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“--ick the blue bu--” Josh continued too late as he watched Don press the blue button on Amanda's chest.

The silver surface of Amanda's body was replaced by flesh. She stood naked at attention with Don's hand over her right breast.

“Sit down, Amanda,” Don said.

Mechanically, silently, Amanda complied.

“What did you do?” Alex asked.

“Amanda would not have given me the choice if she did not wish to be an automaton, would she?”

“Thahre is a certain level of logic to that,” Carol opined. “Just because y'all can't imagine wanting to be an automaton does not mean this gentleman's ladies feel the same way.”

“How will she make her wish?” Jesse asked.

“I have that covered,” Don replied pulling a card from his hand. “Cancel Wish. Play after a wish card is drawn but before the player makes their wish. The player must discard the wish card and wait to draw another. It is Josh's turn.”

Josh was still staring at Don. His turn was uneventful.

Alex landed on the practice square. She picked up the die and handed it to Carol.

“Aren't you going to practice?” Carol asked.

“I am,” Alex said. When Carol gave her a confused look, she continued, “You aren't in the bubble, yet.”

Carol was about to roll the die and stopped. “Oh, Ah forgot. Josh, there are no other Steves--” she made air quotes as she said Steves “-- in the cabin.”

“Thank you, Carol,” Josh said.

Carol shook the Outcomes ball. “Well sleuthed, +2.” She rolled the die and drew a card.

Jesse's turn was uninteresting.

Don commanded, “Amanda, command Bethany to pick up the die with her left hand and roll it.”

“Bethany, pick up the die with your left hand and roll it.”

“That's ridiculous,” Alex laughed.

Jesse said, “If you don't release Bethany right now, I will.”

“I thought it was amusing,” Josh said.

Don looked around the table. “Fine,” he said as he touched the back of Bethany's neck.

Bethany shuddered, releasing a long, low moan. “Oh, God,” she muttered. “You have no idea what it feels like to have your nipple stimulated for about fifteen minutes non-stop.”

“You landed on a draw a card square,” Carol said.

Bethany took the card. “I guess I play this later,” she said and passed the die to Don.

Don rolled the die and drew a card. "Triplet Wish,” he announced. “If you have already made a wish, discard this card and draw again. Three is a magic number. Is there something you might need three of? I wish to be able to split and rejoin anyone under my control into three separate copies in the same manner Steve's convenience wish works."

Alex commented, "Collecting a harem?"

Carol said, "Again, one must wonder how he will practice this."

Don coyly shrugged. He picked up the die and said, "Amanda, take this die and roll it."

Amanda complied, her arm remained extended over the table as the die left her hand.

"She landed on a practice square with no wish," Carol said. "What happens?"

"Amanda, draw a card from the deck labeled Random and read it aloud,” Don commanded.

Amanda complied. She read in flat voice, "Void, immediately return all cards in hand to the discard piles including any wish cards held, lose all money, stop all practices without checking the Outcomes Orb and any wish effects currently on you are void until the end of game."

“It's called an orb in the rules?” Alex pondered.

Jesse exclaimed, "So why is she still an automaton?"

Don placed his hand on Amanda’s shoulder. "We've been found out."

Amanda laughed, "It was fun while it lasted, my Dear."

"What happened?" Carol asked.

"As I reached for the blue button," Don began. "I stopped time and pressed the red button. After she showed me her appreciation I told her how everyone reacted to where I had been reaching."

"I was oblivious to everything after the robot changed me to the nondescript metal girl," Amanda commented.

"Wait," Josh interrupted. "You didn't create the ultimatum yourself?"

"No, that was the robot," Amanda said. "The blue button was a one way ticket to oblivion."

"At least until other wishes were used to restore her," Don noted. "Not that I was willing to take that chance. But having averted that potential issue, it was certainly worth exploring. So after explaining what had happened to Amanda we played a little prank on you. She transformed back into the robot."

