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The airport was bustling, as usual for the day before Christmas Eve. Christmas decorations adorned every corner, giving the place a festive spirit. The sound of jingle bells echoed through the terminal, though the voices of many travelers surpassed the music. Among the crowd of cheerful faces, 18-year-old Michael “Mike” Casey sat alone, looking really nervous, his gaze fixed upon the digital departure board. Despite being happy about going home for Christmas, Mike’s mind was consumed by a secret that had grown as much as his expanding belly.

As he anxiously awaited his flight, he couldn’t resist giving his belly some gentle rubs. Even in his oversized hoodie, Mike knew his belly was pretty obvious, and the fact he was rubbing it made him look strange, causing some people to glare at him in confusion. Even though a part of him was scared about anyone finding out his secret, he knew nobody suspected the true nature of his belly growing so big and round so fast. Nobody would’ve even thought he, a guy, was pregnant.

Mike had just started college back in September. His parents dropped him off at campus on September 3rd, leaving him on his own for the first time in his life. They had always given Mike as much freedom as possible, but he had always been a nice kid who never got into any trouble. He wasn’t a killjoy either, but he had never been one of those reckless, drunk jocks that ended up in huge trouble before turning 18.

As good-looking as he was, with his bright blue eyes, dark hair, 6’0” of height, and fit body due to his dedication to his high school soccer team, Mike never had any interest in having many sexual encounters like some of his friends. Even though he had many girls behind him trying to get him on their beds, Mike had always focused on school and sports. He still had lots of fun, but not “reckless fun,” as he used to say.

As he waited for his flight, Mike recalled how his life had changed in his first week in college. He had been excited about getting the whole “college experience," so when a random guy invited him, he couldn’t say no. He had never been fond of drinking alcohol, but he didn’t need any to get “drunk” when he saw an incredibly handsome senior approaching him at the party. The world disappeared, and all Mike could see was the tall, muscular man smiling at him.

The big guy had introduced himself as Jake. He was a wrestler, and his body was proof that he was a very dedicated wrestler. Even under his shirt, Jake’s muscles looked amazing, and as if he knew what Mike was thinking, he bounced his meaty pecs, causing Mike to gasp in surprise. Then Jake flexed his big biceps, and Mike gasped again when he heard the sleeves tearing, unable to contain the muscular arm. Mike could barely think clearly in his horny state of mind, and before he knew it, he was in a random room making out with Jake.

Jake was about 4 inches taller than Mike, and as both of them undressed, Mike was amazed by Jake’s physique. Every muscle was well-sculpted and bulging in the most appealing way. For Jake, Mike was also really hot. After playing soccer for so many years, Mike had achieved a lean, muscular body and the most amazing bubble butt Jake had ever seen.

Mike didn’t know what he was doing, so he let Jake lead the way, aware that the older guy wanted to fuck him. As Jake kissed Mike very passionately, both of them got in bed and felt each other's cocks sandwiched in the middle. Mike looked down at his crotch as he felt his thick, 8-inch-long cock rubbing against Jake’s bigger one. Jake’s cock was at least 2 inches longer, but Mike’s looked thicker. Both of them felt amazing.

Just a few minutes later, Jake’s cock was rearranging Mike’s guts with each powerful thrust. Mike could barely think as his tight hole stretched to accommodate the big intruder. Even though Jake had started fucking Mike very passionately, with the younger guy’s legs in the air, he was allowed to pound as hard as he wanted and as fast as he wanted.

Both of them were aroused, and even before Jake reached the climax, Mike’s dick started shooting a massive load all over his own abs without even being touched. An instant later, Jake’s thrusts became erratic and even more powerful, sending Mike into a blissful, semi-unconscious state as Jake’s hot seed filled his guts to the brim.

Even months later, Mike could vividly remember how good he had felt and how he had longed for more, even after such an amazing experience. However, aware that he had been way too reckless, Mike had run out of the room while Jake was still catching his breath.

Since Mike knew nothing about Jake except for his name, as the weeks passed, a part of him was hopeful that they could cross paths on campus, but that never happened. Mike deeply regretted running away from a nice guy like Jake, but there was nothing he could do because he didn’t even know where to start looking.

Things had gotten even more complicated when Mike started feeling sick every morning a few weeks later. When November arrived, he had to schedule an appointment with a doctor because he was throwing up every morning, some smells made him nauseous, his belly was bloated, and he was weak, sore, and constantly feeling awful. He spent an entire week between tests, exams, and medications until the doctor finally found out what was happening.

