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A knot tightened in my stomach while I waited for someone to call me into the office. I was extremely nervous because there were only two possible reasons to be there: I was either getting fired or receiving a raise. Although I was a good worker, I knew I hadn't done anything remarkable to warrant a raise. To make matters worse, the man waiting for me wasn't even my immediate boss; he was the boss of my boss' boss, the freaking CEO of the company. I knew I was in big trouble. I tried to remain calm but couldn't afford to lose my job. I needed it and was willing to do anything to keep it.

My name is Adam Macci, and at 24 years old, the thought of such a terrifying meeting had me on the verge of tears, even before entering the office. Despite having worked at the company for a year, I knew I still had a lot to learn, which made me feel insecure about the reason for the meeting. Working in the accounting department was incredibly dull, and the pay could have been better, but I wanted to avoid facing unemployment.

As a young, single dad to my 5-year-old son, Marco, losing my job would mean homelessness for us. Marco's mother left when he was only two months old, and my parents disowned me before he was born, leaving us to fend for ourselves. I was determined to keep my job and provide for my son, and I was ready to beg if it was necessary.

As I waited in the hallway, beads of sweat formed on my forehead, evidence of my extreme anxiety. When I heard the CEO's secretary calling my name, my heart skipped a few beats. Her earnest gaze as I nervously stood up only made things worse. Each step I took made my legs feel like jelly, threatening to betray me at any moment. I was almost panting in fear.

The sense of horror intensified as I walked into the CEO’s office. The room was huge and luxurious, the kind of someone like me could never even dream of owning. I knew the man was a billionaire, but even then, the entire place made me feel tiny and worthless. The room was far bigger than my entire apartment, and considering I wasn't that big at 5'8" and 154 pounds, I felt like a mouse entering the domain of a hungry cat.

I took a deep breath and took shaky steps toward a massive desk. Behind it was an enormous chair facing away from me and looking into the most breathtaking view of the city I had ever seen. Despite the chair's considerable size, I could see the CEO’s strong shoulders popping at the sides, which made me feel even more nervous. I had heard rumors about him being a colossal man, but his frame was broader than I had ever expected. My knowledge of this man was limited, mainly consisting of mere office gossip. The only certainty I had was his last name, Griffin because it adorned the company's name.

I wasn't sure if I should sit down, so I remained silent, waiting for him to speak. I couldn't find the words to express myself as I was on the verge of having a stroke when the chair started turning, and Mr. Griffin’s massive and imposing figure came into view. The man was truly enormous. Even sitting down, he looked tall, and his whole figure was so broad that I felt like a twink. I was terrified by his size, but simultaneously, it amazed me. He smiled at me, and my knees shook.

"Good morning, Adam. Please take a seat. We have some important matters to discuss," Mr. Griffin said with such a powerful and commanding voice that my entire body trembled.

"T… Thanks, Mr. Griffin. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm…" I nervously started saying as I sat, but he interrupted me.

"You've been working for me for nearly a year, correct?" He asked, making me wonder whether I should respond. He then opened a folder and started reading some documents. "You appear to be a trustworthy young man. Your supervisor commends your responsibility and dedication, noting that you work extra hours without getting paid. You have a 5-year-old son who lives with you, yet your file doesn't mention a partner, making these additional hours a significant sacrifice. You sound like an exemplary employee," he said, looking at me expectantly.

"Thanks, Mr. Griffin. I always try my best and…" I managed to say before he interrupted me once again.

"The thing is, Adam, nobody is perfect. Everyone has something they hide. For example, Kyle, the guy in the cubicle next to yours, is secretly in a relationship with Jenny, the receptionist. And just so you know, he's married, and Jenny is unaware of it. Karen, the woman who brought you to my office, has undergone 14 plastic surgeries to look how she looks. Despite her claims that it is natural, I know her surgeon. Have you seen Greg, the security guard? He's young, and his muscles are bigger than a pro-bodybuilder's. I suspect he may have serious issues with steroid abuse, although he insists he's natural. I could continue with more examples because I am well-informed about everyone in this company. That's why I asked Karen to bring you here, Adam. I wanted you to share your secret with me," he said, leaning forward on his desk and his voice growing even more intense. Fear gripped me, and I swallowed hard.

"I-I don't know, Mr. Griffin. Since I started working here, I've been honest about everything. Also, you seem to have my file, and everything is there," I said with a shaky voice, sweating like a pig.

