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Bryce found himself standing in the living room of his apartment, with a mysterious mist covering the floor. He could sense an unusual coldness in the room and, feeling confused, his eyes searched for Mason to ask for an explanation. Usually, the apartment maintained a pleasant temperature, but Bryce suspected that Mason’s preference for coldness might be the cause of the particular situation..

As Bryce took his first step toward Mason’s room, he noticed a strange sensation in his own body. He felt a huge weight dragging him down, making it difficult for him to easily take a step. Curious, he looked down at his own body and his jaw dropped to the ground as he realized his pectorals stuck out over a foot in front of him, and he also realized he was fully naked.

Bryce couldn’t see beyond his massive pecs. Instinctively, he reached for his own chest and couldn’t resist squeezing his massive pectorals, sending shivers down his spine. Each squeeze made Bryce feel more alive than ever before, and with an especially hard squeeze, he felt a jolt surge through his body and a loud noise echoed through the room, frightening Bryce a bit.

Bryce sat up as he woke up from the strangest dream he had ever had. Looking around, he realized he was in his bed, just like every morning. Everything seemed to be normal, but the dream had felt so real that he could still recall the sensation of his massive pecs beneath his hand. It had felt so real that part of him wondered if it had truly been a dream.

Then, the memory of the cloaked man in the alley flooded his mind. The image of a shirtless Mason waiting for him when he got back home reminded him of the power he had received in the alley. Bryce looked down and he was surprised to find his formerly flat chest replaced by actual pecs. He never wore a shirt to bed so he could freely admire his pecs. They weren’t huge, but for someone who had never had pecs, they were the most beautiful sight ever.

“No fucking way! It worked!” Bryce shouted, pulling off the sheets and marveling at the rest of his body. He wasn’t huge, probably not even considered big by any standards, but for him, it was a significant change.

He looked at his arms and flexed his biceps, gasping in surprise. For the first time in his life, a small and very subtle peak formed on his arm when he flexed. Though it was tiny, it felt like a victory. Bryce jumped to his feet, and immediately removed his sweatpants and underwear to examine his reflection in the mirror. A smile spread across his face as he explored every inch of his body. Adding 12.5 pounds to his 130-pound frame didn’t sound like much, but the reality exceeded his expectations..

Despite his excitement over his gains, Bryce still had to go to work and find more guinea pigs to test his powers. He quickly showered and dressed for his boring office job. Although his body hadn’t grown that much, his clothes felt different on his body in a very positive way. His clothes also hid his new size, which was a good thing too so nobody would get suspicious about what he would be doing to people he knew.

A few minutes later, Bryce was in the kitchen, preparing himself a quick breakfast, still unable to stop smiling. He was simply so happy that he couldn’t wait to arrive at his office and have some fun with his powers, but first he wanted to see what his powers had done to Mason.

“What the HELL!” Mason shouted out so loudly that, even though he was in his room and Bryce was in the kitchen with a wall between them, it sounded like Mason was right next to Bryce.

“Oh, I guess he finally woke up,” Bryce said with a devilish smile as he took a bite of his bread. He heard Mason’s footsteps approaching, and Bryce was kind of excited about the effects his powers would have on Mason’s body.

“Bryce? Please, help me. Something’s terribly wrong. I think I’m having an allergic reaction or something,” Mason said, standing shirtless in front of Bryce. “My entire body has swollen overnight. Please, take me to the hospital.”

“Hmm, what do you mean? I think you look fine,” Bryce responded, trying to contain his laughter in front of a clearly scared Mason.

“Man, are you blind? Look at me! I’m huge,” Mason said, looking down at his body trying to emphasize his point.

Bryce looked at Mason and he couldn’t deny that the 50 extra pounds made a big difference. Going from 190 pounds to 240 pounds on a 6’4” body made Mason look like a superhero taken out of a comic book. His broad shoulders gave him an amazing shape, especially when compared to his narrow waist. It was the most amazing V shape Bryce had ever seen. Mason’s pecs looked full and strong, and deep inside Bryce mind, he couldn’t help but desire to grab that magnificent chest. Mason’s lower body was just as impressive, stretching his Superman pajama pants to their limit.

Bryce was still upset with his friend for becoming so big, but seeing him completely terrified made it all worthwhile. Also, playing with his mind was an added bonus, especially since no one else would be aware of the transformation.

“Maybe you’re hallucinating. There was no need to brag about your body in front of me. Actually, you should consider gaining more muscle mass? How does 50 extra pounds of muscle sound?” Bryce playfully said, as he finished his breakfast.

The world stopped, and just like the night before, Bryce could see Mason’s stats on the text globe beside him. Most of it remained unchanged, except for the weight, which now displayed 240.2 pounds instead of the 190.2. Bryce couldn’t help but burst into laughter, imagining Mason’s reaction to 50 more pounds, or even better, 60 extra pounds. Bryce smiled devilishly as the world started moving again, with Mason still in shock.

“Just hurry up and get dressed, or you’ll be late for work,” Bryce said, as he passed by Mason’s side, pretending to ignore Mason’s new added size.

