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Back inside, Jesse had moved to the table after Steve left. She whispered to Alex, “How in the world did you wish to be some kind of blowjob queen?”

“Amanda and Josh ganged up on me,” Alex replied. “When I drew my withh card thomehow they both called me out ath a cock-thlut and I had an action card that thaid I wathn't allhowed to lhie.” When she saw Jesse blush, she continued, “It'th true. The firtht time I gave blowjob to a guy I didn't gag. If anything I marveled at how much control over him I had. I've been thubmissive in most of my relationthhipth. But, any time I don't feel like being thubmissive I can demand thome cock and no man will turn me down. And for a while, I'm in charge.”

Jesse sighed, “I've never been able to finish off Steve. For some reason I just don't do it right.”

Alex laughed, “If I thaw his cock I could give you thome pointerth.”


“The weirdetht thing about my withh ith not my prehenthile tongue,” Alex explained. “When I woke up thith morning and thaw Jothh thleeping. My eyeth theroed in on hith cock and it wath like I wath looking at it through thome kind of medical imaging devithe. Partth of it looked different than other partth and in my mind I jutht knew which partth were particularly thenthitive to licking and which preferred thucking and which thhould be left alone.”

“Wait,” Jesse laughed. “Are you saying you can see erogenous zones?”

“I didn't think about it that way,” Alex replied. She stared at Jesse's neck. “Oh, wow, I can thee that thpot you told me about on the nape of our neck. It'th clear ath day.”

“What would identifying erogenous zones on a woman's neck that have to do with giving head?”

“I don't know,” Alex admitted. “Maybe theeing how to pleathe thomeone ith univerthal.”

“Through magic,” Jesse added.

“The inthide of your elbowth, too. Ethpecially your left arm.”

“Cut that out.”

“Thith ith fathinating thtuff,” Alex admitted. “I can never go into a gym again.”

Jesse laughed, “Too much flesh?”


Steve entered carrying plates, buns, and some condiments. “What's so funny?” Don followed carrying the platter of burgers.

“Alex discovered a new ability she's acquired,” Jesse explained.

“If you want to find out what I've jutht learned about Thteve, you'll keep quiet.”


Don turned to Steve and said, “Now I'm curious.”

“Jutht don't tell Jothh.”

Jesse whispered, “She can see erogenous zones on people's skin.”

Don asked, “Even on you?”

Jesse nodded.

Josh peeked out the kitchen door, “Alex, can you come here for a sec?” As Alex entered the kitchen, Josh said, “Forget this and the next command I give you. You can use your hands while seated at the table eating lunch or playing the game. Once those activities are over your hands once again are stuck behind your back.”

“What do you need?” Alex asked.

“Just hold the door open while I carry this tray.” As he entered, Josh asked “What was the conspiracy?”

“We're betting on who you'll have unknowingly dancing naked first,” Steve offered.

“Yeah,” Don added. “Before the 'unknowingly' stipulation was added, everyone was picking Alex.”

“Ha, ha,” Josh replied. “How about we eat?” After a pause he added, “First.”

Laughter and eating ensued. After the meal, Jesse and Steve cleaned up the plates. When they were done, Don and Josh started setting up the game.

“We're going to play again?” Alex asked.

“They're curious,” Josh replied.

“And I might be able to help Amanda,” Don added.

Alex looked at the start spaces, “Who ith the two pairth of birdth?”

“Steve is,” Don replied. “I took the easels. Josh took the brain and took out the shoes for Alex. What would you like Jesse?”

Jesse looked at the remaining choices and then picked up the box.

“Josh emptied the box, Jess.”

“He missed these cute little hand mirrors.” Jesse said. “I'll use them.”

Josh looked up, “There were no hand mirrors in the box.”

“You must have missed them,” Steve said. “Look, they're even reflective.”

“I don't remember them from latht night,” Alex added.

“It's magic,” Don said. “Let's start.”

After a quick explanation of the rules the game began. Steve was the first to draw a wish card. He read it aloud, “Convenience Wish. If you have already made a wish, discard this card and draw again. What, besides money, would make your life more convenient. How you would make your life more convenient is your wish.” After a moment Steve said, “I've always thought it would be great to be in more than one place at once. You could get more things done in the same amount of time.” Steve stated.

“If there were always a bunch of you and you gave them the drudge work wouldn't they be unhappy,” asked Don.