"Getting my nipples to light up took some effort," Amanda added. "And after he pressed the blue button, I pretended to be an automaton."

"How are you able to sit so statue-like?" Carol asked.

"I am a mannequanthrope. Standing immobile is not something I do; it's what I am."

Alex punched Josh's arm, "Why didn't you say something?"

"Ow. How was I supposed to know?" He exclaimed rubbing his arm.

"You're a mind reader," Alex explained.

"First of all, uninvited mind reading is rude," Josh began. "And second of all, neither of them are readable. Care to explain that Don."

He laughed. "I knew the joke hinged on keeping you in the dark. So I willed a mind reading jammer into existence. It's in my pocket."

"Is Amanda's turn over?" Josh asked picking up the die.

Alex said, “No,” picking up the rulebook and added, “She gets to draw a card. I suppose to make up for dumping her hand.”

“Ah suppose that’s why she’s still naked as a bluejay,” Carol quipped.

Amanda gasped and suddenly a long t-shirt appeared on her body. “In all the excitement I forgot to put clothes on when I turned back to flesh.” She laughed at herself. She drew a card, “Oh, I got my wish. Fairy Tale Wish. If you have already made a wish, discard this card and draw again. Do dreams come true? Choice something that might happen in a Fairy Tale for your Wish.” Amanda thought about this. “I think, after the robot fiasco and my initial issues with mannequanthropy that I’ll go with a modified Goldilocks. I wish that when I use my abilities, search for things, or do just about anything for the first time that, unlike Goldilocks, it will take me only one attempt for the outcome to be just right and on subsequent attempts the outcome can only get better.”

“So perfection?” Josh asked.

“Not exactly,” Amanda explained. “Just no early screw ups.”

Josh’s turn was uneventful. As he handed the die Alex he asked, “So how did you practice? Can I enter the bubble?”

“Anyone who looks under the table can enter the bubble. At least until I check the Outcomes Orb to see how I did.” As she reached for the Orb, Josh and Carol sitting next to Alex leaned back to peer under the table. Don made no attempt to be subtle about looking under the table. “You’ll all excuse me is I don’t stand up and show everyone. But I used my ability without anyone noticing. And according to the orb it says, “Fishtastic, +3.”

“Fishtastic?” Jesse asked.

“She’s apparently been a mermaid as her practice of not being noticed when she changes herself,” Josh explained.

“When we are done, we should go swimming,” Alex said. She rolled the die and landed on a Random square. She read the card, “Keep it up, take another turn unless you were practicing. If you were practicing roll the die and use this chart to determine how long you must continue practicing. Each practice session is cumulative. 1 to 2 is one round, 3 to 4 is two rounds, and 5 to 6 is three rounds. Consult the Outcomes Orb after each practice round.’ Oh, great, I rolled a 5. Does this mean I have fins three more rounds?”

“I doubt it. You just need to change yourself without us noticing each round,” Josh guessed.

“I can’t change my legs back.” Alex fearfully blurted out.

“That explains how the sessions are cumulative,” Jesse said. “Whatever change next will also be permanent until the game ends.

“Guess I was wrong,” Josh said. “Well, it’s Carol’s turn, now.”

Carol landed on practice again and Alex jumped in, “Ah could use some water. My scales are starting to dry out making them itchy.

Carol laughed and got up, “Your wish is my command.”

Jesse and Bethany’s turns were uneventful.

Carol returned with a large bucket. Alex removed her shirt and it could be seen that she had scales starting just below her breasts down to her tail fin.

“Very traditional mermaid look,” Don commented.

“Thanks,” Alex deadpanned. “I need a metal bath tub under my chair. I need my chair to be wrapped water tight with plastic.” And it happened. “Okay, pour it on me slowly.”

“Couldn’t you have just put yourself in a fishtank?” Carol demanded as she poured.

“Oh, that feels nice. I suppose a fishtank would have made sense,” Alex said, “But I think you all would have noticed. Half fill the tub, if you would?”

