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“Ooof… Steve, calm down. Jack won’t notice. You’ll be okay. Take an Uber home, and you call the doctor from there,” Steve said as he looked at his reflection in the mirror one last time before opening the door and waddling out of Jack’s bathroom.

When Steve walked into the living room, he saw Jack’s worried and scared face looking back at him. Steve kindly smiled at Jack, but it was clear Jack knew Steve was faking. Steve had his right hand on the small of his back as he absently rubbed the side of his enormous belly, resulting in his belly sticking out farther in front of him, accentuating his ‘pregnant look’, and evidencing something was wrong.

“Jack, it was so good to see you, but I think I gotta go. I just remembered I have… hmm… this… meeting in a few minutes. I promise I’ll visit in a few days,” Steve said, but he couldn’t help but let out soft moans and groans between the words.

“What? No. Man, I know something’s wrong, and I’ve been trying to ignore it, but look at you,” Jack replied, approaching Steve, who stepped backward to prevent Jack from seeing the constant shaking in his belly. “You came here looking like... well, like you have been eating nonstop for years, and now you’re sweating, you’re panting and... you’re rubbing your belly while holding your back. If I didn’t know you’re a man, I’d say you’re enormously pregnant,” Jack added, chuckling and making Steve blush.

Before Steve could reply, some of the babies kicked him so hard that he groaned out loud and clutched his belly. The pain was so hard that, for a few seconds, Steve forgot he was in Jack’s apartment. Steve gritted his teeth in pain as a contraction started building up in his lower belly right after the babies had kicked him. The contraction was so painful that it left Steve heavily panting when it passed.

While Steve moaned and groaned, a very shocked Jack started panicking. “Steve… What’s wrong? Should I call an ambulance? Are you having a heart attack or something? Just hold on,” Jack said, running to get his phone to call 911.

“No, no. I’m fine,” Steve replied when the contraction finally ended, finally able to catch his breath. “Don’t call 911. I’m fine. I just need to relax, so I just need to go home.” Steve added, still panting.

“You’re definitely not fine. Man, I think you’re having a heart attack,” Jack said, still with his phone in hand. “You sure you don’t prefer going to the hospital instead of going home? Or... wait, didn’t you have a meeting later?”

Steve couldn’t respond because he didn’t know what else to say. He was aware that his secret was about to be discovered by Jack, but he still wanted to try to escape Jack’s apartment. However, as Steve pondered his options, he felt another contraction building up close to his groin and quickly spreading all over his belly. The sensation was different this time because an astonishing increase in the pressure on his pecs accompanied the painful contraction. Just a second later, Steve felt a relieving sensation on his pecs that he knew very well.

Without saying a word and trying his best to hide the pain of the contraction building up in his belly, he moved his hands to his pecs to discreetly press his palms against them in a fruitless attempt to contain the growing pressure within. Jack, ever observant, couldn’t help but notice the not-so-subtle gesture, getting even more concerned about his friend’s wellness. Steve noticed Jack’s stare and mustered a strained smile, soon interrupted by loud groans and moans as another contraction took over Steve’s huge belly.

Steve felt his knees weakening, but he kept his hands on his pecs, knowing that something ‘bad’ was about to happen. Steve could only groan as the contraction peaked, but additionally, he felt the milk pouring out of his nipples like geysers exploding. The milk, no longer held at bay, poured out freely as the pads covering his nipples got wet. The intense sensation made Steve stumble, making Jack run to his side to help the secretly-laboring man.

Steve felt Jack making his best effort to keep Steve on his feet, somehow managing to lead the big guy to the couch. As Steve collapsed on the couch, he felt the contraction passing, but his pecs were out of control. His hands stayed tightly pressed against his chest in an instinctive attempt to stem the tide of milk, but it was too late. The dampness spread across Steve’s shirt, even getting Jack’s shirt a bit wet when he helped Steve get on the couch.

“Dude, something is clearly wrong. I’m definitely calling 911,” Jack said when he noticed Steve’s wet shirt. “Are you melting or something?” Jack added when he noticed his own shirt was damp.

“No… uugghh… It’s just sweat. I told you I just needed to relax,” Steve said, sinking in denial of what was happening. His contractions were getting dangerously closer to each other, and his pecs poured milk out like geysers, but he still tried to act like nothing was happening.

“Sweat? Steve… You got my shirt wet, and... look, even the couch is wet,” Jack said, sounding scared. “You’re not telling me everything, and I can’t help you if you don’t tell me. I mean, look at your belly; it’s shaking.”

“Just indigestion. I just need to go… uugghh… home!” Steve said, but another contraction hit him, making the babies kick up a storm, and his belly shook violently right before Jack’s wide-open eyes.

“If that’s indigestion, I’m the king of Mars. You better tell me what’s happening, or I’m definitely calling 911,” Jack said while Steve gritted his teeth very hard and clutched his belly.

Steve was barely able to register what Jack was saying because the contraction was way more painful than the previous ones. The babies, sensing it was almost time for them to come out, started moving even more, a chaotic dance within Steve’s belly as they moved into the proper position for the delivery. Simultaneously, a deep ache settled in Steve’s lower back, a painful indication that he was getting into active labor and that the birth of the quintuplets was inevitable.