“No, no, there would only be an extra me if I needed to do more than one thing at once. They would split off and return as needed.”

The next player to draw a wish card was Josh. He read his card, “Complementary Wish. If you have already made a wish, discard this card and draw again. Is there something you can't do that would make something you can do that much better? Choose something you wish you could do that would complement an existing skill.” Josh put the card down. “That's easy,” he said. “What's mind control without mind reading?”

Jesse moaned, “I'm going to buy you a white Persian cat that you can stroke while you attempt to kill British secret agents.”

“I don't think Alex would let me recruit the kung fu vixens required to intercept those agents.”

“Why not?” Alex added. “The vikthenth alwayth end up fucking the thecret agent, not the mathtermind.”

Josh and Steve moved up on the fulfillment track once before the next player received a wish card. It was Jesse. She read, “Malleable Wish. Is there something about how your you that you've always wanted to change? Choose something about yourself that you wish you could change. That is your wish.” Jesse paused. “I'm not sure.”

Steve laughed, “You don't want to admit it, do you?”

Jesse eyed him with a mix of anger and fear. He stared back at her knowingly. She caved. “Everything.”

“Everything?” Josh asked.

“I'm always imagining myself taller or shorter, bigger or smaller, blond or brunette, buxom or flat, curvaceous or tomboyish. I've always wanted to be able to affect these changes on myself at a whim,” Jesse explained.

“I never knew that,” Josh added.

“Why would your sister tell you she secretly wants to look like a curvaceous vixen?” Steve asked.

“Ninja vikthen,” Alex added helpfully.

“Did she tell you?”

“Did more than tell me,” Steve laughed. He left out a groan as an elbow landed in his stomach. “Hey, there's no shame in wanting to be made clay.”

“Nor plastic, I would add,” Don offered.

Jesse landed on a practice square. Alex asked, “How are you going to practithe your withh?”

“I know. I'll be right back,” Jesse said getting up from the table. She grabbed her luggage bag from the entryway where she had left it and pulled it toward the downstairs bedroom. “This is our bedroom, right?” And she entered the bedroom.

“What's she going to do?” Josh asked Steve.

“I have some suspicions that I'm keeping to myself,” he answered.

A moment later the bedroom door opened. In sharp contrast to the lithe, brunette with short cropped hair who went into the bedroom, out stepped a tall platinum blond in a long dress with an obviously overstuffed top. She must have been wearing heels because she was taller than Jesse. “Pahdon me,” she said in a high pitched voice with a southern accent. “Sahrry ah'm late. Ya'll can continue now.”

Don let out a low whistle.

Steve stood as she approached the table. He held her chair for her, “Friends, in case you haven't been introduced. This here is my date, Ms Sundance. You can call her Sunny.”

She held her hand out and he took it and kissed as she say down. “Ahlways a gentleman,” she informed the group.

“Dear Lord,” Josh said. “Who's turn is it?”

“I do bahlieve the turn belongs to this fahne gentleman to my left.”

“Thank you, Ma'am,” Don played along. He landed on the  square and drew a card. “Hey, hey, a wish card. It reads, 'Artistic Wish. If you have already made a wish, discard this card and draw again. Have you wished you had an artistic skill? Choose an artistic skill to become expert at. That is your wish.'” He paused. “I've never been into art. And that's not really conducive to helping Amanda.”

“Not really,” Josh agreed.

“Ah, I have an idea,” Don said. “Fashion and store window decorating, is that an art?”

“Thertainly,” Alex said.

“Appropriate, even,” Steve said. “And in a way, helpful for Amanda.”

“Yeth, every mannequin needth her own window decorator with impeccable fashion thenthe.”

“Oh, stahp that,” Jesse-as-Sunny chimed in, covering her mouth as she laughed. “You ahre such a cut up.”

Jesse moved two fulfillment spaces from her practice session. As she put the Outcomes ball down she removed her wig. In her normal voice and without accent she said, “I do declare I'm done with that. I hope.” She pulled some padding from her top. “And that.”

Josh and Don moved up a space on the fulfillment track before Alex drew her wish card. “Finally,” she said. “Duplicate Withh. If you have already made a withh, dithcard thith card and draw again. Do you have withh envy? Choothe a withh thomeone elthe hath made. That ith altho your withh.” She looked around the table. “I'd get jealouth of my other thelveth if I took Thteve'th withh. Don't want to work in thtore windowth. I'll leave the brain thtuff to Jothh. That leaveth Jethhe'th withh. I hope I don't have to practithe too many timeth.”

