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If you haven't read any of the Ted's Dolls stories before, you should start with Ted's Dolls 1: Jane before reading this one. Knowing what happened in Ted's Dolls 3: Gillian and Ted's Dolls 6: Aimee is also important for this part, among others.

“Aimee, you know I love you.”

“I sense a but coming and not the fun kind of butt.”

“No, this is still a fun but,” Gillian said. “I think I'm bi.”

“And I'm sure I'm a little bi. What's the problem?”

“I miss being a doll. The Halloween show Ted gave was so much fun. It had been three weeks since I was a doll for him and I thought I was handling being normal. But I really want to be a doll and...”

“We can go to Ted's tomorrow evening. It's a bit late now. Tomorrow's Saturday, should be easy to get a gig.”

“We? You don't have to go if you don't...”

“Ut, ut. I said I was a little bi and I kind of miss getting boned as a doll, too.”

“Maybe, we could call ahead and ask Ted to find us a renter who wants two dolls.”

“Oo, that would be extra fun. I'll send him a text.”

* * *

Aimee and Gillian were in Ted's bathroom getting out of their clothes together. Aimee pulled Gillian into a hug when they were both naked. They made out for a moment before there was a knock at the door. “Are you two ready? Lie down on the floor if you are.”

“Lie down?” Gillian called out.

“I said this was going to be a unique experience,” Ted replied. “Ready?”

“We're ready.”

“3... 2... 1...”

When they were once again aware, they were not just unable to move. They were experiencing everything in multiples. Their vision was hard to focus on anything nearby, like the edge of the vanity. The sound of the door opening was like the sound of many doors opening just out of sync.

Ted reached down to the floor and picked one of them up according to one doll but the other doll felt like Ted had only picked up part of itself. All but one of them could see a head, that Ted turned to look back at them before it went into a bag Ted was holding. The doll whose head was lifted could see it being lifted and could see the floor covered with maybe a dozen heads. There was no hair. They were painted to seem like they had hair.

Ted picked up each of the heads and put them in the bag. Once all the heads were in the bag, the dolls were better able to process what was going one. Ted had turned them into a number of individual heads. One doll thought there were five heads. The other thought there were six. Each of them could feel their heads touching themselves or the other doll's heads at various places as they were all a jumble in the bag. They felt the bag get put down and as they sat still on the ground in the bag, it became easier to deal with being multiple heads at once.

Eventually, the bag was in motion again. There was a weird reverb effect as they heard multiple Teds, just out of sync, say, “Do not use those heads as any kind of ball if you know what's good for you, Murphy?”

“Only for the intended purposes. No problem,” an echoey voice replied.

Travel to the destination was mostly secure in the bag. There was a party of some kind going on. There was loud music that echoed oddly, heard from multiple heads at once. The dolls could feel the bag swaying to and fro as the bag traveled through the location. The bag opened and a pair hands started taking the heads out and putting them on a surface.

Someone said, “What are you doing?”

“Beer pong with girls' heads.”


“Look, there are six of these doll heads that are blond and six that are brunette. So we set them up and play.” As Renter spoke, beer was poured into the mouth openings of the doll, right to the rim of the circular opening.

The dolls were bemused by the concept. The sound of the ping pong balls reverberating against the table and being heard by six sets of ears by each doll was very strange. One of the dolls realized the backs of its heads must be flatter than normal so they did not roll over when placed on the table.

After a few feelings of having the ball bounce across its face, one doll felt the ball hit one of its chins and then tap against its lips. A set of cheers and boos resounded in the room. Hands grabbed that head and a mouth touched the side of its mouth. The Player started drinking down the beer.

“Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!”

The dolls face slammed face down on the table. There was a bit cheer. Someone shouted “One, zero!”

“Yo, easy with them. They ain't plastic cups, asshole.”

“Sorry, dude. We usually slam the cups.”

“Think next time.”

“I think the inside of these heads is huge.”

“What d'you expect from air-headed dolls?”

“You mean beer-header, right?”

Being a vessel someone drank from was a bit of a turn on and as more of the heads were drained, the feeling got more intense.

The score was four to five when the final head was landed by one of the teams. The heads were quickly reset and refilled and another game started with different Players. The dolls found getting their mouth filled again rather stimulating.

