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If you haven't read any of the Ted's Dolls stories before, you should start with Ted's Dolls 1: Jane before reading this one.

Sentinel Opinion Page – October 18, 2023 edition

Please note, the opinions expressed by the readers are their own. The Sentinel staff makes no editing changes to the letters presented. Not all letters received are printed. If you wish to express your opinion here, send your email to sentinel-opinion@rcu.edu.

What is with all these creepy sex dolls on campus? It is degrading to women that someone on campus is turning people into sex dolls and profiting from their use.

Jocelyn Myers, Women's Club President

Sentinel Opinion Page – October 25, 2023 edition

Jocelyn Myers is an idiot. I have a medical condition that makes vaginal intercourse painful both during and for days after sex. Since being able to become a doll I can enjoy sex with my boyfriend. But, I know my story isn't the typical story. And it shouldn't take me telling you my problems to make you see what an ass you are. Women are allowed to enjoy sex, Jocelyn, it's the 21st century, not the 19th. And if they are enjoying it as sex dolls, more power to them.

Greta Ollen

Ms Myers apparently has never been told that if you don't understand something, you ask questions before condemning it. Yes, sometimes the person who rents the dolls is completely uninterested in learning what makes a woman happy. But, occasionally, they rent a doll to practice the art of sex. And those are the times being a doll is magical. I've had times when I found myself restored with little memory of anything but pure pleasure since shortly after sex started. And I am far more relaxed after these rentals then any spa day could compare to.

Name withheld by request

With all due respect to Ms Myers, why do you assume the sex dolls are women? I'm fairly certain some of the dolls are men. And I'm also certain some of the Renters are women. Your views of sexuality are antiquated at best and harmful in today's society.

Emily Scarborough

Sentinel Opinion Page – November 1, 2023 edition

Let's not dog pile on Ms Myers. I'm sure her heart was in the right place. I've heard that some of the folks who are turned into dolls have become addicted to the process. Maybe what started out as a playful idea has become something oppressive. More study of the effects of being a doll should be done to determine if it is safe. Fun cannot be more important than safety.

Jackson Petrie

I don't understand what the fuss is. If you don't want to be or use a sex aide, don't. Not engaging doesn't give you the right to mess with other people's fun.

Aimee Yee

Sentinel Opinion Page – November 8, 2023 edition

I love this opinion page. I'm sure the usage of dolls has only gone up since this page started giving them free advertising. I'm curious if the Sentinel gets a cut.

Name withheld by request
Ed – The Sentinel does not profit in any way from the doll rentals mentioned in the above letter.

Did no one see the doll exhibit on Halloween? These dolls are works of art. To focus on their prurient uses is to miss the bigger picture. I can't wait to see the next exhibit on Alumni Weekend.

Dean Roberta Wolch, Department of Classic and Performing Arts

Sentinel Opinion Page – November 15, 2023 edition

Ed – As a reminder, there will be no new edition of The Sentinel next week, the day before Thanksgiving.

I and the entire Iota Omicron Kappa fraternity formally apologize to those involved in the incident that occurred last Wednesday. It was no one's intention to cause any stress to those involved. I hope we can resolve this quickly.

Sean Murphy, Chapter President of Iota Omicron Kappa

I was very disappointed in Dean Wolch's endorsement of these sex dolls. Whether or not their creator is capable of making art, the dolls one sees all over campus are vulgar and degrading to the woman and men who sell themselves like this. No one boning these dolls is admiring them for their artistry.

Jocelyn Myers, Women's Club President

Sentinel Opinion Page – November 29, 2023 edition

Game changer. The latest dolls have no faces. The dolls were always anonymous to protect the people who become the dolls. Now, finally, the renters can be anonymous, their identities protected from the dolls themselves.

Name withheld by request

I accept the apology of from Iota Omicron Kappa.

Aimee Yee


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