Once again it got to a point where everyone was one space away from victory on the fulfillment track when Steve completed a practice round. He practiced his wish by pretending to sit at the table while simultaneously serving everyone a drink as a butler. He turned over the Outcomes ball and it read, “Well served, +1” and he advanced one space on the fulfillment track. He put the ball down and exclaimed, “I win.”

“Me, too,” shouted Alex turning over a Ride The Wave.

“Me, too,” said Josh producing the same card from his hand.

“So did I,” Jesse said, also holding a card.

“Is it weird that I have one of them as well?” Don asked, showing his.

“Everybody won?” Alex asked. “Again?”

“Maybe this is why we were never supposed to play it, Josh,” Jesse said.

“I think we are puthhing our luck if we play it again,” Alex said.

“So, now what?” Don asked. “I don't suddenly think those drapes are fabulous!”

“They aren’t,” Alex noted.

“Definitely not,” Jesse agreed.

“We don’t know,” Josh answered. “Maybe it happens while you sleep or maybe after a certain amount of time. We went to sleep shortly after the game.”

“We are idiots,” Don exclaimed.


He got up and headed for the stairs. “Amanda’s stuck because she thinks she on display. She would never want to break character--” He indicated quotation marks with his fingers as he said ‘character’. “-- while on display. We need to get her away from the window.” He disappeared into the bedroom and walked out again carrying Amanda in front of him. “Where can I set her down that doesn’t look like a window display?”

“In the corner by the plant?” asked Alex tilting her head toward the plant, unaware that her hands were clasped behind her back.

“The kitchen pantry,” Steve offered. “Can’t imagine standing alone in the dark would feel very displayish.”

“Right,” Don agreed heading into the kitchen. Josh lead the way opening doors for Don. Don put her down and said, “You’re off duty now, Amanda.” And he closed the door. They stood there expectantly.

Steve entered, “Has your girlfriend come out of the closet?”

Josh burst out laughing.

Don held back a laugh, “No, not yet.” Clapping his hands once, he added, “I have to do something. Let’s go for hike. Let the girls sit and fret if they want.”

“Sounds good to me,” Steve said. They walked into the living room. “We’re going for a short hike. Anyone interested?”

Alex looked at Jesse and they silently agreed, “No, we’ll thtay here tho Amanda doethn’t think we left her here.”

“I need to unpack anyway,” Jesse added.

“Okay, we’ll only be an hour or so I think,” Josh said. The men left the cabin through the front door.

“I’ll watch you unpack,” Alex said.

“Thanks,” Jesse replied and they got up and went into the downstairs bedroom. The suitcase was sitting open on the bed and some of the clothes were strewn about the bed covers. “Oh, yeah, I did that quick change.” She dropped the platinum wig on the dresser and reached down to take off her platform shoes. “I almost forgot I was wearing these.” She shrank five inches. She spotted her sandals and put them back on. “I need to get out of this dress. It’s cut for the platform shoes.”

“You don’t wear that drethh without the thhoeth?”

“Nope, it’s Sunny’s dress,” Jesse said as she unbuttoned the back of the dress.  “Just like that corset is Mistress Dee’s.”

“You are already a woman of a thouthand fathes,” Alex said. “The withh will jutht make it eathier.”

Jesse slid the dress down and stepped out of it. “No, I just like to dress up. I do have a lot of costumes but who doesn’t like to dress up.”

“Motht people rent or make their cothtumeth,” Alex explained. “And only at Halloween. Latht year you were Thupergirl, do you thtill have that cothtume?”

“It’s in the bag,” Jesse admitted pointing at the bed.

Alex laughed, “How much doeth Thteve play along?”

“He doesn’t dress up as often as I do. There’s no costume for him that goes with Sunny, for example. But he certainly enjoys having variety in bed.” She paused. “Of course it’s only the leading up to sex where there’s variety. I don’t go down on him and he doesn’t go down on me so the sex can be a bit plain.”

“I need to give you thome lethhonth in cock thucking.”

“What I need is a throat that doesn’t gag?”

“Your withh!” Alex exclaimed. “It will let you modify yourthelf. You just need to become thomeone without a gag reflekth.”