“Michael, you’re pregnant. This is a rare condition, but some men are able to carry children. I know this is hard to process, but I can assure you that if your body was able to conceive, you won’t have any major problems carrying this pregnancy to term,” the doctor had said, while Mike had no idea what to do.

An ultrasound had revealed that he was about 8 weeks pregnant, and he had conceived quintuplets naturally. The doctor sounded excited about the news because it was somewhat of a medical miracle, but Mike’s world was turning upside down. He was just 18 years old; he had just started college, and on top of it all, he had no idea how to contact Jake to tell him about the babies. There was no way he could handle a quintuplet pregnancy without everyone finding out. There was no way he could raise five kids as a single dad. There was simply no way, but he knew he had to find a way.

The weeks passed, and Mike was just as scared as the day when he found out he was one of the few recorded pregnant men. After learning about the babies growing in his belly, his priorities changed from the regular freshmen’s worries to those of an impending single father of five. However, everything wasn’t bad. Just a few days before his flight, another ultrasound revealed he was having five boys. This had cheered Mike up a lot, but the joy was quickly replaced by anxiety as he knew he had to go home and tell his parents about the pregnancy.

Now, ready to go home, Mike kept looking around at the airport and chuckled when he realized he wasn’t going to need a long talk with his parents to bring up the topic. He was sure they were going to comment on the big belly. It wasn’t like he could hide his large abdomen, even with his oversized hoodie. He had imagined many scenarios of him arriving home and his parents ignoring the big belly, but he knew that was not going to happen.

Mike chuckled again at his own strange situation, and he couldn’t help but give his round belly more gentle rubs. Even though everything was pretty stressful, he couldn’t deny that he was already in love with the kids growing in his belly. Even though it was a secret, a part of him wanted to tell the entire world that he was pregnant and that he was happy about it. Even as a single dad, he was ready to do whatever it took to give his kids a perfect life.

Mike was lost in his own thoughts while he kept rubbing his belly, ignoring the people passing by him and giving him confused glares. For a brief moment, he only focused on the happiness of bringing children into the world, even at a young age. There was already a deep connection between the babies and their daddy, and as a smile spread across Mike’s face, he heard a familiar voice calling his name.

“Mike? Is that you?” Jake said as he stood in front of Mike with a big smile on his face.

“Oh, Jake, it’s so nice to see you again,” Mike said as he picked up his backpack and placed it in front of his abdomen to hide his belly.

“Same, dude. I’ve been thinking about you all this time. I mean, you ran away, and then you just disappeared,” Jake said, sitting next to Mike. “I guess you’re going home for Christmas? Lucky you. My parents decided to go on vacation to a sunnier place. I’m visiting a friend to not spend these days alone.”

“Oh. That’s… kind of sad,” Mike said, and Jake chuckled. “I’m going to my parents’. The flight is kind of late because of the weather, but I’m in no rush.”

“What? Why? Don’t you want them to see you’ve gained some weight in your freshman year? No need to worry; we’ve all been there,” Jake said and laughed, not noticing Mike blushing. “I also grew a belly in my freshman year but lost it in my sophomore year. There is no need to worry about that."

“Well, I—I think this is different, but thanks. I’m sure I’ll lose the belly by next year,” Mike said, as his heart started beating faster and his hands started sweating. It was clear the bag wasn’t doing a good job hiding his belly, and considering Jake had some rights over the contents of his belly, Mike decided to place the bag aside. “Actually, there’s something you need to know about that.”

“Wow… You grew more than a freshman-15 belly, but don’t worry; if you allow me, I’ll be glad to help you get back in shape. I… kind of wanted to meet you some more that night, but you ran away. So, maybe when we’re back from the holidays, you and I—I don’t know; maybe we could go out to a nice restaurant." Jake said, sounding nervous, and Mike found that pretty cute.

“That’s the thing; I think we’ll need to see each other more often. Well, depending on your answer,” Mike said as he placed his hands on the sides of his belly while looking at it. “I really don’t know how to explain this without sounding crazy, but... you deserve to know that... that night when we met, you... kind of—well, not kind of—you got me pregnant. I have this rare condition, and I wasn’t aware.