Mason was left speechless as Bryce grabbed his backpack and left the apartment in silence. Bryce could barely contain his excitement as he walked out of the building and saw many men walking around the streets, many subjects to test his powers on. However, he was committed to using his powers correctly, except with Mason, who was a very personal project.

As Bryce walked to his job, he thought about his coworkers and some ideas popped up. Most of the guys who worked with Bryce were almost as thin as him, but he knew none of them minded that much about it. Bryce thought about 30-year-old Gary, who at 5’11” loved to wear snug clothes that only accentuated his lack of muscles; 32-year-old Paxton, who was a bit heavier than Gary, only because he was 6’3” tall, making him look like a tall pole; and 26-year-old Wilson, who was as short and as skinny as Bryce had been the day before. They could definitely use bigger muscles, and Bryce was willing to help them.

As soon as Bryce entered his office, Wilson approached with a worried look and whispered in his ear that their new boss had arrived and that he was a total dick. Bryce wasn’t sure what Wilson meant, but as Gary and Paxton joined them, a tall man entered the room and Bryce was left speechless.

The newly arrived man's navy blue suit did nothing to hide his huge muscles, it actually accentuated them. Bryce’s new boss was probably as tall as Mason, or maybe even taller, and seemed to outweigh Mason’s newest body by at least 40 pounds, all of it muscle. From head to toe, the man was a perfect specimen, and it was clear he was overly confident because of his looks.

“Good morning, gentlemen. My name’s Vincent Jasperson, and I have been assigned to this office. It’s clear that the higher levels believed a real, capable man was needed to lead this team, and that’s why I am here. It’s clear that none of you met the requirements for this position, so you should consider yourself fortunate to have me as your boss,” Mr. Jasperson said, subtly implying they weren’t good enough.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Jasperson. I’m Bryce and…” Bryce began but was interrupted when Mr. Jasperson raised his index finger, indicating to him to stop.

“Introductions are not necessary, I know all of you very well because I have read your files. However, I must admit that your files fail to explain your lack of… progress in certain departments,” Mr. Jasperson said, looking down at Bryce, which infuriated him. “Nevertheless, you should be happy to know that I won’t give those issues much thought. Just follow my orders, and everything will be fine.”

Bryce couldn’t hide the anger on his face, and it was evident that Mr. Jasperson had noticed. With a smug grin on his face, the new boss subtly flexed his muscles, emphasizing his imposing figure. It was clear that he wanted to intimidate Bryce and the others, so, as Mr. Jasperson walked away, Bryce thought about taking some of his size, to teach him a lesson and give balance to his office environment.

Immediately, the room froze, just like the night before, and Bryce could see his boss’ and coworkers’ stats in the strange text globes that appeared next to them.

First, Bryce focused on Gary’s information:

“Age: 30 years, 1 months and 13 days
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 150.6 pounds”

Then, he examined Paxton:

“Age: 32 years, 8 months and 24 days
Height: 6’3”
Weight: 159.1 pounds”

Then, he paid attention to Wilson:

“Age: 26 years, 9 months and 2 days
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 134.5 pounds”

And finally Mr. Jasperson’s:

“Age: 34 years, 4 months and 20 days
Height: 6’5”
Weight: 280.8 pounds”

In Mr. Jasperson’s stats there was something that caught Bryce's attention because he hadn’t noticed a line that read “penis”. He looked at his friends, and they didn’t have remarkable numbers there, but Mr. Jasperson’s information showed “12.25 inches” in that line. Bryce paid close attention to his boss’ body and noticed he had a really impressive bulge. The man was a freaking monster in all aspects, but Bryce was eager to teach him a lesson.

“Okay, let’s work some magic here. Gary, I can’t give you a lot of size because you won’t have anything to wear tomorrow morning. So, maybe adding 20 pounds of muscles sounds good? And I’ll give you a hand down there, but just not yet,” Bryce said as he stood in front of Gary for a few seconds.

As he moved from Gary to Paxton, he noted the tall guy wore loosely fitting clothes, and considering his height, he knew he could handle more size.

“My dear Paxton, you’re nearly as tall as Mason, and I’ve already seen how good some muscle mass suits him so… let’s start with a 51-pound increase for you. I bet you’ll love having a 210-pound body. Oh… and I’m aware you have a girlfriend, so let’s grant you 3 extra inches downstairs to make it 9 inches long. She’ll surely appreciate it,” Bryce said, as he looked at Paxton crotch, feeling intoxicated by power.

He then moved to Wilson, looking closely at him for a while. They had been really close to each other since the moment they met because they were the same age and their bodies were nearly identical. Bryce was actually surprised to discover that Wilson had been 4 pounds heavier than him.

“And you, my dear friend. What should I do with you? We’ve always struggled with being small together, so I don’t want you to remain small, but I don’t want you getting huge either. I think starting with an extra 20 pounds would be fine for you. We’ll see how you react to the new size in the morning, and if you want more, I can add more,” Bryce said, patting Wilson’s flat chest.

Then he turned his attention to Mr. Jasperson’s, and just the sight of the tall perfect-looking man filled Bryce with anger. He started moving around the man, examining every single inch of his body, and he hoped to have a better look at him without the suit. Immediately, the suit vanished, revealing Mr. Jasperson’s body in full glory. The man was even more impressed than Bryce could have imagined.