“Now Ah wouldn’t mind if Steve were around,” Carol joked.

Don landed on the practice square. He turned to Amanda and said, “Could you stand up and turn into a mannequin for a second?”

“Okay, Don,” Amanda replied.

As she took up a pose, Don said, “I need a duplicate of that mannequin. I need another mannequin.” And there were three mannequin standing behind Amanda’s chair, two of which were naked. “Thanks, Amanda. It’s your turn.”

Amanda returned to flesh and sat down. She landed on the random square. “Cryptic, make a cryptic statement about some secret. If anyone guesses what it means before your next turn, that player advances on the fulfillment track one space. Otherwise, you do, but only if you explain the cryptic statement. You may choose to keep it a secret.”

Amanda thought for a moment then said, “Red equals blue. Your turn, Josh.” As he was obviously thinking about her statement, Amanda chided him, “You can contemplate what that means after your turn. Roll the die.”

Josh rolled the die and landed on practice. “This is definitely knowable. What does Amanda mean by ‘Red equals Blue’?”

“Is that a leap of fate, entwining your fate to hers?” Alex asked.

“I guess so,” Josh replied. “Your turn.”

Alex held up her hands. Webbed skin connected the fingers and thumbs. “No one noticed this, I think.” She picked up the Outcomes Orb. It read, “Two for two, +2”. She asked, “How does it know? I’m only one away from the end. Hopefully the game will end soon.” She scooted forward and slipped under the table. “Josh, can you remove the chair from the tub? I need to submerge my upper body.”

Josh helped her out and the tub grew in height. So she could see the board without rising too high out of the water.

Carol poured her last bucket of water into the tub and picked up the Outcomes Orb. “No more wishes for you, Alex.” Looking down at the orb she said, “It says, ‘Well, done, +2, and random’. Ah’m almost at the end of the track and Ah got a random.”

“Never seen that before,” Jesse said.

Carol drew a Random card and said, “Double Down, if you can add something thematic to your wish, it will become more powerful. The more thematic, the more powerful.” She asked, “How could Ah make my soul more powerful?”

“Probably, you cannot,” Jesse said.

“You could make yourself better at granting wishes,” Bethany said.


“Choose a vessel and become a genie. You would grant wishes to people when they rubbed your lamp.”

“But she’d be trapped in the lamp the rest of the time,” Amanda pointed out.

“Depends on how she phrases the wish,” Josh added.

“Ah’ve been worried about what happens when the game ends,” Carol said. “Ah don’t have a life outside of Jesse’s closet. What would Ah do when you guys go home? Where will Ah live? If Ah were a genie in a bottle, Ah wouldn’t have to face that problem.”

“That’s a cowardly way to think,” Jesse admonished Carol.

“It’s your fault,” Carol replied. “You made me a damsel in distress. Think of all the times the Handsome Stranger rescued me from the Mustache Twirling Villain. Ah’m use to being tied down or having my bodice ripped. Ah am the prototypical romance victim.”

“But that doesn’t have to be who you are going forward,” Jesse pointed out, with a tear welling in her eye. “I’m sorry.”

Carol gave Jesse a hug, “Ah’m the one who should be upset, Dear.”

Jesse separated from Carol and put a card on the table. She said, “It says, ‘Steal effect. Whatever is happening in the game is now happening to you instead. Skip your next turn.’ So I have to Double Down. If I fail to grant my genie’s wish once per day, I end up as a powerless genie in a bottle, specifically the iron bottle in Steve’s study. When I occupy the bottle whoever rubs the bottle becomes my master for three days or until I grant them three wishes at which point I am no longer bound to the bottle until the next time I fail to grant a wish a day. There, it’s settled. Take your turn Bethany.”

Carol said, “You didn’t have to do that.”

“You are starting a new life,” Jesse said. “You don’t need the added complication of disappearing into a bottle when you screw up.”

Bethany picked up the die and rolled it. “Oo, practice again.”