“Wow, wow, wow. I, what?” Jake said, fully confused.

“You got me pregnant, like, I’m having your children,” Mike added, and Jake looked like he was having a stroke.

"So... are you, you know, not male?” Jake said as he looked down at Mike’s crotch.

“I’m a man, just like you. I mean, you saw my dick,” Mike said and laughed as Jake blushed. “This is something extra. It’s complicated to explain, so google it, but the important part here is that you and I are having five baby boys together.”

“YOU SAID WHAT?” Jake shouted so loudly that the entire terminal turned around to look at them, causing him to talk more quietly. “You said five boys? Like… quintuplets? Are you freaking serious?”

“Yeah, the word quintuplets literally means five babies, and a few days ago I found out they’re all boys,” Mike said as he tried to figure out if it was excitement or fear in Jake’s voice. “Look, I don’t want to pressure you with this or anything, but I thought you deserved to know. I’ve been trying to find you to tell you, but you don’t have to take any responsibility for this. I’m having them, and this doesn’t have to alter your life.”

“What? What the hell are you talking about? These are my kids, too! You can’t tell me I’m having five boys and then just tell me to move away,” Jake said, clearly offended by Mike’s words. “Hell no, I’m raising these kids with you. You were right; we’ll be seeing each other very often. Dude, this is so great. The best Christmas gift ever. I’m going to be a dad.”

Mike was surprised by Jake’s excitement, and this made him feel a bit better about telling his parents about the babies. Having Jake in the picture was very different than having five kids as a single father. The more Jake asked about the pregnancy, the more excited he looked, and he even asked for Mike’s permission to give his belly some rubs. Mike was a bit hesitant at first but finally accepted because it was clear Jake was dying to feel the belly where their babies were growing.

A few minutes later, as the digital departure board announced that the passengers on Mike’s flight had to start boarding, Jake helped him to get on his feet and carried his bags to the gate. Jake was clearly sad because he wanted to stay by Mike’s side, so when a passenger suddenly canceled his booked seat, Jake didn’t hesitate to buy a ticket and board the same plane to spend Christmas with Mike’s family.

“Are you sure? What about your friend? You already had plans,” Mike said as Jake paid for the ticket.

“He’ll understand. What’s more important than my babies and their daddy?” Jake said, and Mike got so emotional that some tears poured down his cheeks. “Unless you think your parents will get mad?”

“Oh, dad won’t be happy about you getting his only son pregnant, but he’ll understand, eventually. My mom will love you,” Mike said as they started walking to the gate again, tickets in hand.

“I hope she will. It’s important to make a good first impression on the in-laws,” Jake said, winking at Mike, who blushed. “That reminds me; I haven’t asked for your last name.”

“Casey, Michael Casey,” Mike responded.

“No way. Are you serious?” Jake said, looking about to burst with happiness. “My last name is Casey. Jacob Casey. We won’t have trouble with our last names when we get… you know…”

Mike was surprised that Jake was thinking ahead of what was happening. He couldn’t deny Jake was perfect in every single way and that he would’ve loved to get married to such a sweet guy, but they barely knew each other. During the flight, they had enough time to talk, but even then, Mike was extremely nervous about everything. He wished for his parents to get excited about the pregnancy. He wished for his parents to support his decision to keep the quintuplets, and now he really wished for his parents to approve of his relationship, or the prospect of it, with Jake.

After the plane landed, Jake carried his and Mike’s belongings through the terminal. Mike only had to carry his own body and a small backpack. They didn’t know much about each other, but Jake was committed to protecting and helping Mike and the kids with everything.

“You’re doing enough work by carrying our children,” Jake said, and Mike only rubbed his belly with a broad smile on his face. Jake was the sweetest, and Mike was quickly falling deeply for him.

Mike had convinced his parents to wait for him at home instead of picking him up at the airport, so the taxi trip from the airport to his house felt like an eternity because he was really nervous. It was a mix of excitement and terror for Jake because he wanted to support Mike while also making a good impression on the parents. It was double pressure for him because he knew how important this was for Mike.

Both of them were visibly anxious during the taxi trip, but Jake held Mike's hand so firmly that some of his fears disappeared. Mike knew his parents weren't expecting him with a big belly full of kids and a boyfriend next to him after only a few months away from home, but he was hopeful that they wouldn't kick them back into the cold as soon as they arrived. The fact that it was all happening during Christmas made him feel a bit safer.