“Like you?”

“At firtht I guess.”

“I’m still in my underwear.” She shrugged. She pulled out a cutoff T, “Does this look like something you’d wear?”

Alex nodded. “It’th not bad. I thhould borrow it thome time.

Jesse grabbed a pair of cutoff jeans she had not assigned to any other costume. She had a pair of black pumps that Sunny usually wore but she supposed Sunny would let her borrow them. She looked at herself in the mirror and immediately stripped off her bra. Alex rarely wore one. In fact, she thought to herself, as she started tweaking her nipples. Alex’s nipples were generally erect under her shirts.

“You know about thothe erongenouth thoneth, do you?”

“If I’m going to dress like you, I need the headlights too. How do I look?”

“It’s my thtyle,” Alex said. “But how will it help?”

“I just want to get into character. Now let me see your throat so I can see what shape it is.”

Alex opened her mouth but it did not look unusual.

“Wait. I have just the thing,” Jesse replied. She unzipped a toiletry-sized bag and pulled out a Lucite dildo. “If you hold this near my eye level I’ll be able to see in your mouth as you demonstrate with it.”

“Ith that clean?”

“Of course,” Jesse sat on the bed and held the dildo against her cheek like it was a long nose.

Alex put her lips on the dildo. She expected to be awkward doing this in front of a female friend. But, as soon as it hit her lips her expertise took over. She expertly licked it moist then took it into her mouth. When she moved her mouth up and down the dildo it was not simply an up and down motion. There was sway and shimmy like you see in an expert dancer who not only makes the steps on the floor but moves their whole body in the dance. After a moment, she slid back off the dildo suddenly and left her mouth open unmoving.

Jesse was looking at her funny. As Alex closed her mouth, Jesse blinked and shook her head. “Jethh?”

Jesse shook her head again and brushed some hair off her face with her hand. Her other hand she removed from her jeans. “I don’t know. As soon as you put that to your lips there was a sexual energy pouring out of you. I couldn’t look away. I felt my tongue moving in my mouth.” She shuddered, the energy of a failed orgasm being shaken off.

“Who needth mind control?” Alex joked. “Though thith will cut into my ability to teach what I know to otherth.” She felt awkward. “There wath a moment when I felt funny putting a dildo in my mouth in front of you and then thomething took over. I thtopped thinking and I wath jutht doing. If I had not thtopped to thhow you the thhape of my mouth, how far would you have gone?”

“Alex, I was already within moments of orgasm,” Jesse whispered.

“Get out,” Alex dismissed her.

“When you did that you exuded sexuality so strongly it mesmerized me. It’s no wonder you can see erogenous zones on any one.” She pressed her palms against her chest. “My nipples are still hard.”

“I am a thekth goddethh.”

“It’s not a joke if it’s for real.”

“I have an idea,” Alex said. She opened her mouth and concentrated on the feel of have a dick inside.

Jesse took a sharp intake of air. “Oh god.” She gulped holding her hand in front of her.

Alex closed her mouth, “Now, what?”

“I don’t know what you did but I had an overwhelming urge to French kiss you just now. I don’t know what it was but the shape of your mouth was insisting I should be kissing it.”

“Well, there you go,” Alex joked. “If you can recreate that look on thomeone, then you probably won’t gag on cock.”

Jesse shuddered again. “Steve is a lucky dog tonight if my motor stays like this.”

Alex coyly said, “I just realized I never kissed Josh today. I wonder how that French kiss would feel.”

Jesse looked scared. “Don’t joke like that. I might not be able to say ‘no’ again.”

Alex stepped up to Jesse, “You’re not the only one who’th turned on.” She flicked her tongue out at Jesse and was thrilled to see her resistance melt. Jesse lips parted in lust while her eyes retained a look of fear. “Thith won’t hurt.”

Their lips met and Alex had the impression of kissing a virgin. She could feel exactly where and how to move her lips and tongue to open up the throttle on Jesse’s libido.

Jesse felt lost. She had no control as Alex caused her body to gear up and up, seemingly without end. “She’s not even using her hands!” came a thought from nowhere. It was all Alex’s mouth and it was all she needed to run Jesse’s body like a well-oiled machine.

Suddenly the door opened. Amanda stood there, “Oh, my god, I’m sorry.” She quickly closed the door.


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