"Okay. I wanted you to tell me the truth without reading it, but as you mentioned, I have your file," he said with a smile. I knew he was up to something mean, but I had no idea what it was. "Three months ago, you didn't come to work for a whole week. You had to deliver some important tax papers that week, and the delay cost me almost a million dollars. Taxes, surcharges, you know how that is. What I need to know here is what was so important that you made me lose almost a million dollars?" he said, and I turned pale. I knew what he was talking about, so I knew I was screwed.

"I was sick, Mr. Griffin. I called my supervisor and explained what was happening. I'm sorry you lost so much money, but I thought they would take care of my pending work," I explained, almost crying.

"You told him you were sick, but you didn't explain what it was and didn't tell him you needed the whole week off. Weeks later, you presented a document where a doctor explained why you needed the whole week off, but I'm confused here, and since I lost money because of it, I need you to explain this to me," he said, sounding serious, and I just wanted to run away.

"It's… it's a medical condition, and it's hard to explain. I honestly don't like talking about it, but…" I was struggling to talk, and he interrupted me once again.

"Okay. I'll explain it to you. Your doctor sent a long letter, but I'll focus on two fascinating details. First, he mentioned you are one of the few known cases of men who have a womb. He detailed some technical stuff, but I understand it's connected to your rectum and fully functional, which made me wonder about your boy's mom. I mean, does he even have a mom or?" He looked at my midsection, and I panicked.

“What? No, no. Mr. Griffin, Marco has a mom. She just ran away. I never…” I tried to explain, but he kept talking.

"The other thing that caught my attention was the reason why you took the week off. The doctor said you had intense bleeding caused by a hormonal imbalance during your menstruation. He said this is uncommon because men don't menstruate that much, but it's not unheard of. He said this is unlikely to happen again, so you're perfectly healthy now. Lucky you." He closed the folder and leaned back on his massive chair, looking devilish. "This whole thing has me very confused. I mean, I lost money because you, a man, had your period?" he said, sounding angry.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Griffin. I didn't even know I had this condition until the bleeding started, and I never thought you'd lose so much money…" I was almost crying, and he laughed. Somehow, he looked like he was enjoying my fear.

"What matters to me is that you made me lose money, and now I want you to pay it. You will pay for the money you made me lose, one way or another. I could fire you, but that wouldn't be fun. I could make you work for me without pay until you've paid off your debt, but that wouldn't be fun, either. So, I have an offer for you. I can forget about the money I lost, and you can keep your job and even earn some extra money. How does that sound?" He smiled at me, but it scared me even more because it sounded too good to be true.

He presented me with some papers and a pen. He wanted me to sign whatever those papers said. I realized he had everything planned out, which meant it couldn't be good for me. I was at Mr. Griffin's mercy because I couldn't afford to pay back all that money, and losing my job was not an option. I was willing to do anything to keep my job, and the extra money sounded appealing, but I was afraid because I knew that man had some sinister intentions.

Mr. Griffin explained that he had been looking for the right person to provide him with heirs. The word "heirs" sent shivers down my spine as I understood what Mr. Griffin had in mind. He said that, despite being 40 years old and able to attract any woman he desired, he lacked the time for a committed relationship. Consequently, he had decided to have children through surrogacy.

As he handed me the documents, my face turned pale upon seeing the words "Surrogacy Contract" at the top of the page. I glanced up at him, only to be met with the most sinister smile I had ever witnessed. I knew his actions violated numerous labor laws, but he held immense power as a millionaire, while I, a young single father, stood no chance against a man like him.

He said he had done some research about my condition, and upon learning about it, he found out male pregnancy had a 99% chance of producing boys. He proceeded to tell me about several cases of men who had become pregnant before, all of whom had multiple births, which aligned perfectly with his desires. His anger seemed to have dissipated, replaced by excitement. He said I seemed the perfect vessel to carry his heirs, leaving me speechless.

I desperately wanted to escape, but the shock rendered me immobile. Struggling to process Mr. Griffin's words, I met his gaze as he awaited my response. I was at a loss for what to do. After some hesitation, I placed the contract back on the desk and pushed it away from me. Instead of becoming angry, a broad smile spread across his face, causing a wave of horror to wash over me as I gulped nervously.

He leaned back in his chair again and warned me that if I refused to sign the contract, he would take legal action against me for the million dollars he claimed I had cost him and any additional expenses resulting from my mistake. I froze as he continued telling me how he would make me lose everything if I didn't sign the contract.

With no other options available, I reluctantly pulled the contract closer and picked up the pen. I knew the situation was illegal, but legality held no weight for someone like Mr. Griffin. He was rich enough to buy the entire city, so I knew I couldn't beat him in court. I was screwed. Attempting to gain some semblance of control, I tried to read through the extensive ten-page contract. However, fear consumed me so much that I couldn't comprehend a single word. I was too terrified even to recall my own name.