Alex had been in the water a long time. Her head popped above the water and she said, “Can I take control of you without hitting your button? Most people have to play-act their practices and you should try it.”

“Okay,” Bethany replied.

“Good, you’re in the bubble. Crawl under the table for further instructions,” Alex said. “Your turn, Don.”

Bethany crawled under the table to the tub as Don picked up the die. He paused and said, “Is anyone going to guess Amanda’s cryptic clue. I think I’m already in the know and cannot do so?”

“That’s correct, dear,” Amanda admitted. "And I was hoping they would forget."

Carol said, “Can Ah guess?”

“Go ahead.”

She reached behind Amanda’s back and pressed against her neck. Amanda froze in place. “Amanda, stand up.”

Amanda complied. Her t-shirt clung to itself and did not cover her crotch. She did not move to fix it.

“Ah noticed a discoloration on her neck and was right. And when we figured out what was wrong earlier Don touched her on her neck, to switch her back to normal. She has the automaton switch in her neck,” Carol stated as she straightened out the t-shirt. “So whether or not Don pressed the red button or the blue button, Amanda can still be an automaton.”

“Close,” Don said. “I definitely pressed the red button when it mattered.”

“Did she ask you to do something so she wouldn’t get stuck again?” Jesse asked.

“Not exactly,” Don replied.

“Red equals Blue,” Josh said emphatically. When nothing happened he added, “Don, say ‘Red equals Blue’.”

“Red equals Blue.”

Amanda looked around, “Josh figured it out.” She sat down.

“Red equals Blue returns you to normal when Don says it. Like an escape code.”


“Does that mean the button is gone too?” Jesse asked.

Amanda smiled wickedly without answering.

“I’ll take my turn now,” Don said. He picked up the Outcomes Orb, “Those are some nice mannequins. It says, ‘Well Done, +2’. So I advance two spaces.” He rolled the die. “Lose a turn. Oh well. Amanda, you’re up.”

Amanda landed on the Random Square, drawing a card, she said, “Do For Others, before your next turn, pick another player who is practicing. Do what you can to help that player practice better.”

“I think only Alex and Bethany are practicing and neither has come up above the table in a while. If I look under the table, I’ll only screw up Alex’s practice.”

“You could wait until someone else practices and help them. You don’t have to do it right now,” Don pointed out.

Josh picked up the Outcomes Orb and said, “I figured out what Red equals Blue means so I hope that means I practiced well. It says, ‘Splendid, +1’. Good enough.” Josh picked up the die and landed on a practice square. “Again? Okay, how many living human females are in the cabin? I think I know the answer, can you check it for me Amanda?”

“Oh, that works. Does Alex count?” Amanda said.

“I don’t think so. When I asked the question I’m pretty sure she was mostly fishy,” Josh joked. “Here, fishy, it’s your turn.”

Bethany crawled out from under the table and picked up the Outcomes Orb.

“Where’s Alex?” Don asked.

“I can’t say,” Bethany replied. “‘Predictable, +0’, it says. She doesn’t advance?”

“I guess not,” Jesse said.

“Okay,” Bethany said crawling back under the table. “She doesn’t know what to do next.”

“Alex, are you okay?” Josh asked.

“I’m fine, and I know what I’m doing next. When my third practice round is over, can you consult the Orb for me.” She called out from under the table. “Bethany, after my next transformation, you can return to your seat. You were very helpful. It’s Carol’s turn.”

Carol and Jesse’s turns were uneventful.

Bethany picked up the Outcomes Orb and said, “It says, ‘More than dipping a toe in, +2’. How does it know?”

“What did you do under there?” Jesse asked.

“You’ll find out when Alex’s turn is over,” Bethany replied. She rolled the die and landed on the Random Square. She drew a Random card, “Obstruction, you must interfere with the success of someone’s practice before your next turn or lose 3 spaces on the fulfillment track.

“Oh, no. Who’s practicing currently?” she asked.