As the contraction peaked and Steve felt immense pressure on his hips, way worse than the one he previously experienced on his pecs, he moved his hands to rub big circles on the sides of his contracting belly. Without his hands applying some pressure over his nipples, the milk poured out without restraint, going down Steve’s body like rivers, coating his clothes and the couch, and finally falling on the ground to form puddles of white liquid around Steve’s feet.

When the peak of the contraction ended, Steve was able to breathe again, but the pain and the pressure didn’t go away, making him realize that he had no chance to make it back to his apartment before the delivery of his babies. While gasping for air, he looked into Jack’s eyes and noticed his friend was worried. Jack was right next to Steve, trying to understand what was happening or at least be sure that Steve wasn’t dying.

“Okay, Jack, I think you need to know the truth... uugghh… ohh, please, stop moving so much,” Steve said and groaned, rubbing his big laboring belly frantically. “I’ll need your help. I’m not okay, but I don’t want you to call an ambulance. I can’t go to the hospital. I-I really need you to keep a secret.” Steve added right before another contraction hit him.

“Sure. I can help, but... I really need to know what’s happening,” Jack said, getting closer to Steve on the couch and pressing and placing his hand on Steve’s shoulder to show him some support. “I mean, you ruined my couch, so I think you owe me an explanation anyway,” Jack added, making Steve chuckle.

“I promise I’ll get you a new one, but... uugghh... now... I-I need your help,” Steve managed to say between groans and moans of discomfort. “Jack, I’m pregnant. I can’t tell you how because… hmm… the doctor just said it’s a… uuh… it’s a medical miracle. Ohh fuck… I’m having quintuplets and... and... I’m in labor... aagh,” Steve managed to say, and another contraction hit him, making tears pour down his cheeks.

Jack’s eyes widened in shock, disbelief, and concern. ”What?!” Jack exclaimed while Steve groaned in pain. Jack didn’t know what to say or what to do as the weight of the revelation settled into his confused mind.

“About nine months ago, at a party, I met a random guy, and... things got out of hand. I barely knew him,” Steve began, still panting and gasping for air between contractions. “We didn’t use protection. I didn’t think it was necessary, and here I am. I’ll explain more later, but now I need you to help me get these babies out of... out of me!” Steve said and started screaming in pain, absentmindedly pulling up the hem of his T-shirt to reveal his enormous, tight-looking belly, where his babies moved so much that large bumps were clearly seen all over his skin.

Jack was in shock, looking at Steve’s bare belly. A tiny part of Jack thought Steve had gone crazy and that it was all part of his imagination. He knew Steve was a man because they had seen each other dicks in gym lockers, but a man couldn’t get pregnant, or at least it should be impossible. Even though it was hard to believe, Jack couldn’t deny Steve looked pregnant—super pregnant, to be honest. Jack looked at Steve’s massive pecs, and that also made sense somehow. The white liquid was milk, but the amount of milk coming out of Steve’s pecs was simply ridiculous.

“But why are you so big? I mean, even if you’re pregnant and even if you’re having quintuplets, man, look at you,” Jack said, slowly reaching for Steve’s enormous belly. “And… your pecs… or boobs? Tits? I don’t even know what to call them.”

“Pecs is fine. And I don’t know why I’m so big. I’m just a fertile, lucky guy,” Steve said, chuckling between groans. He had to take breaks to let the painful contractions pass, but he was getting worried about how often they were coming. “The babies are huge, and my pecs constantly overflow with milk. I… just need your help to deliver them, Jack.” Steve, vulnerable and exposed, looked at his friend with pleading eyes.

Jack’s expression was a blend of surprise and concern, taking a moment to absorb the unbelievable situation Steve was describing. Jack finally got the courage to place his hand on Steve’s belly, feeling the babies move and kick, finally convincing him that Steve was telling the truth. Jack was still confused, but he knew Steve needed help. He pondered his options for a while and realized he had to help his friend. Due to the impending arrival of the babies, Jack’s mind was running miles a second while Steve continued groaning as contractions were one on top of the other, and the pressure in his pelvis was unbearable.

“Okay, Steve, we’ll get through this together. I know nothing about delivering babies, but I’ve seen TV shows, and I guess it can’t be that difficult, right? They just... come out on their own, right?” Jack said, gently caressing Steve’s belly.

Steve chuckled and clutched his belly in pain. “Uugghh… I don’t think it’s that easy, but... I think I can do it,” Steve said, trying to adjust his body into a more comfortable position on the couch.

“Let me help you. I think we need to take you to a more comfortable position, and I think we need to remove these clothes,” Jack said, reaching for Steve’s T-shirt rolled up to right below his enormous pecs.