When they arrived at Mike's home, his parents came out of the house to hug him. It was a pretty awkward but sweet moment. Mike's mom came out first and hugged her son without even looking at the big belly he had. She kissed Mike's cheeks repeatedly and even said he was just skin and bones. Jake couldn't help but chuckle at this comment because Mike's belly was definitely not skin and bones.

“And who’s this handsome young man? Mikey, you didn’t tell me you were bringing a friend,” Mike’s mom said and smiled kindly at Jake.

“I’m Jake. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Casey. Now I get where Mike got those beautiful blue eyes of his,” Jake said, pulling Mike’s mom’s hand to kiss it.

“Oh, how lovely, but I’m married,” Ms. Casey said, laughing. “I’m kidding. It’s a pleasure to have you here. Please call me Carol.”

“Mom, you’ll scare him,” Mike said as he looked at Jake’s smiley face. “He’s… he’s… kind of my boyfriend.”

“Your what?” Mike’s dad walked out of the house and looked harshly at his son, waiting for an explanation.

“I-I… dad… He’s Jake, and I said,” Mike tried to explain, but he couldn’t find the words.

“I heard what you said, but I really want to know why you didn’t tell us about this guy before. We could’ve gotten a gift for Jake,” Mr. Casey said, and everybody was left speechless as he approached Mike and hugged him. “Boy, I suspected about this since that time when I found you rubbing your crotch while watching that Captain America movie.”

“Daaaad!” Mike said, and Jake burst out in laughter. “That was our secret.”

“Not anymore,” Jake said as Mr. Casey stood in front of him. “It’s so nice to meet you, Mr. Casey. I’m Jake, Jake Casey.”

“Oh, what a great last name you have. It’s nice to meet you too. You could call me George, but Mr. Casey is perfect,” Mr. Casey said, shaking Jake’s hand. “Now, let’s get inside before we all freeze out here. Son, your mom baked us an apple pie, but it seems like you’ve been eating a lot, so I’ll take it all.”

“Oh, George, he needs some food. He’s a growing boy,” Ms. Casey said as they walked in. “Mickey, you must be hungry. And Jake, I promise you’ll love the apple pie.”

“Actually, before we eat, or while we eat... I... We want to share something with you,” Mike said, looking up at Jake’s face, who nodded in agreement.

Mike’s parents sat at the dining table and carefully listened to their son’s words as he told them he was carrying not one or two, but five of Jake’s children. Jake was really supportive all along, holding Mike’s hands and assuring Mr. and Ms. Casey that he was more than willing to help Mike throughout the entire process. The conversation was long and even though a lot of concerns arose from Mike’s parents, they finally understood that even though it had been unplanned, having grandchildren was a blessing and not a curse.

Once everything had been said, and Mike’s parents expressed their happiness about becoming grandparents, his mom gave him an extra portion of apple pie because she wanted big and healthy grandkids. She started talking about her pregnancy with Mike and how he had weighed almost 12 pounds when he was born. This prompted Jake to make some sweet jokes about Mike giving birth to five twelve pounders, making Mike turn pale.

The house was soon filled with joy and festive spirit as Mike’s mom started making plans to buy baby stuff for her beloved coming grandchildren. While she cooked dinner, with Jake’s help, Ms. Casey couldn’t stop talking about the coming babies, and she even insisted that Mike had to stay home until the babies were born, with Jake agreeing with her. They said Mike needed a lot of bed rest and no stress, but Mike wanted to continue his life as normal as possible for as long as possible. Even then, he thought it was cute that his mom and Jake were so overprotective.

After long talks about their future, with Mike’s dad insisting that Jake had to marry Mike, the future fathers finally went to Mike’s bedroom to have some rest. Initially, Jake thought he was going to sleep in the guest room, but considering they already had children on the way, Mr. Casey thought it was too late to keep Mike and Jake in separate bedrooms. Mike blushed, realizing his parents were just like Jake, thinking ahead of what was happening. He was still a bit nervous, but he couldn’t deny that Jake filled all the requirements, and then some, to be a perfect father and boyfriend.

“Your parents are great. They remind me a bit of my own parents, but yours are funnier. I think I’ll fit perfectly in this family, and you’ll fit perfectly in mine,” Jake said when they were alone in Mike’s bedroom.