After the third game, people started borrowing heads from the table and taking them to private locations to fill them with a stiff body part.

While being boned in the mouth was not unusual for the one doll, having multiple mouths being used simultaneously was. One of the dolls thought there were three of its head being fucked at once and that was a feeling it had never had before.

The dolls were forgotten as the party went on. The music was turned off and half the doll heads were in darkness and the other half in public areas where the lights remained on. The dolls were fairly certain they were in a frat house, which one did not matter.

During the wee hours of the morning, the house was mostly quiet. One of the heads was rolled into a corner of a bedroom where a guy and a girl were going at it non-stop. The doll marveled at this co-Renter's stamina.

By mid-morning, people were moving around and starting to clean up. Someone said, “What do I do with these doll heads?”

“Find the bag they came. Make sure we find all twelve of them. Ted will kill us if lose any of those heads.”

Calls of “Found one” and “I'm not touching this one” echoed through the frat house the doll heads were discovered, cleaned, and brought back to the gray canvas bag.

Eventually, someone said, “Here, you take 'em back.”

“All twelve are in there?”



“Yeah, I said yeah. What are you doing?”

“Counting them.”

“Why are you doing that?”

“Because as I suspected, there's only eleven heads in here. Where's the twelfth head?”

“I don't know. You look for it.”

“Gather the troops! We got to find the twelfth head. It's got brunette hair.”

“You heard him. Search the house. We don't lose things we borrow or lease. That's not who we are. And while you're searching, clean up. This place is still a mess.”

A second search did not turn up the missing head.

* * *

The doll knew its hair was blond. Its head was not missing. But what of the other doll. How could Renter be so irresponsible! The doll wondered if it saw the lost head. But with so many of its heads ending up in the bedrooms above, it had no idea when the brunette head may have been lost.

The other doll knew its head was missing. It remembered a time when one of its heads was outside. Could the missing head have been removed from Renter's house? All of its heads were in darkness, five in the bag, one elsewhere. Wherever it was, it was on its back looking up. Its back was in contact with a hard surfaces, probably wood. Had it rolled under a bed? It could not tell.

* * *

The text read: <<Can't find one of the heads.>>

The phone immediately rang and Murphy answered. “Hi, Ted.”

“Don't 'Hi, Ted' me. Tell me you thought your text would be funny.”

“I wish I could, Dude. After the beer pong, the heads went in all sorts of direction to be used in the bedrooms. We have turned the frat house upside down twice. I was hoping you could help.”

“Help? How? It's not like I can track down my dolls somehow. Have you checked with all your party guests? Could one of them have walked off with one of the heads?”

“I have a couple brothers calling the brothers who don't live in the house and whatever guests normally come to the parties that we know of. I called a couple of the sororities whose members were here and alerted them to be on the lookout for the head. You are welcome to search our house with us again but I don't think its here.”

“I am too angry to go there. Send the heads you have to my room immediately. And if the remaining head isn't here by Monday, you and your entire fraternity will regret it.”

“Iota Omicron Kappa doesn't take kindly to threats.”

“Ask Derek at the Sentinel if I make threats idly.”

The call ended.

* * *

There was a knock at Ted's door followed by the sound of heavy footstep running away. Ted opened the door and saw one of his canvas bags sitting on the floor, no sign of who delivered it. Ted picked up the bag and closed the door.

A half hour later, Gillian came out of the bathroom. She found Ted staring out the window of his room. She looked at his desk and saw the five blond heads staring up at the ceiling. “This is all my fault.”

“What? No, it isn't,” he said turning to face her. She was crying.

“I told Aimee I missed being a doll and we came to you to do something together.”

“No, I'm the idiot who rented you out to the frat. Should have known better.”

“What if...”

“Don't think about that. The head will be found.”

“Has this ever happened before?”

Ted tried not to grimace. “Yes. I was still able to restore the person but... I wasn't great for them. They looked completely normal. But 20% of their body was kind of missing. It took several months for them to regenerate the missing cells.”


“Yeah, as I said. They looked normal. But at a molecular level, they were thinned out. As their cells regenerated, as they normally do over time, the missing mass was restored. But it took a while. There was random bruising. Places with no feeling at all. And worse, random constant pain where a nerve got 'stuck' or something. At least, that's what my friend speculated was happening to him. He was a med student who graduated from high school early.”

