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Bryce found himself standing in the middle of his living room, hearing a loud, bumping sound echoing through the room. Looking around in confusion, he realized the sound was coming from Mason’s room. Staying immobile for a few seconds, Bryce felt a strange sensation on his pecs, making him look down to see what it was. He was gladly surprised when he noticed his pecs were bulging so magnificently that they looked taken out of the gallery of a bodybuilding competition.

With his right hand, Bryce started massaging his thick pec, groaning softly due to how great his own touch felt. However, as delightful as the massage was, he wanted to find the source of the sound coming from Mason’s room. Bryce took a careful step and became surprised as his legs felt heavier than ever before. He had no idea what was happening, but he couldn’t help but smile as he realized that the sensation was due to his muscles adding weight to his entire body.

With each step Bryce took, he could feel his body growing heavier, and the ground beneath him shook a bit more every time. With every movement, his mind became more aware that his muscles were starting to fight for space. He felt his massive thighs rubbing against each other, his lats were pushing his arms higher, his biceps made it difficult for him to bend his arms, and there was something big and heavy hanging from his groin. Bryce felt great, but deep inside, he couldn’t stop wondering what was happening. He couldn’t be that big all of a sudden, but he couldn’t deny that he loved the feeling.

As he moved closer to Mason’s bedroom door, he heard loud noises coming from behind the door. The sound was a combination of a loud bumping sound, and at the same time, it sounded like someone was dragging something heavy across the room. These sounds prompted Bryce to walk faster to find out what Mason was doing.

Before Bryce could reach Mason’s door, a louder sound echoed through the apartment, and the wall in front of him shook violently. Bryce stopped just a few feet from Mason’s door, and a second explosion-like sound came from Mason’s room. This time, the wall didn’t only shake, but deep cracks started forming all over the surface. Then, a third explosion made the entire apartment shake.

As Bryce froze in fear, the wall before him shook again, sending the door away and revealing something that Bryce couldn’t identify behind. The wall kept shaking, but Bryce couldn’t stop looking at the skin-colored wall behind Mason’s door. As Bryce tried to understand what was happening, a loud, thundering sound made the apartment shake, accentuating the cracks in the walls even more and making Bryce fall to the ground.


As Bryce woke up, he panted heavily and felt his dick throbbing under the sheets. Still half asleep, Bryce removed the sheets and looked down at his body, sighing in relief because he looked just like the previous morning. That meant his math had been correct, and his body had stayed at 142 pounds. He pulled down the waistband of his pajama pants to check on his regular-sized, 6.25-inch-long dick. However, pulling lower, he noticed his balls had shrunk a lot.

“Damn it! What? Oh, crap, right, Mr. Jasperson’s balls,” Bryce said as he rubbed his tiny balls. “Fuck! I need to fix this.”

Bryce quickly jumped out of bed and went to his bathroom to take a shower. His mind was running miles a second because he tried to come up with a plan to change others while also growing his own body. Since Bryce worked with numbers every day, it was somewhat easy to estimate the results of what he wanted to do. All along, in the back of his mind, he could hear a soft voice telling him that his power was supposed to bring balance to the world and not use it for personal desires. However, Bryce decided to ignore the voice and make a plan to fulfill his own dreams.

A few minutes later, once he was ready, Bryce stepped out of his room and tried to have a peaceful breakfast, but he couldn’t stop thinking about Mason. Even though he had been mad at Mason for several months, the more he used the big guy as a guinea pig, the more Bryce enjoyed having him around and the more excited he became to see how Mason’s new body looked.

“What in the fucking hell!?!?” Mason shouted in his room, and Bryce could hear him very clearly, since his voice filled the entire apartment. It was evident that the big guy was scared.

For about a minute, everything went silent, so a very excited Bryce walked to Mason’s door. As he approached the door, he recalled his dream, and a sense of fear invaded his mind for a few seconds. When he heard a loud bumping sound coming from Mason’s room, Bryce feared that the walls would crack and the door would burst like in his dream.

Bryce stopped a few feet from Mason’s door and hesitated for a few seconds. He couldn’t stop thinking about his dream, and when the door opened all of a sudden, Bryce jumped in fear. However, this feeling was quickly replaced by amazement and excitement as Mason came out of his room, and Bryce could finally see the results of his mischievous game.