“Just Alex and Josh, right?”

At that moment Amanda started come downstairs to the great room.

Bethany jumped up and ran toward her. “Don’t say anything.” She pointed behind Amanda.

“What?” Amanda asked as she turned around.

Bethany pressed the back of Amanda’s neck and Amanda froze in place. “Follow me back to the table and sit down in your chair, Amanda.” Bethany and Amanda returned to the table. “Don loses a turn, so I guess it is Amanda’s turn. Amanda, pick up the die and roll it.”

Josh looked at Bethany amused.

Bethany stared back.

Amanda complied. Bethany commanded her to move her token, to draw a card, and to read it.

“Tell me if the card must be acted on right now.”

“It does not,” Amanda flatly intoned.

“Put it on top of your other cards.” Bethany said. When the card was no longer in hand, she added quickly, “Turn into a mannequin, now.”

Josh’s hand flew toward Amanda’s neck too late. Nothing happened as he touched her neck. “Clever, Bethany,” he admitted. “But I know exactly how many living women are in the house, including the one upstairs.” He picked up the Outcomes Orb, “Correct, +2. I’ve reached the end of the fulfillment track. I win. Who else wins?”

“Does that mean I lose three space?” Bethany asked.

“No, you still interfered,” Jesse noted.

“Ah’ve got a card that says, ‘Ride the Wave’,” Carol began.

Bethany said, “So do I.”

“Most of us do,” Don explained. “Did we all win?”

Josh picked up Alex’s cards and tossed the ‘Ride the Wave’ card onto the table face up. “You can turn back to normal, Dear.”

There was a loud gasp of air and Alex stood up, naked dripping wet standing in the tub. “Fucking evil game. I couldn’t make any changes to myself that didn’t involve being a fish.”

“What did you need Bethany’s help for?”

“I couldn’t grow gills on round 2 as I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to speak. And I was right cause that’s what I did on round 3. Round 3 I was entirely a fish.”

“And not included in my count of living human women in the house, I might add.” Josh joked.

“So for round 2 I merged my arms into my torso and popped them out as side fins. But I needed Bethany to hold my head above water. And the damn game called that predictable.”

“Jesse, you don’t have a Ride the Wave card in front of you,” Carol said.

“I know, but all I'm holding is two Ride the Wave cards and another card that does the same thing. I have to play a card so I have to win. The question is whether or not to use the other card. I can't see any reason not to play it since I have to win the game anyway: ‘Tidal Wave’, it says, ‘Match the location of another player on the fulfillment track. If you win the game doing this you gain their wish in addition to your own.’ I guess I’ll be a know-it-all, too. That should help me as a Genie.”

“It sure will,” Josh said.

Bethany stepped away from the table and pulled Don aside. She whispered to him. “Donnie could you stop time for everyone but me, you and Amanda.”

Curious, he did so.

“This feels so weird,” Bethany said. “Amanda return to flesh. Take off your t-shirt.” As she complied, Bethany added, “Take one of those mannequins and hide in our room.” She touched Amanda’s neck. “Want to have some fun?”

“You want me to pose as one of the normal mannequins in the room.”

“I want us both to do it.”

“It usually takes an hour for the wishes to manifest,” Don replied. “And you have to be in my service before it works.”

“An hour? I didn’t know that. I was going to have you tell them that Amanda and I went upstairs for some girl talk and the whole time Amanda and I would be in the living room.”

“We could wait here in time stop and see if our powers manifest,” Amanda said.

“Better idea,” Don said. Time suddenly started flowing but Carol, Josh, Alex, and Jesse were still frozen at the table. “Don’t mess with them. I could use a blow job while we’re waiting. Amanda take control of Bethany and have her blow me.”

Bethany turned away from Amanda and held her hair up above her neck.