Mr. Griffin helped me fill out and sign the contract while I tried to hold back my tears. He assured me that he would cover all expenses for Marco and me for the next few months, and he promised that if I fulfilled my part of the agreement, our lives would never be the same. Although confused and frightened, I knew I had to do what was best for Marco, even if it meant carrying Mr. Griffin's children.

Once we had filled out and signed the contract, Mr. Griffin rose from his chair, revealing his full height. Standing approximately at 6'6" tall, he towered over me by more than a foot, and I was sure he outweighed me by at least 100 pounds, all of it composed of pure muscle. As he slowly walked around the desk, positioning himself directly before me, I couldn't take my eyes off his impressive physique.

Not only was he remarkably tall, but his formal dark suit strained against his well-built frame. His broad shoulders, defined chest, and bulging biceps seemed to stretch the fabric of his jacket to its limits. His waist was astonishingly narrow, while his lower body displayed strength. It was undeniably impressive, but what truly caught my attention was the enormous bulge that looked unrealistically full. A small part of me even wondered if he had stuffed something in his pants.

"I already have an appointment for us this coming Saturday. I knew you would sign the contract," he said with a proud and sinister grin. "The doctor is a friend of mine, and I'm sure he'll be more than willing to perform the insemination that same day. The sooner you get pregnant, the sooner you'll pay your debt, and I'll happily forget about the money. I could even give you a promotion if everything goes as planned," he added. I absently smiled because that sounded good.

After he briefly explained the contract's contact, I left Mr. Griffin's office feeling incredibly confused. I couldn't believe I had agreed to get pregnant. I was a man, and even though I knew there had been a few cases, people didn't widely accept male pregnancy. Some people still thought it was a myth, but thanks to the bleeding and my medical appointments, I learned that it was possible.

For the remainder of the day, the impending pregnancy consumed my thoughts. Absent-mindedly, I found myself rubbing my abdomen, contemplating the idea of carrying one or even two babies within me, which made me feel pretty strange. Despite the fear and less-than-ideal circumstances, a part of me was curious about the experience of being pregnant. If I had no other option but to carry Mr. Griffin's children, I decided to find some joy in the journey.

A few days later, on Saturday, as Mr. Griffin had instructed me, I found myself in the waiting room of a well-known fertility clinic. I had to leave Marco with his nanny, even though Saturdays were our special day together.

As I took a deep breath, I heard Mr. Griffin's voice as he entered the clinic, and I couldn't help but gasp at how great he looked. He wore a T-shirt that accentuated his muscles, making them look bigger. His tight-fitting jeans showcased his muscular legs, but his ass and bulge were simply out of this world. Despite knowing he was a bad guy, I felt my dick throbbing as Mr. Griffin approached and smiled at me.

The doctor called us a few minutes later, and I became even more nervous. The doctor already had a file with my detailed information and only conducted general exams on my body to confirm my good health. He palpated my abdomen to ensure I was ready for pregnancy and reassured me that everything looked good. Throughout the process, Mr. Griffin never stopped smiling. Evidently, he was pleased to see his plan unfolding just as he had hoped.

However, Mr. Griffin's expression changed when the doctor explained that, despite everything being in place for him to inseminate me, he couldn't do it right away. The doctor stated that I needed to follow his instructions for at least a week to increase the chances of conception on the first attempt. Mr. Griffin wasn't pleased because he wanted me to get pregnant that day.

While I saw Mr. Griffin trying to convince the doctor to proceed with the procedure, I was in awe of his huge body again. As he grew visibly tense, the veins on his arms thickened, accentuating his size. I couldn't take my eyes off his lower half, and a wild idea crossed my mind as the doctor continued to refuse.

Eventually, Mr. Griffin gave up and accepted that we would have to wait another week. The doctor left the room, and I noticed Mr. Griffin was mad at him. Since the doctor wouldn't perform the insemination, the logical thing to do was for me to leave. Instead, I heard myself speaking without even realizing it.

"Mr. Griffin, I know the contract specifies artificial insemination, but… maybe we could do this… the natural way?" I asked, and he looked at me with evident excitement.

"Are you serious? Just to be clear, are you suggesting a change to the contract?" he asked. As I nodded, he smiled, making my dick throb again. "If that's the case, let's go to my place," he happily added.

I willingly followed him to his car, feeling curious but also aware that I might be getting into trouble. Despite this, I still wanted to enjoy the ride.



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