“Bryce! I need help! Now you can’t deny there’s something wrong,” Mason said, looking terrified as he looked down at his huge body, barely contained in his superhero-themed pajamas. “Look at me! I don’t even know how to describe this.”

Mason’s pajamas were straining on the seams as his body had grown to weigh 350 pounds of pure muscle mass. Mason was worried but so amazed at the same time that he ran his hands over his chest, feeling the unfamiliar thickness beneath his fingertips. Bryce carefully watched his roommate explore his broad chest, and he couldn’t help but feel aroused at the sight.

Then, Mason’s gaze dropped down to his arms, and a gasp escaped his lips as he marveled at the sheer size and definition, clearly evident even under the fabric of his long-sleeve pajamas. With every movement, he felt the new weight of his arms, and as he flexed his biceps, Mason’s eyes widened at their new size. This movement caused the fabric around his shoulders and upper arms to give way with a series of sharp rips, unable to contain Mason’s enormous arms anymore. The once snug sleeves just hung in tatters.

As Mason was in shock, a deliberate flex caused the strained fabric across his pecs to split apart along the center of his chest. The sound of tearing material echoed in the room as Mason’s massive pecs emerged, perfectly sculpted and powerful. As more tears formed all over his upper body, Mason’s nipples peeked through the gaps, and Bryce couldn’t help but feel strangely attracted to them.

Mason’s thick traps, cannonball-sized deltoids, massive biceps, thick forearms, his broad chest and thick lats, everything was on display. Bryce couldn’t take his eyes away from his huge 350-pound muscle beast of a roommate, and there was more to discover. As he looked lower, Bryce noticed Mason’s legs stretching his pajama pants to the limit, and the huge bulge caused by the big guy’s soft dick made his mouth water. When he saw the huge, soft dick chubbing up and causing more ripping sounds to echo through the room, Bryce could barely contain his excitement.

“Dude, you look great. I mean, you just need to buy new clothes. I told you last night: it’s time to upgrade sizes,” Bryce said, trying to act cool about the scene and approaching to take the remaining shreds from Mason’s upper body. “You should know that regular clothing can’t cover a 350-pound-body.”

“350 pounds? What are you talking about? I weighed 190 pounds just two days ago!” Mason shouted, and he felt his dick throbbing as it started to get hard, causing more tears to appear in his pants due to his thick thighs, hardening dick, and enormous muscle ass. “Bryce, you can’t just not notice I’m way too big.”

“You should’ve thought about that before signing up for the gym and working so hard to achieve this. But it’s fine; you look good and hot,” Bryce said, as he heard loud ripping sounds coming from Mason’s lower body, meaning that the pants had finally given way too, leaving Mason almost naked as his dick rose in full glory.

Looking down, Bryce saw Mason’s dick growing and hardening until it was 25.5 inches long. Mason’s jaw dropped to the ground when he noticed how big he had grown, but at the same time, it was evident he was excited. With a devilish grin on his face, Bryce took off the remaining parts of Mason’s pants from his body, leaving the big guy fully naked and in a clear state of shock.

“Now, that’s what I call a super hot big guy,“ Bryce said, and he walked around Mason to give the huge muscle ass a hard slap. “Now, you better get dressed and get ready for work. See you later,” Bryce added as he picked up his backpack, leaving Mason  confused.

“What? Wait! What—what was that? You…” Mason said, evidently confused by Bryce’s actions. It was all part of Bryce’s mean way of playing with Mason’s mind, but it was clear there was some real excitement in both of them about Mason’s strong muscle body. “Wait… I don’t have clothes to wear, and what do I do with this?” Mason added, looking at his massive dick.

“I don’t know... jerk off, I guess,” Bryce said, winking at Mason to tease him even more. “By the way, I think you should get some bigger balls to match that dick. They’re pretty average and should be at least baseball-sized, or.. bigger. What about grapefruit-sized? That’s like six inches in diameter? That should work.” Bryce added, and Mason turned pale.

The world stopped as always, and Bryce smiled as he saw Mason’s stats, which he knew would be altered by his recent words. Just a second later, the world restarted, and Mason was still speechless at his new size and the possibility of getting bigger balls along with the massive dick.

Bryce looked at his roommate, who was clearly in shock and approached to give him a quick kiss on the right cheek, leaving both of them confused. As Bryce walked away, he wondered why he had kissed Mason’s cheek. He tried to forget about Mason’s body, but he just couldn’t. Mason’s impressive body remained stuck in his mind, and the kiss felt strangely good.