Amanda touched Bethany’s neck and said, “Put your arms down. Walk over to Don. Kneel down. Open your mouth. Place your hand on his fly. Slide the zipper down. Open his belt buckle. Reach into his pants with your right hand. Grasp his cock. Maneuver it out of his pants. Place your mouth around the tip of his cock. Use your tongue to lick the tip of his cock. Keep that tongue moving. Lower your head so his cock enters your mouth. Bob you head up and down on his shaft. Repeat this over and over. When you reach the bottom of the bob be sure to suck and maintain suction until you reach the top of the bob. At the top of the bob add a quick lick of the tip of his cock. Don’t stop repeating” Amanda stopped. She said to Don, “How is she?”

“Amazingly good considering. Although it may just be that I like that she’s basically a mindless machine. Come over here and kiss me while I enjoy this.”

She sat down next to him and as they kissed his hand slid across her neck turning Amanda into a mindless automaton.

“Stand up Amanda. Command Bethany to stand up without changing the angle of her head. Scoot under Bethany and lick my balls. Suckle the left one. Suckle the right one. Repeat that over and over.”

A few minutes later he came in Bethany’s mouth and the cum ran down her face onto Amanda’s face. When he was done cumming, he said, “Amanda, get out from under Bethany and stand up. Place your hands on Bethany’s shoulders. The next time she bobs her head up, lift her off my cock and hold her there.” Once he was free of Bethany, he got off the couch. It was a rather erotic site to see the two women standing there, one giving a blow job to no one and the other holding her shoulders, cum slowly running down her face. He took hold of Bethany and said, “Amanda, sit on the couch where I was. Create a cock and balls in place of your pussy. Make it twice as sensitive as normal. Become erect.” When she was ready, he placed Bethany's mouth around Amanda's shaft and lowered Bethany back to the floor. Satisfied he went to the kitchen and got a wet paper towel. He returned to the living room. Amanda had not moved. Bethany maintained her steady motion. He sat down next to Amanda and wiped her face clean with the town. Then he kissed her still lips. Eventually, he touched her neck button.

“Oh, god, she’s great like that,” Amanda said as she grabbed Don and kissed him hard.

They kissed and did not stop until Amanda exclaimed, "I'm gonna cum."

"So do it."

And she did, filling Bethany's mouth with cum "Swallow it all down," Amanda commanded.

Bethany stopped bobbing as started swallowing.

"Oh, God," Amanda cried out. After a moment she said, "Resume bobbing. Oh, that feels nice."

"You can replace those parts with your normal parts now," Don said. After she complied,he added, "Sit tight." He concentrated on Bethany and after a few moments three Bethany automatons where bobbing in unison in a neat little row. "The hour's passed," Don announced.

"Oo, you control me," Amanda gushed. "Split me."

Don concentrated and with a scream Amanda split into three Amandas.

"I forgot Steve said that hurt the first time," an Amanda said.

"Yeah," agreed another.

"Are we still doing the mannequin prank?" asked the third.

Don touched the neck of one of the Bethanys. "What do think?"

"I think I want to know what those blowjobs feel like."

"Sit on the couch with your pussy under one of your mouths," Don said.

Bethany moved quickly to comply, “Telling someone to sit under one of their mouths just sounds weird.”

"Okay, now use your power to give yourself a cock for me. Pick it up and align it with the bobbing mouth." When the Bethany with a cock had it in the automaton's mouth, he commanded, "Erect."

Turning around he found one of the Amandas getting blown by the remaining Bethany.

The next Amanda was removing her hand from the neck of the third. She said, "My Amanda Automaton, Bethany's pose, actions and rhythm are now called the sucking machine. When you are commanded to become a sucking machine, you assume that pose, take up those actions and perform them in that rhythm. Become a sucking machine." She then quickly scooted under the bobbing Amanda and created a cock and balls for herself already erect and getting blown.

"Heeeyyy," Don whined.

One of the Amandas said "Drop trou and I'll suck you off the normal way."