With his chest still in overdrive and making a mess in Jack’s living room, Steve felt some embarrassment as Jack pulled his T-shirt up and revealed his massive barely-contained pecs in the ’sports bra.’ Even though it was awkward, the urgency in the situation eclipsed any sense of self-consciousness in Steve’s mind, allowing Jack to remove the damped T-shirt. Jack couldn’t hide his surprise when he saw Steve’s pecs looking like they would burst out of the ‘sports bra,’ but he tried to act as cool as possible not to embarrass Steve even more.

Jack reached for the ‘sports bra’ to remove it, but a hesitant Steve tried to stop him. However, after a few seconds of tension, Steve allowed Jack to pull the hem of the ‘sports bra,’ finally revealing his engorged nipples and letting his rounded pecs expand to their true size. Without the restraints of the ‘sports bra,’ Steve’s pecs didn’t only marvel at Jack because of their size and shape but also because the nipples shot milk out like geysers while they throbbed in sync with the contractions. It was a true sight to behold.

“Now, I’ll take you to my room. You better get me a new mattress after this, but I think that’s our best option,” Jack said, making Steve chuckle as they got in position to get Steve off the couch.

“I’ll buy you a new apartment if you want, but just... take these kids out of me,” Steve said, attempting to rise, but the heaviness of his pregnant form made the simple act of standing an impossible task.

The weight of Steve’s body felt like an anchor, tethering him to the couch. The movements within his belly made it all worse, but a very concerned Jack took charge when he noticed Steve’s struggle. Jack was a strong guy after many years of devoted fitness life, but even with his well-developed physique, he groaned and grunted while trying to pull Steve up from the couch. Everything was complicated, but somehow, Jack managed to get Steve on his feet, leaving both of them panting in exhaustion.

“I don’t want to be mean, but you’re like a beached whale; you knew that?” Jack said, aiding Steve to stay on his feet while more contractions came. “Whales are mammals, so I think that’s accurate,” Jack added, and Steve chuckled.

As awkward as Jack’s comparison sounded, Steve knew he wasn’t far from what Jack was referring to, so he couldn’t say anything about it. The journey to Jack’s bedroom became a slow, deliberate dance. Steve’s face contorted with the effort, feeling incredibly grateful for Jack’s support. With each step, the signs of impending delivery became more evident. Steve’s breaths were short, and the babies within him seemed to sense the urgency of the situation, rolling into position and forcing Steve to spread his legs to get more comfortable.

By the time they walked into Jack’s room, Steve could barely take any steps because the first baby was entering his birth canal. Steve’s hips ached more than ever before, and the focus of his pain was quickly moving from his contracting belly to his hips and back.

“Jack, the baby… is coming out. I’ve seen videos; I think he’s in my birth canal now,” Steve managed to say as they approached Jack’s bed very slowly.

“You’re what? Wait… How are these babies coming out?” Jack asked but immediately looked at Steve’s ass and opened his eyes in shock. “Well, that was to be expected, I guess; at least they’re not coming out of your dick,” Jack added.

“I need you to take my pants off. I can’t do it myself,” Steve asked when they were right next to Jack’s bed.

“Oh, sure. I-I can do that. Give me a second,” Jack replied and leaned to take off Steve’s sweatpants and jockstrap, revealing the pregnant guy’s massive ass, leaving Jack in shock for a few seconds. “Wow… that’s an ass. Dude… I noticed it was huge earlier, but... damn, so... nice,” Jack added, absentmindedly grabbing Steve’s ass cheek, making him groan.

Once Steve was fully naked, Jack helped him into the bed, and as his body sank onto the mattress, a long sigh of relief escaped his lips. Steve’s body was still going wild. His pecs were still shooting milk like geysers and had left a trail of milk from Jack’s living room to the bedroom. His belly was still shaking violently because of the contractions, and the babies were rolling and kicking up a storm inside. His hips were sore, and his hole hurt him a lot as the baby moved lower into the birth canal. And, on top of it all, Steve’s big dick was painfully hard. Everything was overwhelming, but he knew it was all part of the process.

Steve slowly moved his heavy body into a proper position for the birth, and without even trying, he felt his hole squirming and worked to move the baby closer to the entrance of his hole. He only groaned and softly pushed, trying to find the moment and the right way to do it.

“Wait, I’m not an expert, but... Your water has to break before you start pushing, right? And shouldn’t you get checked to see if you’ve dilated enough? I’ve seen that on TV shows,” Jack added, looking very attentive between Steve’s legs.

“My water broke at your door when I arrived. I’m sorry,” Steve said while he felt like his body was tearing in half because of the huge baby slowly coming out of his hole. “And… I just feel ready to push. These babies are coming out now!”

“What? And what should I do? Let me... watch some videos on Youtube,” Jack said, panicking, but was interrupted by Steve’s loud groaning as the entrance of his hole opened, and Jack could see a bunch of hair deep into his friend’s hole. “Fuck! What’s that?”

“Just look for clean towels and scissors and boil some water. I… uugghh… I think this baby is in a rush to come out,” Steve shouted, rubbing his swollen belly and feeling the contours of life within. All along, his pecs continued shooting milk like never before, and even then, they felt fuller and plumper than ever. He had been feeling ready to burst for a few weeks, and now he was truly bursting right in front of a shocked Jack.



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