As Bryce walked down the street, on autopilot since his mind was still busy thinking about Mason’s body, he stumbled upon something big and hard, and he heard something falling to the ground. As Bryce came out of his trance and looked up to see what it was, he saw the angry face of a huge guy looking down at him. Bryce looked down to the floor and saw a cup and a white, creamy liquid spilled all over the guy’s feet.

The big muscle man turned around to face Bryce, making the shorter guy tremble in terror as he noticed the man was almost as tall as Mason and had huge muscles, though not as huge as Mason’s new body.

“Look what you did, you tiny little piece of...” the big guy said, attempting to punch Bryce’s face but failing. “I’ll teach you to be more careful when a real man is around.”

“No, no… I’m sorry, I-I,” Bryce stepped backward, trying to find a way to escape. “I think you’ll lose 100 pounds of muscle if you punch me,” Bryce added without even registering his own words, and the world stopped immediately.

Bryce sighed in relief as he saw the big guy’s fist had stopped just a few inches from his face. Bryce moved away, looked at the impressive physique of his attacker, and realized it was the perfect opportunity to teach that guy a lesson. He knew that meant his own body would shrink, but he just wanted revenge.

Looking at the guy’s stats, Bryce saw he was 6’3” and weighed 260 pounds, mostly muscle mass. Apart from the 100 pounds he had already taken, with a devilish smile on his face, Bryce decided to make his attacker shorter by taking a whole foot from his height. Bryce also took 4 inches from the guy’s 6 inches long hard dick and reduced his balls to 1 inch in diameter. Blind by his power and his need for revenge, for a brief moment, Bryce completely forgot about the consequences that his actions would have on his own body.

Getting everything done, Bryce moved away from the big guy’s sight, and the world restarted, leaving everybody pretty confused since Bryce had just disappeared from their views. Bryce only continued his walk to his workplace and let his mind go all crazy with power.

As soon as Bryce arrived at the office, he noticed his coworkers were very different. Since Gary wore very snug clothes, the 20 additional pounds that Bryce had added the day before made his muscles bulge in all the right places. At 5’11” tall and weighing 170 pounds, those additional pounds made a great difference in the size and shape of his body. Even in the way he walked around the office, it was clear Gary was more confident. The only problem was that his clothes were barely holding on. The top buttons of his shirt were struggling to stay together due to his bulging pecs.

Wilson’s clothes looked smaller on his body, and he was more confident too. At 5’8” and weighing 154 pounds, he was about 12 pounds heavier than Bryce, and for the first time, they didn’t look like a pair of sticks greeting each other.

Finally, when Bryce saw Paxton, his eyes shut open in surprise. He looked amazing. At his 6’3” height and weighing 210 pounds, Paxton reminded Bryce of Chris Hemsworth’s physique, and it was clear the big guy was enjoying his new body. The way he moved and the way he talked shouted out confidence.

Bryce waited for any of them to say something about their new sizes, but they seemed to be still shy about it. It was evident they had noticed the changes in their own bodies, but since they weren’t aware of the changes in others’ bodies, they preferred to pretend that nothing had happened.

Once Bryce had been delighted enough while looking at his coworkers, he asked about their new boss and was gladly surprised when Paxton informed him that Mr. Jasperson had called in sick because of some allergic reaction. Bryce laughed because he knew the real reason why Mr. Jasperson wasn’t there. The only sad part about his absence was that Bryce couldn’t shrink him even more.

“So, what do we do without the boss here?” asked Gary, who flexed his biceps on purpose to show off.

“Our regular work, I guess. Mr. Jasperson is not here, but we still have things to do,” a very responsible Paxton replied.

“I’d say we just relax and have some fun,” Wilson said, sitting on his chair, placing his hands behind his head, and, for the first time, his friends could see some definition on his biceps.

“Oh, believe me, we’ll have lots of fun,” Bryce said as he thought about his friends growing, and the world stopped. “We’re getting into the big leagues this time. I need to regain the size I took from the guy on the street. Fuck, I think I overdid it with him, but you guys are going to help me,” Bryce added, aware that he needed to give a lot of size to retain some of his size.