Don stood on the edge of the sofa and straddled the Bethany sucking machine servicing Amanda 1 and shoved his cock in her mouth. "I need a seven foot long pole with a non-skid rubber tip to hold onto." When it appeared, he put it down behind the couch to stabilize himself for the blowjob.

A few moments later after four dicks came, he hopped down and said, "Ladies with dicks, please remove them." He walked behind the three automatons and returned them to normal.

"I feel like I've been sucking cock for hours," one of the Bethanys said. “I like it.”

"Fuck, what time it?"

"We left everyone in the dining room frozen for almost three hours."

"Amandas, join hands so I can merge you. Bethanys, you too." Don concentrated and a group of seven was soon a group of three. "Should we say anything?"

"Yeah, three hours is too long to bluff our way around," said Amanda. "Go upstairs. I'll explain it to them then join you."

Amanda returned to table as the four of them animated.

"Where's Don? I was looking right at him," Jesse asked.

"There was an orgy," Amanda admitted. "Sorry about the lost three hours. If you'll excuse me I'm headed to our room."

"Have your wishes mannifested?" Alex asked, toweling off.

“Where'd the water in the tub go?” Josh asked.

“I put a plug in it that went straight through the floor under the cabin.”

"Don's and Bethany's have. I haven't made any mistakes," Amanda quipped. "See you later." She turned and left the dining area to go upsrairs.

"Josh, how many times did someone in the cabin orgasm while we were frozen just now?" Alex asked.

"I don--" he started. He and Jesse both said, "Six".

"They were busy."

"Well, that was among seven bodies," Josh noted. "I don't want to know many automatons came."

"None," Jesse said. "As soon as you said it, I thought it without the don't want to know in front of it."

"So Ah have a soul?" Carol asked.

"Presumably. Can Steve separate himself from you?"

"At almost any time I could," Steve announced, stepping out Carol.

She cried out in pain momentarily.

"Fuck me," Alex said.

"Yeah, that was intense," Josh said.

"No, I mean I'm fucking horny as fuck. Take me now."

Josh just looked at her, "And that is different from how you normally are in what way exactly?"

"It isn't,"Alex laughed. "Usually it's too awkward to vocalize."

“Let's go for a walk,” Josh said heading for the cabin door.

“A walk outside in the woods? How novel,” Alex said walking after him, a set of jeans, sneakers, a sweater and a jacket appearing on her naked body as she walked. “See you guys later.”

“Don't be out too long,” Jesse admonished. “We lost three hours so it will be dark sooner than you might expect.

“Yes, Sis, g-bye,” Josh said holding the door open and closing it behind Alex.

Carol took a deep breath, "Ah was not prepared for the pain, Mother."

"You call me mother without the word fucker after it and I'll reabsorb you."

"Yes'm, mother fucker," Carol joked.

"You wouldn't," Jesse exclaimed.

"No, I couldn't," Steve laughed. "We don't have the mind link. You are your own person, Ms Sundance," he bowed to her. "But I do believe you said you would grant me a wish."

"Ah did indeed say that, if Ah deem it worthy."

"That's for you to decide," Steve said. "There's an iron flask or bottle in my den."

"You wouldn't," Jesse shouted this time.

"I wish it were in my hand with its genie inside," Steve demanded.

Jesse looked at Carol, pleading with her eyes. "You may as well find out what it's like while on vacation than some random time in the future. Besides Ah don't know if this will work.” She paused dramatically. “Granted."

Jesse trailed away into smoke without a sound as an iron drinking flask with screw top cap appeared in Steve's hand.

"Ah suppose Ah can grant wishes. Rub the bottle, Steve," Carol suggested.

Steve rubbed the bottle. Nothing happened. "Shit."

"Open the top," Carol added.

A billow of purple smoke emitted from the bottle as Steve twisted the top off. Jesse appeared wearing purple silks draped strategically about her body. "I am the genie of the lamp. How may I please you, Master?" After a second she added, "Why in hell did I say that?" She looked down. "What are these clothes?"


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