tea service and small teacups and saucers were strewn about the table. As she walked back toward the dining area, she was shrinking and her body was changing and her clothes were becoming more frilly. When she reached Don, she stood under four feet tall and could not have weighed more than fifty pounds. She looked eight years old. She was dressed in a frilly cinnamon-colored summer dress with crinoline pleats. She wore white stockings and black buckled shoes. Matching cinnamon-colored ribbon adorned her two pigtails. With a child's voice she asked, “Uncle Don, can I play with your doll?”

“Certainly, young lady,” he said, handing her the doll. “Be careful. Don't forget that she's fragile, Alex.”

“I know,” she said solemnly. “And Alex is a _boy's_ name. I'm Alexa.”

“My apologies, Alexa,” Don said, suppressing a chuckle.

She nodded then turned and skipped back to the kids' table where she spoke out loud as she introduced her friends to one another.

“What does the note say?” Josh asked Jesse.

“It says, 'Until I say, “fellatrix,” I have no powers and believe I am eight years old.'”

“She does seem to have only the thoughts of a child,” Josh said. “Now how does one get a child to say fellatrix?”

“It's the perfect word,” Carolina said. “She'll never say it accidentally.”



Bethany really is quite the creative one, isn't she. Another fun chapter, with some lore, some automatons, and of course more transformations. As of this point, how many duplicates are in the cabin? Or do the duplicate mannequins not count as a copy of the person, just an object that looks like them?


Don's wish is limited to three, the original and two indistinguishable copies. He can't copy Amanda to create 3 and then copy her again to get 2 more. (Of course this is inconsistent since Steve can do more than duplicate himself once. But, he worded his wish to allow for that.) As for a number, depends where you are in the story. As for the second question, wait for Chapter 20 and ask again if that doesn't answer it for you.