“Damn! You’re freaking perfect. If you weren’t such a dick, I would have some fun getting you even bigger, but you deserve punishment. You don’t deserve this body. But don’t worry. I won’t be too harsh since it’s your first day here. Let’s take just 40 pounds of muscle and 4 inches of cock. Let’s shrink those bull balls too and… I’ll be a good person and let you keep your height,” Bryce said as Mr. Jasperson’s suit reappeared, and the world started moving.

It was difficult for Bryce to act like nothing was happening because he was eager to see the results of the changes on his boss’ and coworkers’ bodies. The day was pretty slow and uneventful, but Bryce couldn’t stop thinking about the next morning. A part of him wished he didn’t have to wait so long, but the wait made the results even better.

By the time he arrived back home, he could barely contain his excitement. Things got even better when he found Mason already preparing dinner for them. Mason was wearing a blue T-shirt with Captain America’ shield on the front and gray sweatpants that left nothing to the imagination. His 240-pound body was stretching the material in all the right places, and even though Bryce hated a bigger (and hotter) Mason, he couldn’t deny he was enjoying the view. Also, the fact that Bryce had given Mason another 60 pounds that morning, had him feeling really excited.

“Hey buddy, how was your day?” Bryce asked, eager to hear about Mason’s experience with the added weight.

“It was okay. I was late for work because my clothes didn’t fit. I explained this to my boss, but he didn’t understand why I hadn’t gotten new clothes since I’ve been growing so much. He didn’t believe me this happened overnight. I weighed myself and found out that I had gained 50 pounds. Bryce, 50 pounds overnight. That’s impossible,” Mason said, and Bryce tried to contain his laughter.

“Do you still insist that you haven’t been this big for a while? I see you just as big as ever, and your boss is right, you should get new clothes,” Bryce said as he sat in front of the kitchen counter while Mason continued cooking.

“You too? Man… hmm… let’s just forget about this,” Mason said. “At least I’m not losing mass, I guess.”

Mason’s words made Bryce remember something about the cloaked man’s words. The image of Mr. Jasperson’s stats and the fact that he had taken 40 pounds of muscle from him, and 4 inches from his dick, made Bryce realize that his own body would shrink as a result. He knew that he gained 25% of everything he gave to others, but he also knew that he would lose 1.25% of everything he took from others.

After doing some quick math, he realized he would end up weighing 130 pounds again. Also, he had given 3 inches to Paxton, meaning he would gain 0.75 inches, but he had taken 4 inches from Mr. Jasperson, meaning he would lose 5 inches. The result scared Bryce because his dick would shrink down to only 2 inches.

“FUCK!” Bryce shouted in fear and anger.

“What? What’s wrong?” Mason asked, sounding concerned.

“I-I just forgot about something at work. I’ll have to fix this tomorrow or…” Bryce said, as he looked at his roommate and realized Mason could help him fix his issue immediately. He could go out and find another man on the streets, but he had the perfect guinea pig right in front of him. “Do you remember what I told you earlier about gaining 60 pounds?” Bryce asked a surprised Mason.

“Yeah. I do. That’s crazy. I’d be 300 pounds, way too much muscle. But what does that have to do with your problem?” Mason asked, sounding confused.

“On, no, nothing. I’m just thinking that apart from that, you should gain an additional 50 pounds,” Bryce said, and the world around them stopped.

Mason’s stats popped up next to him again, and they were exactly the same as in the morning but there was a “+60” next to his weight. Bryce needed to add another 50 pounds to Mason for his own body to stay at 142.5 pounds. Bryce knew he could just wait, but he didn’t mind that much about Mason having trouble with his size. Bryce didn’t want to lose the 12.5 pounds he had gained and a part of him was eager to see a 350-pound Mason walking around the apartment.

Then, Bryce looked at the line indicating Mason’s cock size and was surprised to see “8.5 inches”. His roommate was already above average in that department. The problem was that in order to regain the 4.25 inches he would lose, Bryce would have to give Mason 17 extra inches, which was definitely too much.

Bryce didn’t want to give Mason even more size to his already big dick, but he didn’t want to wake up with a 2-inch dick either. So, after some consideration, Bryce realized that it would be Mason’s problem to deal with a 25.5-inch cock, without Bryce having to do anything with it.

As the world started moving again, Mason continued talking about how difficult it would be for him to handle 350 pounds of muscle. Bryce could only smile. knowing that the big guy would soon find out how challenging it could be. Although Bryce had initially been against the idea of making Mason grow, as it had been one of the issues that fueled his existential crisis, he had come to realize that it was funnier to mess with Mason’s mind as he became even bigger.

A while later, when Bryce went to bed, he made a mental note to be more careful about shrinking others but couldn’t wait to see Mason’s reaction, as well as his bigger coworkers and smaller boss. As he drifted off to sleep, the images of many men he knew crossed his mind, and he decided to expand the list of men he could have fun with by altering their bodies. He knew he shouldn’t use his powers for fun, but the idea sounded too good to resist it.



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