As good as Bryce was with numbers, he couldn’t estimate how much he needed to give to retain his current size or get even bigger, so he decided to get everybody huge and get huge himself. Bryce started by adding 4 inches to Wilson’s height and 96 pounds of muscle to make him look pretty big all over. Also, Bryce gave him six extra inches and doubled the size of his balls. It all sounded like a lot, but Bryce knew he needed to go big with his friends to get big himself.

Then, Bryce focused on Gary. His clothes seemed to be about to burst everywhere, but what really caught Bryce’s attention were his friend’s pecs. Bryce started by adding 100 pounds of muscles, with 10 pounds specifically added to his pecs, to see Gary’s chest blow up. Then, he gave Gary three inches of height and six inches of dick. It also sounded like a lot, but he was sure Gary would enjoy it.

Bryce’s mind was so focused on getting his friends super big to grow his own body that he wasn’t even thinking about the consequences this sudden growth would have for them. So, when it was time to grow the already big Paxton, Bryce could only think of how amazing Mason looked and how good Paxton would look at that size. Bryce gave Paxton 140 pounds of muscle while keeping his height, and he also gave him six inches of dick and doubled the size of his balls.

After this quick round of growth, the world restarted, and they all continued talking about random topics. None of them mentioned their new muscles, so Bryce acted like nothing was happening. He was already excited to see the changes on his friends’ bodies, but he knew he had to wait. Also, while he looked at Paxton, Bryce couldn’t stop thinking about Mason, and a part of him just wanted to grow him even more. His mind was consumed with desire and lust for his huge roommate.

Hours later, on his way home, Bryce made some quick stops to grow four guys he crossed paths with. They were pretty skinny, and Bryce had seen them around before. They all seemed to be nice guys, so he decided to give each one of them 100 pounds of muscle and a massive bubble butt to one of them who already had a great ass. Bryce just needed to make sure he would grow as big as possible, so giving those guys some size sounded like a good idea.

Then, as he arrived at the apartment, he couldn’t hide his excitement about seeing Mason’s body again. The place was quiet, and Bryce thought Mason was still at work. He started cooking a quick dinner for himself and noticed they were running out of food. As Bryce cooked, he constantly looked at the door, waiting for the moment Mason would walk in all his magnificent glory. However, he heard a noise coming from Mason’s room instead, making Bryce realize that his roommate had already arrived.

“Mason, are you here? I thought you were late or something,” Bryce said, slowly opening Mason’s room with a plate in hand as an excuse to see his roommate. “I cooked you something. I-I…” Bryce became speechless as he saw a fully naked Mason in bed, half asleep, with his hands on his dick and a thick layer of cum all over his pecs and abs.

“Bryce, please help me. I-I can’t make this hard on go away,” Mason said, almost whispering. “I’ve managed to cum because my dick is so sensitive, but it’s so hard. Please, help me,” Mason said, almost begging.

“What are you talking about? I’m not jerking you off. Well, maybe I could... no, no, no,” Bryce said but sat next to his huge friend. “Just relax; it has to go soft at some point.”

“It does, but then it just gets hard again in a few minutes. It’s been hours, and I lost track of how many times I’ve cum during the day,” Mason said as he pulled Bryce in a hug, like trying to feel better by hugging him. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I think I’m radioactive like The Hulk. I’m… fuck… I’m so horny and so big, and yet... I want to get bigger because I know you like it. I’m losing my mind,” Mason added, sobbing and hugging Bryce tighter.

“What? Well, you could always get bigger if that’s what you want. I surely enjoy the view,” Bryce said, not paying attention to Mason’s fear but only listening to his desire to get even bigger. As the world stopped, Bryce looked at his roommate and pondered for a few seconds about his next course of action. Initially, he wanted to teach Mason a lesson, but since he felt those huge muscles so tightly pressed against him, he wanted to make Mason as big as possible to enjoy the view.

Bryce looked at Mason’s stats and hesitated for a few seconds. It was clear Mason hadn’t gone to work since he was jerking off all day, which was a problem. However, Mason said he wanted to get even bigger. Bryce gave the subject some thought and finally decided to be a good friend and do what Mason truly wanted. Bryce’s desire for revenge had already been fulfilled, and now he just wanted to grow his guinea pig to unprecedented proportions.

“Okay, Mason, let’s give you what you really want,” Bryce said as he read his roommate’s stats and started giving him size everywhere.



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