* * *

Late Monday morning there was a loud knock on the door of the Iota Omicron Kappa frat house. The unfortunate brother who answered the door was barely able to say, “We still haven't found it,” before he was no longer human. Three other brothers met a similar fate before the visitor left.

Sean Murphy was awoken by a pounding of fists on his bedroom door. “Murphy get up. Ted was just here. He... You have to come see for yourself.”

Sean got up and opened the door. Two brothers were standing there pointing down the hallway. They led Sean to the front living room of the old colonial-style house. On the coffee table between a mismatched sofa and love seat were four figurines. Each figurine was of a man standing in a bent pose, making their bodies seem shaped like letters of the alphabet. The letters read: F I N D.

“That's Samuelson, Archer, Richards, and Sapretti, Dude. What are you going to do about this?”

“Pair up. ALL HANDS ON DECK! Find every mother fucker who was at the party and search them, search their dorms, search their cars, search their parents homes. Find that head.”

Tuesday morning, T H and E joined the figures on the coffee table.

* * *

Ted knocked on the door to the frat house Wednesday morning. After a moment, the door opened. It was Paris. “Don't do anything, Ted. Come in.”

“This better be good.”

“It is good,” she said as he entered. Standing in the center of the living room was a woman Ted did not know. She was holding the missing head. “Amber, tell Ted why you have the doll head.”

“I stole the head from the party Saturday night. I wanted to get revenge against the Iotas.”

“Against the Iotas?” Ted said.

“During the party I found the letter T here,” she picked up the figurine standing with its legs together and arms straight out to the side. “Doug Chambers. He was my boyfriend. Or I thought he was my boyfriend. But I caught him at the party fucking my former best friend Theresa. I knew from what Peter told me, Peter from The Sentinel, that you would do something like this--” she held up the T figurine “-- to them if something happened to the dolls.”

“You said the Iotas. I understand wanting revenge against Mr. T. Why the whole frat?”

“I only went to find Doug after I overheard a few of the brothers saying 'Doug was trading up tonight.' And, 'Amber's crazy. Doug will be better off.'”

“I brought Amber here to clean up the mess she made. I'll take her punishment in her stead,” Paris said.

“That's a laugh,” Ted said. “Where's Sean?”

“Hiding in the kitchen.”

Ted took the T from Amber and entered the kitchen.

“I am so sorry this happened,” Sean said.

“It's obviously not your fault your brothers are fucking assholes, Sean. Oh, wait, you were the one who probably okayed their membership. Maybe it was your fault.”

“That's fair, I suppose,” Sean said. “What are you going to do?”

“First thing I'm going to do is go back to my room and restore the doll who's been stuck for the last four days because Doug, here, doesn't know how to break up with someone properly. After that, I will consider restoring your brothers before Friday.”

Sean looked like he was going to say something impulsively before waiting a second and saying, “Okay. I just want to put this behind us.”

“Friday night, I want the two guys who insulted Amber in my dorm before your kegger starts.” Ted returned to the living room. “Gather up the letters. You two are coming with me to my dorm room.”

“Are you going to turn me into a doll?” Amber said.

“You know you want me to.”

Paris laughed.

In his dorm, Ted put the six reunited heads in the bathroom along with a crate of clothes and closed the door behind him. “So what am I to do with your two?”

* * *

Nearly an hour later, Aimee exited the bathroom. Gillian waiting to pounce on her. They kissed for a long moment. “How many times do I have to tell you folks to get a room?

“Sorry, Ted.”

“I'm joking. But I have a favor to ask of you.”

* * *

Mitch opened the recently knocked upon door. Two women he had seen a few times on campus were there holding a canvas bag.

“Ted said you can keep this until Sunday night.”

“Sunday? But it's Wednesday now.”

“It sure is and he said its on the house.”

“Okay, thanks.”

After he closed the door and they had walked a bit away, Aimee said, “Did he look a little disappointed receiving a free sex doll?”

“He did. I hope Doug gets the full treatment.”

* * *

People cleared from his way as he moved through the frat house. Ted went to one of the basement gaming rooms and carefully placed twelve doll heads on the table. He arranged them in two triangles for a game of beer pong.

Sean entered the room and said, “Is that Paris and Amber?”

“Yes. Bring them back tomorrow and don't fuck it up this time.”


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