“I hope so. I wish your parents won’t think I’m a freak because I’m a pregnant man,” Mike said as he lay down on the bed, soon followed by Jake.

“At all. My mom is a doctor, so I bet she’ll ask you many questions, but for a good reason. My dad will focus on the financial requirements to raise five kids, but I’m sure he’ll love you. He’s as cool as your dad,” Jake said, getting closer to Mike to hug him tight and kiss his cheek. “There’s nothing to worry about. This is going to work. I mean, we have five powerful reasons to make it work.”

“I know. I think I was too nervous about this, and I didn’t have a reason to be nervous,” Mike said, getting comfortable in Jake’s arms. “I was afraid of your reaction, and you’ve been the best. I was terrified about my parents’ reaction, and they were only mad because I kept this a secret for the last few months. I’m sure we’ll be fine.

The embrace felt so nice that Mike lifted his hoodie to reveal his round belly. It still felt strange because he had abs just a few months before, but knowing that five lives were growing inside him made him feel fine about losing his fit body. Mike gently caressed his belly, and soon Jake’s hands joined them. While both of them lovingly rubbed the belly where their babies were growing, Mike felt something softly turning inside him, making him gasp.

“What? What is it? Did I hurt you?” Jake asked, sounding worried.

“No, no. It was... I don’t know, maybe gas or something,” Mike said, but he gasped again when he felt more movement inside his belly, and this time Jake felt it too. “Did you feel that? Was that a…”

“A kick. I think that was a kick, but isn’t it too soon?” Jake asked, his eyes shining brightly with excitement.

“Oh, wow!” Mike said, as he felt several more kicks in different directions. It seemed like all the babies had started moving at the same time. “I’m almost 16 weeks pregnant and I’ve read this could happen between the 16th and 20th weeks, so it’s not that early. I think they’re happy that their dads are together.”

“I bet they are happy. I’m happy that their dads are together right now,” Jake said, kissing Mike’s lips while their hands remained on the belly where the babies continued moving. “Thanks for this, Mike. You’ve turned this simple December day into the most amazing day of my life. The best Christmas ever.”

The kissing became more passionate when Mike moved his hands to Jake’s torso and started rubbing it. Jake moved one of his hands to Mike’s crotch, where he felt the pregnant guy’s hard dick barely contained by his pants. Simultaneously, Mike pulled Jake’s hoodie up, trying to make him understand what he wanted.

“Is it weird that I’ve been dreaming about this moment for the last few months?” Mike asked as Jake lowered his pants to reveal his hard dick.

“At all. I’ve been thinking about you since that night when you ran away. Now, you’re all mine, and I’m all yours,” Jake said as he helped Mike remove his clothes. “You were my first one, and if you ask me... I don’t want anyone else from now on.”

“Wait. Was I your first one? Like, you were a virgin?” Mike asked, and Jake nodded. “You were my first one too. I don’t want anyone else either.”

With a broad smile on his face, Jake also removed his clothes, and he restarted their making out while their bodies pressed tightly against each other. Jake’s hand was still caressing Mike’s belly, feeling the babies still kicking up a storm. Mike’s hands were rubbing Jake’s muscles, and the more he touched the bigger guy, the drunker in love he became.

Since both of them were fully naked, Mike’s hands moved to Jake’s big cock and gave it some hard strokes. Understanding what Mike wanted, Jake positioned himself between Mike’s legs and carefully lifted his legs. Mike smiled as Jake’s dick head pushed against the entrance of his hole. It had been almost 4 months since the night when they conceived the quintuplets, and Mike couldn’t wait another second to feel Jake’s big dick inside him once again.

As Mike felt Jake’s big dick entering his hole, a soft moan escaped his lips, and he couldn’t deny the excitement about Jake’s presence and how good he was. Jake pushed his entire dick into Mike’s hole and leaned forward to kiss the man who had given him the best Christmas gift ever—the news that he was going to be a dad.

“Merry Christmas, Jacob Casey,” Mike said, already high on pleasure. “I’m glad I can share this moment with you. I love this.”

“Merry Christmas, Michael Casey. I love this as well. I want to spend all the coming Christmas with you and our kids. I’m not letting you run away this time. I’ll be the best boyfriend, father, and, eventually, husband ever. I promise,” Jake said as he started slowly bucking his hips, and Mike couldn’t be any happier because Jake and their babies were all he could’ve ever wished for.

The End



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